

The Design of a Business Phone Service Communication System

【作者】 郭尔东

【导师】 杨文川;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 软件工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 企业的电话业务不断在持续增长,电话办公的重要性越来越明显,普通的电话设备已经不能满足商务上日益增长的附加功能的需要,企业对电话的性价比要求越来越高,需求旺盛。而随着电信业的开放,营运商提供的服务也越来越多,能实现的功能日趋多样化,现有的电话设备则只能完成其一点凤毛麟角而已。模拟电话已经远不能满足企业的需求,数字电话则需要布设和架构整个系统,价格昂贵;开源节流又是每个企业经营的必由之路,拨号器和节费器的应用会越来越多;加上企业办公机动性需求的增长,移动总机/分机的概念也逐渐开始推广。所以,企业商务电话通信系统呼之欲出。作者所开发的这个项目,就是为了用最低廉的成本,设计出一种能够整合普通电话、数字电话、拨号器、节费器、移动办公等诸多优点的新型电话设备系统。其最大的优点就是应用灵活多变,为用户节省费用。利用这个系统,用户在应用上,不但可以将其作为节费的多功能电话终端,还能将其作为话务的桥接器,具有非常灵活并富有新意的路由功能。在总体设计方面,该系统由微电脑、GSM手机模块、普通电话/小交换接口以及相应的软件功能模块构成。在硬件成本方面,作者尽可能使用性价比较高,成本低廉的芯片。在软件设计方面,采用精简的模块化结构和状态机设计,配置灵活并预留升级更新的可能。经过几个月的开发调试,已完成设备的第一、第二版设计,正在进行第三版设计。根据市场调查反应,第一版和第二版设备销量很好,使电话商务更加灵活多样,大大提高了劳动生产率,节约了成本,为企业带来了巨大的经济效益。

【Abstract】 The service of business phone is keep growing.Business over phone is becoming more and more important.The requirements of additional functions are getting bigger, but the normal phone cannot support so many growing needs.With the opening of telecom service,more and more functions and services are added by the supplier,but the existing phone equipment only implements some parts of them.Analog phone cannot support so many needs of business.The cost of digital phone system is too expensive.For saving money is the most important thing of each company, more telecom saver and dialer are needed.With the requirements of moving office,the moving telephone exchange/extension becoming acceptable.So,a system with total solution that could gather all the business phone services is really needed.Therefore,the author designed this system is to use the lowest cost integrated with varied advantages including analog/digital phone,dialer and mobile-commerce.The biggest characteristic is flexible and cheap.The user can use this system not only as a cost saving phone but also as a business phone call bridge with different routing policies.On the top level design view,this system is composed with microchips,GSM module,line/switcher interfaces and corresponding software.Considering the cost of hardware,the author chose the higher cost performance chips.From the software design view,module design and state machine make the functions more flexible and prepare the space for future updating.Operator obtained remarkable effect by develop and debug in several months with the 1st and 2nd version,now is on developing the 3rd version.According to market’s response with the two previous versions,the number of sale is increasing very fast.It will improve produce effect and saving cost.It will take a huge economic effect for enterprise.

【关键词】 节费路由IP拨号GSM模块桥接
【Key words】 Cost savingroutingIP dialGSM modulebridge
  • 【分类号】TN916
  • 【下载频次】42

