

Researching on Virtual Simulation Technology of a Minimally Invasive Surgical Robot for Abdomen

【作者】 李君红

【导师】 马云辉; 付宜利;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,医疗手术机器人作为机器人技术研究中的一个热点领域,已经越来越受到人们的关注。而在机器人的研制、设计和试验阶段以及在运行过程中会出现一系列较难解决而又急需解决的问题:如机器人运动学分析与综合、轨迹规划、机器人与工作环境的干涉等等。人们通过长期的研究发现,机器人虚拟仿真技术是解决这些问题较为理想的工具。本文正是在这种背景下对哈尔滨工业大学机器人研究所设计的腹腔介入式手术机器人进行虚拟运动仿真研究。运动学分析是研究机器人的基础,本文将采用D-H运动学分析方法,求出机器人的运动学正解;根据机器人的结构特性,运用几何法给出机器人运动学逆解;采用矢量积法给出雅可比矩阵。在机器人运动仿真前必须进行运动规划,本文将对腹腔介入式手术机器人在手术中的几个主要任务过程进行规划;然后利用机器人的冗余特性研究自运动和避障运动的算法,并规划具体的实现步骤。建立虚拟仿真平台是进行仿真的前提,本文通过模型转换实现机器人的虚拟建模;利用VC++和OpenGL建立虚拟仿真平台,实现对三维模型的基本操作和动画。然后在仿真平台上编程,实现仿真运动,验证相应的算法是否可行;根据相同的运动规划运行实际机器人,用以检验该仿真是否可靠,是否能够体现机器人的运动特性。如果该仿真平台能很好地完成仿真任务,它必定将在机器人的下一步研究阶起到重要作用。

【Abstract】 In recent years, being a hotspot field of robotics surgery robot gets more and more attention. However, in the process of manufacture, design, trial and run of robot problems ,which are difficult to resolve but need be resolved as soon as possible, would come out, such as analysis of kinematics and trajectory planning of robot, interference between robot and environment. After long-term research people find that virtual simulation of robot is a better tool to resolve these problems. Under this background this paper will research on the virtual movement simulation of celiac invasive surgery robot, which is designed by the Robotics Institute of HIT.Analysis of kinematics is the base of research of robot. This paper will calculate the forward kinematics with D-H method, on base of structure characteristic calculate the inverse kinematics with geometric method, calculate the velocity Jacobian matrix with vector product method.Before virtual simulation of robot motion planning must be done. This paper will plan several main motions of operation process for celiac invasive surgery robot. Then with the redundancy characteristic this paper will research on the arithmetic of self-motion and motion of obviating obstacle, and plan steps to actualize these two motions.Establishing virtual simulation platform is the precondition of simulation. On base of changing model this paper will actualize virtual modeling, establish virtual simulation platform with VC++ and OpenGL, actualize basic operations and animation of three-dimensional model. Then this paper will do programme on the platform, actualize simulation motion, check whether foregoing arithmetic is feasible. At last this paper will run the actual robot with the same planning in order to compare with virtual simulation to test whether this simulation is dependable, whether it can incarnate motional characteristic of actual robot.If this simulation platform can commendably accomplish simulation task, it can affirmatively play an important role in the next research stage of this robot.


