

The Study on Highway Construction Financing Pattern in Western China

【作者】 邵校

【导师】 张英;

【作者基本信息】 中南民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国公路建设取得巨大成就,实现了快速的发展。截至到2007年底,我国公路通车总里程达358.3715万公里,公路基础设施规模的不断扩大有效地提升了通行保障能力,对提高人们生活质量促进经济社会发展起着十分重要的作用。然而西部民族地区公路建设与当地国民经济和社会发展的要求相比,交通基础设施总量仍显不足,交通运输仍然是制约当地经济发展的瓶颈,西部民族地区运输体系建设滞后、整体服务功能较弱成为制约当地国民经济和社会发展的薄弱环节。要加快西部民族地区的公路建设步伐,首要解决公路建设资金不足的难题,现有的融资模式不能完全满足民族地区公路建设发展的需要。本文在国内外基础设施建设融资理论的基础上,对我国西部民族地区公路建设融资情况进行了研究。全文遵循理论,实证和政策研究的基本思路,一共分为五个部分:第一部分为全文的绪论。首先交代了研究的背景,交通基础设施的建设是目前和今后相当长一段时间内西部民族地区需要解决的主要问题;其次阐述了研究意义,加快西部民族地区公路建设,对促进经济发展、维护社会稳定、巩固国防都具有十分重要的意义;最后提出了文章的研究内容、研究方法、创新之处以及国内外文献综述。第二部分是全文的理论基础。本文的理论基础主要包含三个方面:一是发展经济学中基础设施是经济发展和现代化的基本条件;二是公路的修建是政府行为,政府提供公共产品;三是融资的相关理论,包括融资、融资制度以及融资方式的定义。第三部分从宏观上介绍西部民族地区公路建设资金筹集现状。首先介绍了西部民族地区公路建设状况和特点,然后分析了西部民族地区公路建设主要资金来源,包括对国债投入、贷款融资、政府投资、资本市场等方式进行了全面的分析。第四部分是案例分析部分,首先介绍了案例的相关的具体资料,包括项目工程资料、项目承办方资料、融资担保人资料。然后通过对324国道百色市过境段改建项目融资的深入研究发现问题,在该项目融资过程中存在着如准备工作不足、建设成本过高、融资渠道狭窄、风险以及法律保障等方面诸多问题。第五部分是根据第四章的分析,笔者针对性的给出了相关建议和对策,并且建议采用成熟的BOT和新型的PPP融资模式应该可以达到更好融资的效果。

【Abstract】 Since reform and open policy, our country highway construction obtains the huge achievement,we has realized the fast development. Until 2007 year’s end,our country road is open to traffic the total course to amount to 3, 583, 715 kilometers, the road infrastructure scale unceasing expansion promoted to pass through effectively to supporting capabilities, improves the people quality of life to promote the economic society to develop the extremely vital role. However, the west minor-national area highway construction and the native national economy and the social development request compares, the transportation infrastructure total quantity was still revealed the insufficiency. The transportation infrastructure total quantity still revealed the in- sufficiency, the west minor-national area transportation system construction lag, the whole service function is weak becomes restricts the native national economy and the social development weak link. West must speed up the minor-national area highway construction step, now, the most important solution highway for construction fund is insufficient difficult problem, the existing financing pattern can not satisfy the multi- national area highway construction completely the need to develop.This article in domestic and foreign infrastructure construction financing theory foundation, the area highway construction financing situation has conducted the re- search to our country west area. The whole thesis can be departed into five chapters through the theoretical and empirical study:The first section is the introduction. Initially, article has confessed the research background, the transportation infrastructure construction will be at present and quite is from now on long the main question which in period of time west the area will need to solve;then elaborated the research significance, speeds up the west minor-national area highway construction to social stability promotes the economical development, the maintenance and the consolidated national defense all to have the extremely vital significant; Finally, it proposed the research content, the research methods and the in- novation of this thesis.The second section is the theoretical basis of the whole article. This article have rationale mainly contains three aspects. First, in the development economic the infra- structure is the economical development and the modernized basic condition; and is the road construction is the government behavior, the government provides the public product; then, financing correlation theories, including financing, financing system as well as financing pattern definition. West the third part introduces west macroscopically the multinational area high- way construction fund collection present situation.First briefed west the minornational area highway construction condition and the characteristic, then has analyzed west the minor-national area highway construction main capital source,it is including to the national debt investment, loan financing, the government invested, ways and so on capital market has carried on the comprehensive analysis.The fourth part is the case analysis part, first introduced the case related concrete material,including : project engineering data and project undertaking side material and financeing guarantor material. Then through transits the section reconstruction project financing thorough research to 324 federal highway Baise city to find the problem, there has many problems in this project financing process,for example,the preparatory work is insufficiency, the construction cost excessively high, the financing channels are narrow and the risk as well as the legal safeguard and so on.The fifth part acts according to the fourth chapter of analysis,the author has given some correlation suggestions and some countermeasures,and suggest that we should use the mature BOT and the new PPP financing patterns and we should be success to achieve a better effective.


