

Research about SIP Protocol Security and Implementation of Evaluation Tool

【作者】 贾衍

【导师】 邓芳;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 下一代网络(NGN)成为当前业界广泛讨沦的热点与焦点,主要讨论的问题有网络安全和协议安全、服务质量、商业模式等。其中网络安全和协议安全是NGN必须要解决的基础性问题,也是NGN承载网须解决的最关键的问题。本文的工作围绕协议安全问题展开,主要是针对NGN的关键协议SIP协议进行安全性研究和安全测试,并在总结测试理论和方法的基础上,完成协议测试标准规范草案的拟定,然后在此基础上设计并实现安全测试评估工具。安全测试评估工具用于测试下一代网络中使用SIP协议的设备是否满足安全性。论文主要包括以下几方面内容:1)介绍了SIP协议规范,深入研究了SIP协议安全问题,从SIP协议安全威胁和解析类安全问题两方面进行分析,并介绍了SIP协议安全机制,提出了新的解决安全问题的思路与方法;2)设计了一种新的测试例描述语言TSD,并根据TSD实现了测试例解析。该测试例描述语言的提出极大降低了解析实现的复杂度,具有简洁、高效、通用的特点;3)借鉴渗透测试的思想,设计SIP协议安全测试例,进行SIP协议安全测试,并结合SIP协议安全问题研究结果与所设计的安全测试例,制定SIP协议安全标准草案;4)详细设计并实现了评估工具。评估工具分为控制平台和控制观察点两部分。控制平台分为用户界面、脚本解析、报文生成、测试例执行、判断和通信六大模块。控制观察点实现了TCP/UDP/IPV4小型协议栈,为各个层次的协议提供了接口。

【Abstract】 NGN(Next Generation Network) has become a hot topic recently. The problems of network security and protocol security, quality of service, business model .etc. have been extensively discussed. Among all these problems, network security and protocol security are the basic ones that are needed to be solved.This thesis mainly describes the theme of protocol security. The main tasks are to research and test the security of SIP protocol. After investigating the theories and methods for protocol test, the drafts of security test standard for SIP protocol is presented, and then the design and implementation of the evaluation tool are described. The tool is used for testing the security of the devicesFurthermore, a new test case description language TSD is designed and implemented. The language is simple and the implementation if very efficient. The thought of penetration test is used to design the test cases.The tool is divided into two modules: the control flat and PCO (Point of Control and Observation). The control flat contains six models: users’ interface, test script analyzing, the packet generating, test cases executing, judging and communicating, while the PCO achieves a lightweight TCP/UDP/IPv4 stack due to different layers of target protocols.

【关键词】 SIP协议安全评估工具TSD
【Key words】 SIPprotocol securityevaluation toolTSD

