

An Empirical Study of Contemporary Compehensive Urban Design in China

【作者】 牟宏宇

【导师】 金广君; 宋聚生;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,在我国高速发展的城市建设过程中,城市规划管理者、开发建设者和规划编制者都显得有些经验不足。在我国现行的规划编制体系中,法规层面的城市规划更注重对城市的理性分析和量化控制管理,缺少在三维空间形态方面从宏观到微观逐层次系统化的控制与引导手段,这就导致了目前普遍存在的城市特色不够鲜明,城市环境艺术水平较低等现象。因而就需要从整体的角度系统地研究如何结合自然资源、城市历史和环境特点发展自身的独特风格并提升城市的环境品质。而“总体城市设计”的概念就是在这一特定背景下产生的。尽管总体城市设计一经诞生,就引起了规划界的普遍关注,但由于我国城市设计尚未取得法定地位,国家也没有针对总体城市设计给出明确的定位,因此导致了目前国内理论界各执一词的局面。在具体项目实践中,总体城市设计的内容与成果也是五花八门,缺乏统一的认识,部分案例由于成果过于粗浅而无法用于实施和指导设计。因此,探求一种与我国城市宏观层面的规划和建设管理实际情况相适应的有效的理想的总体城市设计模式,就成为了本文研究的核心问题。本论文以城市设计理论的形成与发展及我国城市规划体系的现状作为研究的开端和基础,论证了城市设计与城市规划在学科上互为补充,在实施中依附于城市规划的微妙关系;探讨了城市规划与城市设计在我国现行体制下的局限性和作用所在,从而引出了总体城市设计,并进一步探讨了其概念内涵、作用以及定位。然后,以具体案例的构成要素为切入点,对搜集到的二十个典型总体城市设计案例进行比较分析,从编制阶段、设计目标、设计内容、成果形式和实施策略五个方面对搜集到的案例进行了归纳总结,明确了当前我国总体城市设计的所面临的主要问题和研究的发展趋势。最后,从总体城市设计与总体规划结合的角度提出了总体城市设计应贯彻分阶段分层次设计的理念,具体来说就是总体规划之前的宏观把握、总体规划之中的中观控制和总体规划之后的微观指导的的概念。

【Abstract】 At the present time, in the process of the rapidly developed urban construction, the urban planning manager, developer, and planning maker have all appeared lack of experience. In the current uban planning formation system, the uban planning in the law level which concentrates the rational analysis and quantiificat management, lack the ruling and guiding method in the space shaping aspect from macroscopy to microscopy. This resulted in the phenomenon of lack of urban features and low of the urban environment level. Therefore, it needs to research on how to integrate to nature resources, urban histroy and enviornment features form the integral angle to develop unique style and improve urban environment quality. And the“Comprehensive urban design”is born in this specifical background.Althought the comprehensive urban design gained general concentration in the planning field when it just be born, it haven’t gained legal position yet, and the nation haven’t give unambiguous position to the comprehensive urban design, it resulted in the situation of argument in the academic field. In the specific design project, the content and fruits are various, some of then can’t be implement or guide design because of its superficial. So, The core of this thesis is to seek one kind of pattern,and the dissertation discusses the framework including its forms,implementation strategies and methodologies in detail.The dissertation takes the formation and development and the exisiting situation of the urban planning system as the beginning and base of the research, prooved that urban design and urban planning are complimentary in nature, and that the urban design implementation is subtly dependant on urban planning, using the evidences drawn from the history of urban evolution, the modern theories and implementations of urban design and urban planning, and the urban planning systems in china. Upon exploring the effectiveness and the limitations of the urban planning and the urban design practices under the current systems, the author introduces the concept of the Comprehensive Urban Design, and discusses it’s connotations, authorized function and connection of Urban Planning.Secondly, The dissertation propose a Comprehensive Urban Design implementation framework comprising five operation phases: the project planning phase, the design goal, the design content, the fruits formation and implementation strategy, Then it summarize the examples, ensured the main problems and the research tendency of comprehensive urban design.Finally, The dissertation propose a“Tiered Project Management scheme”to address the issue of project scope mismatch that may occur during the project. The Tiered Project Management Scheme can be summarized as“macro level directing, midlevel control, and micro level guidance”.

  • 【分类号】TU984
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】576

