

A Studying on Uprising and Surrender of the Army Generals of the Kuomintang during Liberation War

【作者】 刘伟

【导师】 韦东超;

【作者基本信息】 中南民族大学 , 专门史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 中国近现代史是一部战乱史。为了民族独立、国家和平富强,中国人民前仆后继。在这其中,中国国民党和中国共产党扮演了重要角色。为了实现自己的目标,共产党不得已拿起武装反抗国民党,武装斗争遂成了中共取胜的三大法宝之一。中国共产党的武装反抗斗争始于1927年的南昌起义,参加者便是国民党军队中的革命力量。在其后的国共十年对峙时期及抗日战争时期,共产党没有放弃争取国民党军的努力,不断有国民党将领率部起义,投向共产党。抗日战争胜利后,蒋介石集团放弃和平建国的良好时机,挑起内战。虽然国民党军力强大,装备优良,但仍有大批国民党将领率部起义、投诚或接受和平改编,加入到反抗国民党统治集团的武装斗争中。规模之大达历史之最。其原因是多方面的。共产党军事上的打击是前提。许多的起义投诚都是在军事的压迫下促成的。与此相配合的是中共的舆论宣传与策反策略的运用。由于中共策反工作的到家,使许多国民党将领思想发生动摇,以至在关键时刻反蒋投共。从国民党方面来说,国民党政府的腐败以及蒋介石的排挤异己政策使得一部分国民党将领离心离德。在爱国精神的推动下,一部分国民党将领目睹国民党政府的腐朽、战场的溃败而感失望,在最后关头选择了投奔中共。而一部分将领却从自己的私利出发,以自己的政治地位和私人财产能否保得住作为起义谈判的筹码。饱受战争之苦的广大国民党官兵的厌战情绪也成了起义投诚的催化剂。前所未有的大规模起义投诚对国共两党及中国社会历史产生了深刻的影响,它不仅加快了战争的进程,使国共双方的力量对比发生了根本变化,起义投诚所产生的贯性作用对国民党军军心的稳定是个不利因素,并减少了战争损失,使群众少受难,士兵少伤亡,财产得以保全,起义投诚还为解放军送来了大量优良武器装备和军事技术人员,奠定了解放军的现代化建设基础。在信息时代的今天它依旧给我们以深刻的启示。本文拟以解放战争时期国民党军起义投诚事件为对象,在加以综合概括的基础上,分析探讨其背后深刻的历史原因及其产生的影响。

【Abstract】 Modern history of China was a history of war.For the national indepence,national prosperity and strength of peace,the Chinese people fought.In this one,CPC(the Communist Party of China)and KMT(the Kuomintang)had played the strong character.In order to achieve own goal,CPC had to take up the military to revolt against KMT.The armed struggle had then become one which of three big magic weapons CPC wined.CPC began an armed struggle against from Nanchang Uprising in 1927.Participants in the armed forces of KMT were the revolutionary forces.During the Agrarian Revolutuon ang the War of Resistance Against Japan,CPC had not given up striving for KMT armed forces.KMT troops there have been general uprising,into CPC.After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan,Chiang Kai-skek Group gave up the good opportunity of peaceful founding of the nation and provoked cicil war.Althoug KMT had strong military forces and excellent equipment,still a large number of generals uprising or surrendered or accepted peace reorgarizatuon,joined to revolt against KMT ruling clique in the armed struggle and scale of history.The reasons were manifold.The fight aginst of CPC was the premise.In many of the military uprising against the surrender occurred.The propaganda and incite defection strantegy used by CPC aligned with it.Incite defection as a result of CPC had been done successfully.Many KMT generals shaken and joined into CPC at a critical tine.As the aspect of KMT,corrupt KMT Government and Chiang Kai-skek’s policy of exclusion of dissidents made away from KMT generals.In the promotion of partriotism,many had witnessed the corruption of the KMT Government,defeat the battlefield,and were so disappointed that chosed to join CPC.But some actually embark from their personal gain,their own political status and private property could been maintained or not as a bargaining chip uprising.Fully suffered the war,the war-weariness of the war officers and soldiers of KMT become the revolt surrender catalyst.Unprecedented scale uprising and surrender have had a profound impact to the both KMT and CPC as well as Chinese society.It not only sped up advancement of Liberation War,but caused the radical change to the power balance between KMT and CPC.The inertia caused by uprising and surrender was unfavourable for KMT.It reduced the damage in the war.People little suffered.The soldiers few casualties.The property could be prsesrve.It also sent the massive fine weaponry and the military technology persinnels for PLA,which laid PLA’s modernization foundation.In the formation age of today it still gives us a profound insight.This thesis take the uprising and surrender of KMT armed forces during Liberation War as an object.And synthesizes these events,then analysis the historical reason and the influence.

【关键词】 解放战争国民党共产党起义投诚
【Key words】 Liberation WarKMTCPCUprising and Surrender

