

Study on Monostatic-bistatic Composite HF Radar Network Data Processing on the Background of Ionospheric Interference

【作者】 马莹莹

【导师】 宗成阁;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 信息与通信工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 由于高频电磁波绕地传播特性,近年来,高频雷达在军事和民用领域都得到了广泛关注。但是由于其特殊的工作频段,使得高频地波雷达的探测精度低,点迹高度分散,且不可避免的受到电离层的强烈干扰,形成大量的虚假点迹,这些都给目标的探测和跟踪带来了巨大的困难。对于双基地雷达系统,两雷达配合工作,对同一目标的探测存在信息冗余,有利于提高目标的定位精度;且同一电离层在两站形成的杂波干扰会在视角上有所分离,对电离层杂波有一定的抗干扰作用。所以本文针对单双基地复合高频雷达系统,研究了电离层干扰对该系统产生的虚假点迹的分布特点,并在此研究结论的基础上讨论了点迹关联、航迹形成等数据处理问题。本文分为两大部分:第一部分研究了双基地高频雷达这一特定系统的工作特性,即文章的第二、第三章;第二部分研究了电离层对双基地高频雷达产生的干扰的特点,并在此结论基础上研究了数据关联问题,即文章的第四、第五章。主要内容概括如下:1.仿真研究了单双基地复合高频雷达系统的探测范围,并与传统的微波雷达和单基地雷达做了比较分析。2.对单双基地复合高频雷达系统的定位性能进行了分析,包括单测量子集的定位性能和多测量子集数据压缩方法及定位性能。3.仿真研究了电离层杂波对单双基地高频雷达系统产生干扰的特点和规律。4.提出了一种针对特殊背景下的数据关联算法,并通过仿真证明了该算法的有效性。

【Abstract】 In recent years, because of the special characteristics of high-frequency electromagnetic wave, high-frequency radar has been widely used in both military and civil applications. However, the HF radar has low-detection probability and low-measurement precision. Also the ionosphere contamination makes many fake targets in the radar detection range. All of these severely degraded the detection of the performance of HF radar.Bistatic radar can increase the target locating precision with the redundancy compression. Also the two radars can detect the ionosphere in two different angles. So the bistatic radar system has advantage of defending the ionosphere contamination. In this paper, we studied the distribution of fake targets caused by ionosphere contamination, and then we did some research on the algorithm of data association.The content of the paper can be summarized as follows:1. Simulation is carried to study the detecting range of bistatic HF radar system, and compares it with traditional radar system and the monostatic model.2. This paper analyses the locating capability of bistatic radar system, including one measure group and the redundancy compression by using more measure groups.3. The characteristics of ionosphere contamination to the bistatic HF radar system is discussed and summarized by simulation.4. An algorithm of data association on a given background is presented in this paper. The simulation results proved the efficiency of the proposed method.This paper is organized as follows: In Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, we studied characteristics of bistatic radar system; In Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, we studied the characteristics of fake targets from ionosphere contamination to the bistatic model and the algorithm of data association.


