

Development and Innovation of Commercial Banks in Ethnic Areas in China

【作者】 赵毅

【导师】 张跃平;

【作者基本信息】 中南民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 我国是一个多民族的国家,少数民族聚居地区在我国占据重要的地位,有着深远的政治意义和社会意义。少数民族地区的经济社会发展直接关系到我国和谐社会建设的进程,是我国社会主义市场经济不可或缺的一部分。由于地理、历史等方面的原因,大部分少数民族地区发展落后,且发展速度跟不上全国的步伐,与东部发达地区的差距呈扩大的趋势。为了全面贯彻落实科学发展观,推进社会主义和谐社会建设,加快西部少数民族地区经济社会的发展已成为当务之急。金融是现代市场经济的核心,一个稳定、有序、高效的金融市场对我国社会主义市场经济的稳定、健康、繁荣起着不可或缺的支撑作用。商业银行又是金融市场的核心,因此,少数民族地区商业银行的发展就直接影响到我国经济发展全局。我国少数民族商业银行有着如此重要地位并承担如此重大责任,我们有必要对少数民族地区商业银行发展与创新进行研究,以更好的应对当前日益激烈的同业竞争环境,有效促进民族地区经济社会发展。本文首先以肖和麦金农的金融抑制与金融深化理论,赫尔曼和斯蒂格利茨等的金融约束论的阐述,寻求成熟理论作为支撑,从少数民族地区商业银行发展概况入手,通过对武陵山区4省(市)的47个县(市、区)、1043个乡镇的金融需求、金融机构分布及金融服务进行实证调查,以恩施土家族苗族自治州农行为重点,深入分析研究民族地区商业银行发展的优势和存在的问题。从民族地区战略评价、发展创新思路、保障体系、创新对策四个方面提出应对措施和办法。通过研究民族地区商业银行发展创新的基本路径,理论基础,策略和办法,为民族地区商业银行更好的寻求自身长远发展和服务地方经济建设提供一个具有说服力的可供参考的思路。

【Abstract】 China is a multi-ethnic country, ethnic minorities areas occupy an important position in our country, have far-reaching political significance and social significance. The economic and social development of ethnic minority areas is directly related to China’s process of building a harmonious society, Economic development in minority regions is an integral part of China’s socialist market economy. Due to geographical, historical and other reasons, Development has lagged behind the majority of ethnic minority areas, and t could not keep pace with the pace of he development of the country, the trend of gap is widening between the positive developed regions of the eastern part. In order to implement comprehensively the scientific concept of development, promote the building of a harmonious socialist society, it has become an imperative to accelerate economic and social development for Western minority areas. Finance is the core of the modern market economy, it plays an essential role in China’s socialist stability, healthy, prosperity and support market economic for a stable, orderly, and efficient financial markets. Commercial Bank is the core of the financial markets, Therefore, the development of commercial banks in ethnic minority areas impact directly on overall situation of China’s economic development. Commercial Bank of China’s ethnic minorities have such an important status and assume such an important responsibility, so, We need to research the development and innovation of commercial banks in ethnic minority areas. Facing of competition,At the same time, taking measures to cope with it.First, this paper start from the development of commercial banks in ethnic minority areas, showed comprehensively the basic situation, through inhibition of Shaw and McKinnon’s financial deepening and financial theory, such as Herman and Stiglitz on the financial constraints , as to seek mature theory, From the development of commercial banks of ethnic minority areas, through empirical investigation of financial needs, financial institutions and financial services distribution in the 47 counties (cities, districts), 1043 the township’s of 4 provinces (municipalities). Focus on the Agricultural Banks in Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Depth analysis of commercial banks’the advantages and problems during the development of minority areas. Proposed measures and methods from four aspects, regional strategy of national evaluation, the development of innovative ideas, security system, innovation strategies. Through researching basic path, theoretical basis, strategy and approach of the development and innovation in commercial banks national regions. To provide a convincing thought can be used as reference, To seek a better long-term development of their own local economic construction and services of commercial banks in national regions.


