

Simulation and Optimizing of Hydraulic Excavator’s Working Equipment

【作者】 李武

【导师】 崔毅; 潘国远;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 动力工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 挖掘机工作装置性能的优劣是评价一台挖掘机性能好坏的重要指标之一。而挖掘性能图是评价挖掘机工作装置设计合理性的重要手段。但挖掘性能图的绘制相当麻烦,而且用起来并不方便。另外,现在的计算机技术日新月异,CAD技术早已深入渗透到制造业的核心。CAD/CAE/CAM的整合将是大势所趋,这些软件的整合,可以大大提高数据的重用性,减少重复劳动。本文旨在利用当今的主流软件工具,探索直观的、易于理解的、可视化的评价挖掘机工作装置的性能的方法,并将其用于对挖掘性能的优化。为了达到这个目标,主要进行了如下工作:(1)首先介绍了挖掘机的工作原理,然后从挖掘机的挖掘工况谈起,论述了工作装置设计应该遵循的原则,从而得出油缸的搭配,主要考虑缸径,而油缸的行程,主要考虑整机的布置的结论。(2)提出以指定范围的挖掘力和挖掘效率为工作装置优化的目标,以缸径为优化变量的优化方案。并推导出可以应用于ADAMS的挖掘力计算公式,从而把通常用于动力学仿真的软件,也可以应用于静力平衡。并可以更加精确地模拟实际挖掘力。(3)建立ADAMS和Matlab联合仿真优化的模型。利用ADAMS长于多体动力学计算、而Matlab长于计算控制的特点,通过接口把两者有机结合起来,把复杂的挖掘力计算用方便直观的方式来实现,使得任意点的整机挖掘力可以以图形化的方式来进行评价。(4)实例计算并优化挖掘机的油缸配置。

【Abstract】 A excavator is good or not depending on it’s performance of working equipment. Digging performance chart is a importance means to evaluate the design of a excavator. But it is very difficult to drawing a digging performance chart, and chart isn’t convenience to be used. Today the computer technology is developping so fast, the CAD technology invade to manufacturing’s heart, and the CAE technology start to pervade to manufacturing enterprise. CAD/CAE/CAM melt into together become a trend. The melt wil improve repetition of CAD’s data. This article’s purpose is to use the mainstream software implement to explore a way which can be used to evalute a excavator’s performance, the way is easy to be understood and is visual. It can be used to evaluate the digging performance.The article finish the work as below:(1) At first the article introduce the principle of excavator how to work. then accord to digging condition, discussing the principle ought to be followed at design. The article get the conclusion that match between cylinders ought to consider firstly the cylinder’s diameter, while the cylinder’s stroke ought to meet required range of whole excavator’s. (2) Bring forward a optimizing object of the digging force and working efficiency in specifing range that depend on the cylinder’s diameter. And deduce the formula in ADAMS to computed digging force. So the software can be use to compute static of really excavator. (3)Build model for ADAMS-Matlab combine simulation. Accord to ADAMS’s advantage is in dynamic computing and Matlab’s advantage is in programming, combine them through interface to make digging force visualized, so digging force at any point in working range can be indicated through drawing picture. (4)Take for a example to compute digging force and optimizing the cylinders diameter.

【关键词】 液压挖掘机ADAMSMatlab优化仿真
【Key words】 excavatoradamsmatlaboptimizingsimulation

