

Characteristics of Corona Discharge in High-Voltage Transmission Lines and Its Effect to Environment

【作者】 赵志红

【导师】 张潮海;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 电气工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国电力事业的迅速发展,目前我国的电网结构已经很难满足我国国民经济快速发展的需要。根据预测和规划,高压、超高压和特高压输变电工程的建设是未来的重要任务。伴随着高压输变电工程的建设和人口密集负荷中心的深入,输变电工程的电磁环境问题引起了人们的广泛关注。尤其是输电线电晕放电的问题,将成为制约输变电事业发展的关键,因此对输电线电晕放电及其影响的研究十分必要。目前对输电线环境影响的研究主要集中在对其强电场的影响上,但是从电晕放电特征角度研究电磁环境的并不多。本文以220kV哈尔滨热电厂——哈东送变电线路为研究对象,主要针对电场分布和电晕放电特征来深入研究输电线路的电磁环境,为输电线路设计和环境影响评价提供理论依据,具有非常重要的现实意义。本文在采用了两种工程电磁场计算方法来研究输电线周围的电场强度,建立了输电线路的计算模型,分别对其下方电场、表面电场、起晕电场进行计算。对计算结果进行分析,研究输电线电晕放电的产生情况和放电特征。本文在用模拟电荷法计算输电线模型电场分布的基础上,又提出了基于有限元法分析导线表面有毛刺、污垢或水滴时,尖端部分的畸变电场分布情况。建立了非光滑表面的导线模型,验证了在输电线表面曲率较大的部分局部场强会远远大于其周围场强,形成自持放电,产生电晕放电现象。特别地,本文对电晕放电辐射场进行了深入研究,对其辐射频谱和距离特性进行了计算,建立了电晕放电的数学模型,从理论上证实了电晕放电所辐射出的宽频带脉冲群就是造成无线电干扰、电晕噪声等环境问题的根源。本文还对220kV哈尔滨热电厂——哈东送变电线路的各种导线排列方式的电场和无线电干扰场强进行了计算,编制了仿真程序。本文所编制的各种导线排列方式下的电场分布程序和无线电干扰计算程序可以适用于国网220kV~1000kV输电线的环境评估,为输电线的设计和环境保护提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 With the development of China’s power industry, the power system structureof our country can not supply enough power for our country’s economicdevelopment. According to the plan, it will be an arduous task to build HV, extraHV and ultra HV projects. Inevitably, the high voltage substations along with thehigh voltage transmission lines will emerge in the residential area. Theelectromagnetic affection to the neighborhood residents, which are generated bythe transmission and transform equipments, has brought the attention to manydepartments. In particular corona discharge from transmission line will become aproblem to restrict the development of the power industry. So it is necessary tostudy corona discharge and its impact to the environment. At present the strongelectric field and its impact is studied a lot, but it is not so much to focus on theimpact of electromagnetic environment caused by the corona discharge fromtransmission line. In the paper, all the parameters of this paper come from the220kV Harbin Power Plant-East of Harbin Double-circuit Transmission Line.Electric distribution and characteristics of corona discharge are emphasized on.This study could provide a theoretical basis for the design of transmission lineand have very important practical significance.Two methods are adopted to calculate the electric field of the model of theline both under and on the surface of it. And then analysis why corona couldhappen and the characteristics of corona discharge from the results. Besides theCharge Simulation Method to calculate the electric field, the Finite ElementMethod to analysis the surface electric field of the transmission line with burr,dirt or water is proposed, and the a non-smooth surface of the cable model isestablished. The results show that the surface electric field of the part with largercurvature will be far greater than the surrounding field so self-dischargehappened. That is, a corona discharge phenomenon.In particular, the radiation field of corona has researched in-depth andcalculated the radiation spectrum and distance characteristics of the dischargemodel. It confirmed theoretically that the wide-band radiation group caused bythe corona discharge is the root of the environment problem such as radio interference, noise and so on.This paper also compiles the simulation program and calculated the electricfield and radio interference field in various arrangement of the wire of the 220kVHarbin Power Plant-East of Harbin Double-circuit Transmission Line. Theprogram can be applied to the environmental assessment of 220kV~1000kVtransmission line and provides a theoretical basis for the design of transmissionlines and environmental protection.

  • 【分类号】TM75;TM151
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】348
  • 攻读期成果

