

Research on Responsibility of Service-oriented Government in Promoting Employment

【作者】 张旋

【导师】 吴中宇;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会保障, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 就业是民生之本,安国之策,和谐之源。然而,在市场经济中,完全依靠市场自发调节来实现充分就业几乎是不太可能的。因此,要求政府要顾及社会公平、公正问题,通过政府的介入进行调控,采取有力的措施解决市场经济运行过程中必然产生的一系列就业、失业问题。特别是在我国提倡建设“服务型政府”的今天,就业问题也已逐渐成为我国社会经济生活中的基本问题。因此,政府承担起社会管理者之责,以就业保民生、促发展、建和谐,将促进就业放在经济社会发展更加突出的位置,是建设服务型政府的必然要求,是坚持立党为公、执政为民,实现国家长治久安的重大政治任务。从理论角度,本文探讨了以新公共服务理论为基础的服务型政府理念,分析了政府促进就业的理论基础,主要包括:凯恩斯的非均衡分析理论、货币学派的就业理论、新制度学派的就业理论以及新凯恩斯主义的就业理论,研究了国内外政府促进就业的探索及其责任的承担。从现实角度,本文对服务型政府促进就业的必要性和可行性进行了思考,从我国就业现状存在的问题提出服务型政府促进就业的必要性,从观念基础、制度基础、实践基础,提出了我国政府促进就业的可行性。通过分析,对我国服务型政府在促进就业中的责任进行合理定位,提出了其应建立的责任体系,主要包括制度性责任、体制性责任和机制性责任。从优化服务型政府促进就业责任体系的角度考虑,建立过程中应注意的问题:把促进就业作为经济社会发展的基本优先目标;实现经济增长与扩大就业的良性互动;维护就业公平以保护就业困难群众。最后,提出研究的结论和有待进一步研究的问题。

【Abstract】 Employment is the root for the country’s harmony and people’s livelihood. However, in the market economy, it is almost impossible to accomplish the full employment totally depends on the spontaneous adjustment of the market itself. So the government needs to adopt effective measures to solve these problems. Especially under the circumstances that our Country is advocating the“Servicing Government”and the employment problems became the basic issue in our Society’s economic life gradually.From the view of theory, this article discussed Servicing Government Theory based on the new public servicing theory, analyzed the theory base of how the government promote the employment, including: Unbalanced Analyze Theory by Keynes, Employment Theory by Monetary Approach, also the New System Approach’s theory and New Keynesianism theory. This article also studied the Governments’research for the employment promotion and their responsibility.From the view of fact, this article studied about the feasibility and necessity of the Service-oriented Government promotes the employment. Brought out the necessity from country’s employment situation nowadays, brought out the feasibility from the concept base, system base and practice base. After the analysis, the author reasonably oriented the responsibility that our government should take in the employment promotion process, put forward to establish the accordingly responsibility system which includes Institutional responsibility, Systematic responsibility and Mechanism responsibility.There are some problems we should take in count when we are establishing the systems to optimize our service-oriented government promote the employment issues: the goal to promote the employment should have the priority in our economic society’s development; the fine interact between economy development and the employment increase; maintain the employment fairness to protect the difficult group. At the end, the article brought out the research conclusion and the problems still need the further study.

  • 【分类号】D630;F249.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】305
  • 攻读期成果

