

Preparation of Bio-material-Seeding Sheet and Study on Its Physical and Chemical Characteristics

【作者】 余强

【导师】 罗逸;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 物理化学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 为了加快我国水稻直播种植机械化的步伐,避免育秧和插秧等一系列繁琐的劳动,本研究开发出一种可用于水稻直播种植的生物质材料,它能满足机械化铺种的条件,实现稻种的定距发芽生长,并具有自然降解转化为生态有机肥和抑制杂草生长等功能。本文以稻草为该生物种纸的原材料,采用化学生物结合法对其预处理,来脱除其表面不利于纸张成型的蜡质等化合物。以抗张指数为纸张的表征量,采用三因素三水平的正交实验,得出最优水解试验条件为:碱度为1.2% ,水解温度115℃,水解时间20min,该条件下制备的纸张抗张指数为11.64 N.m.g-1 ,通过添加少量淀粉胶可以使纸张的机械强度达到使用要求。对生物质胶粘剂的合成工艺进行了研究,通过对玉米淀粉进行糊化、氧化、交联等化学改性,并采用稻草作为填料,研制出具有一定粘度和初粘接力的改性淀粉胶粘剂。以胶粘剂的绝对粘度为表征量,采用四因素三水平的正交实验,得出最优合成工艺条件为:氧化温度为60℃,氧化时间为2.0h,氧化剂用量为0.6ml和交联剂用量为4.0g,该条件下合成的胶粘剂具有涂布均匀,粘度较大,初粘接力好等特点,符合使用要求。并对产物结构的红外光谱特征进行了分析。为了考察该材料的实际使用效果,分别就其对发芽时间的影响、铺种方式对发芽的影响和它自然降解情况进行了室内铺种模拟试验,并对成本进行了估算。试验结果表明:1.开发的生物质材料不会对种子发芽有负面影响2.在水中完全自然降解的时间为70天3.材料成本约为0.09元/m2,可以为我国农民所接受。

【Abstract】 In order to accelerate China’s pace of mechanization of rice cultivation, and avoid a series of cumbersome labor such as breeding and transplanting, A kind of Bio-material used for paddy seeding sheet was prepared.It can satisfy the condition of mechanization of rice cultivation,and the seeds can germinate in a prescribed width.It will be degraded completely as fertilizer at last.Besides,it also can suppress the growth of weeds.The straw was used as raw materials to make the paddy seeding sheet ,and the waxiness on the surface of straw which is going agaist the sheet making can be removed by the method of chemical and biological pretreatment.And the straw hydrolysis process was optimized by Orthogonal design experiment ,the results shew that when temperature was 121℃,alkalinity was 1.2% and the hydrolyzed time was 20min,the tensile index was 11.64 N.m.g-1.The method of synthesize of bio-based adhesive used for making the paddy seeding sheet was studied . It can satisfy the design with starting material corn starch which was first modified by cooking with alkaline Pulps,then oxidation and cross-linking. And the method of synthesize was optimized by Orthogonal design experiment ,the results shew that when oxidized at 60℃about 1.5h by adding 0.6ml oxidizer and 5g cross-linkier,its Viscosity and Cohesive force is the best. And the structure of adhesive was characterized with IR.Its applying feasibility is evaluated by the tests in the lab.The result shew that, 1. there is no negative impact on the germination of seeds by using the sheet 2. The seeding sheet will be degraded completely as fertilizer in the 70 days .3. Its cost is about 0.09$/m2and can be accepted by the Farmers in our Country .


