

Security of Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network

【作者】 刘馨

【导师】 姜守旭;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 无线传感器网络是由部署在监测区域内大量的传感器节点组成,通过无线通信方式形成的一个多跳的自组织的网络系统。由于无线传感器网络具有组网快捷、灵活且不受有线网络约束的优点,可用于紧急搜索、灾难救助、军事、医疗等环境中,因而具有广泛的应用前景。无线传感器网络作为现代通信技术中一个新的研究领域,引起了学术界和工业界的高度重视。本文主要研究无线传感器网络中聚簇过程的安全问题。无线传感器网络节点数量庞大、单个节点资源极其有限,因此,安全设计的首要目标是有效节约能源,延长网络生命周期,所以我们选择在LEACH协议的基础上设计安全的聚簇过程。作者分析和比较了针对无线传感器网络的路由协议和降低能耗的策略,借鉴了其中的优秀思想,提出了自己的改进思路,概括起来有以下点:(1)密钥管理包含三个部分:使用μTESLA协议进行广播认证;节点与基站使用共享对密钥进行通信;普通节点之间通过随机密钥预分布机制实现共享密钥。(2)以加强现有LEACH协议的安全性能为出发点,有针对性地提出了一个具体的安全解决方案。该方案防御的重点是HELLO flood攻击(文中分析了原因),通过验证链路的双向性、对节点进行身份认证和隐含计数器方式预防恶意节点重发消息等措施,加强了原有协议的安全性,对最坏的情况也能提供一定程度的安全保护。(3)在聚簇过程中使用邻居节点验证的方法。普通节点利用局部的安全信息计算产生可靠的中继节点,同时节点存储了经过邻居节点认证的安全信息,可以有效地抵抗wormholes攻击。(4)基站参与到簇头节点产生过程,在很大程度上抑制了恶意节点频繁当选簇头的破坏行为。

【Abstract】 Wireless sensor network is a network system which consists of a large number of sensor nodes deployed in the region to monitor some things. The sensor nodes form a multi-hop self-organized network system through wireless means of communication. It can be defined as an autonomous, ad hoc system consisting of a collective of networked sensor nodes designed to intercommunicate via wireless radio. Typically, these nodes coordinate to perform a common task. WSN takes on widespread application foreground and becomes a new research area of modern corresponds technology. Both academia and industries are very interested in it.This article is focus on the security issues of clustering process in WSN. Wireless sensor network has large number of nodes and individual nodes have extremely limited resources. So, the primary goal is to design effective energy conservation and to extend life cycle of network. We choose LEACH agreement as the basis of the security design of clustering process.The author analyzed and compared against the wireless sensor network routing protocols and strategies to reduce energy consumption, drawing an excellent idea, put forward their ideas to improve, summed up the following points:(1)Key management includes three parts: the use of certified agreementsμTESLA Broadcasting; nodes and base stations share the pairwise keys for communication; ordinary nodes use random key pre-distribution model to achieve security for communication.(2)In order to strengthen the security of LEACH agreement, this article puts forward a specially secure solution. The program is focus on defending HELLO flood attacks (the reasons are in the text). Through verifying the bi-directional link, the identity authentications between nodes and implied counter approach to prevent the replay attacks from malicious nodes, the program strengthen the security of the original agreement. Even in The worst-case scenario, the program can also provide secure protection.(3)This article uses neighbor validation method in the process of clustering. Ordinary nodes use local secure information to calculate and then select reliable intermediate node, the nodes at the same time also storage secure information certified by the neighbors. The method can effectively resist wormholes attacks.(4)Base station participates in the process of producing cluster heads, which greatly inhibited the malicious nodes that want to be elected as cluster heads frequently.

【关键词】 无线传感器网络LEACH聚簇安全
【Key words】 Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)LEACHclusteringSecurity
  • 【分类号】TP212.9;TN929.5
  • 【下载频次】29

