

The Research on Impact Factors in Development of Border Trade of Southwest Ethnic Region

【作者】 邓钰靖

【导师】 沈道权;

【作者基本信息】 中南民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 边境贸易作为国际贸易的一种特殊形式,长期以来一直是少数民族地区经济发展的主要推动力之一,它对于活跃与繁荣我国边境少数民族地区的经济和文化,促进我国与周边国家的睦邻友好关系,提升我国的国际地位都有重要的作用。纵观我国边境贸易发展历史,边境贸易在发展过程中会受到许多复杂因素的影响,其中,既有民族地区本身的地缘、人缘和资源等因素的作用,也有国内政治、经济环境,以及周边国家政策、世界政治、经济环境等因素的影响。不同历史阶段,这些因素不同程度的影响着边境贸易的发展。边境贸易发展虽然屡经挫折,但仍不绝如缕。如1996年边贸大幅下滑、1997年亚洲金融危机、2008年越南国内金融动荡、以及美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机等。随着世界经济全球化的深入发展和区域经济一体化的深度融合,我国西南民族地区边境贸易进入了新的发展时期,总体上仍呈稳步增长的态势。本文结合边境贸易发展趋势和国际经济学的相关理论,回顾了我国西南民族地区边境贸易发展历程,结合边境贸易发展的现状及特点,从西南民族地区的区域影响因素到国内宏观环境以及国际宏观背景,全方位地分析了影响中国西南民族地区边贸发展的诸多因素及其存在的问题,由此得出优势大于劣势的结论,并针对性地提出了促进西南民族地区边境贸易发展的若干对策建议和措施。

【Abstract】 Border trade is a special form of the international trade. It is playing an important role, which promote high speed for the economy of the ethnic region, making the economy and culture active, benefiting the friendship between neighbor countries, enhancing the international reputation of China.Although the border trade has been affected by lots of difficulties during the development process, it hasn’t overwhelmed yet. Those factors are very complicated, such as the ethnic area factors、human factors、resource factors in ethnic region、political factors、economy factors、policy factors of neighbor courtiers、political tendency and economic tendency in the world、the decline of boarder trade in 1996, the Asian financial crisis in 1997、Vietnam finance in queasy in 2008 and the Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis from U.S.A in 2009 etc. And also these factors are varying from different stage in the border trade history. With the further development of the economy globalization and combination of the regional economic integration organization, the border trade is stepping into a refreshing stage which goes upward stably.This paper is based on the theory of international economy and the trend of border trade, review the history of border trade in the southwest ethnic region, states on the characterizes and latest situation of border trade in the southwest ethnic region, analyzes the regional impact factors based on the macro surroundings of internal and external, investigates the impact factors and problems during the development process. As a result, author concludes that the advantage impact is superior to the disadvantage reaction. Furthermore, the author puts forward accordingly some measures avoiding the negative effective from the impact factors, and promotes the border trade development in southwest ethnic region of China.


