

Study on Rational Cutoff Grade at Malanzhuang Iron Mine

【作者】 孙金龙

【导师】 朱明;

【作者基本信息】 河北理工大学 , 采矿工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 矿石开采边际品位的确定是矿产业中一个非常重要的决策问题,它一方面直接影响到矿山企业经济效益高低,同时还影响整个国家的矿产资源有效利用的水平。矿石开采边际品位的确定涉及到复杂的分析与计算,它与经济管理、地质、采矿、选矿、应用数学、计算机等学科知识紧密相联系。结合马兰庄铁矿沙河山采场的实际情况,运用确定边际品位的准优化模型和建立的线性规划配矿模型以实现系统优化。首先对国内外关于矿石开采品位指标经济分析研究的思想方法演进做了较详尽的分析与评价,并根据经济分析方法的典型特征进行了历史阶段的分期。深入地剖析了影响矿石开采边际品位经济性的主要技术经济因素,为最优化模型的建立和应用提供了变量关联性分析基础。针对马兰庄铁矿的实际情况,综合地运用管理经济学中多种决策成本理论,通过运用准优化模型,分析研究了在当前开采品位指标的基础上,进一步降低矿石开采边际品位的经济性,计算出不同贴现率下矿山剩余服务年限内各年份的最优的边际品位,并确定出了各年份品位可下调的界限。同时应用价格和成本波动时的动态模型,求出矿山可随时根据市场变化调节的最优的边际品位值。这类模型建模过程简单,计算方便,对马兰庄铁矿进行低品位矿利用分析具有可操作性。此模型对于其他单金属露天矿山同样适用。最后在此基础上分析了马兰庄铁矿的生产计划和费用支出情况,建立了线性规划配矿模型,求出了能使矿山当期效益达到最大的最优开采方案,并可按照实际情况的变化不断调整。

【Abstract】 The determination of cutoff grade in mining operation is an important decision-making problem. On one hand, it directly affects the economic benefits of a mine. On the other hand, it has a great impact on the efficient utilization of mineral resource in a whole nation. The determination of cutoff grade involves complicated analysis and calculations, and it also has close relations with the knowledge of geology, mining, mineral processing, applied mathematics, economics and management. Combining the actual conditions in Shaheshan Stope, Malanzhuang Mine with the constructed optimizing model and ore-blending model achieved system optimization.First, the evolution of the theories and models of cutoff grade both in China and abroad is described, historical period is determined according to their analytical method. The technological and economic factors relating to the cutoff grade analysis are studied, providing the basis for the inter-variable relations analysis in optimization modeling.Aiming at the real actuality of Malanzhuang iron mine, by utilizing many kinds of decision theories of cost control in Management Economics, and use the optimizing model to confirm if it is economical to reduce the current cutoff grade furtthermore. And every year’s optimal cutoff grade in the life of the mine for the different discount rates are worked out.It also confirms the lower limit of the cutoff grade of every year. At the same time,use the model of price and cost fluctuation, the optimal cutoff grade for the variational market is worked out. They are especially applicable for the economic analysis of the utilization of low-grade ores in Malanzhuang iron mine. As well, this model is applicable to other single metal open-pit mines.Finally,on the basis of above analyzing the production plan and expenditure disposition, the model of linear programming ore blending is set up. With this established model, the scheme of optimal exploitation is put forward. And also it can be adjusted constantly according to actual situation.


