

Research of the Trajectory of Fire-fighting Monitor’s Jet

【作者】 孙健

【导师】 时轮; 闵永林;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 机械工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的不断发展,大空间建筑的不断涌现,以及各种超大规格的油码头和石油储罐区等大型消防场所的不断出现,对于消防炮的研究提出了新的要求。目前国内外对于消防炮射流轨迹的研究还停留在试验研究上,缺乏系统的理论研究。本论文主要研究消防炮的射流轨迹。从理想状态下和实体消防炮两个方面着手,对射流进行理论分析,并借助Simulink软件建立射流轨迹的仿真模型,然后利用试验数据校核仿真模型,最后借助模型分析解决一些射流性能方面的问题。(1)从破碎理论出发,研究消防水炮射流的结构和稳定性问题。首先分析射流的破碎方式,以及相关概念和破碎理论,然后分别用K-H(Kelvin-Helmholtz)不稳定理论以及R-T(Rayleigh-Taylor)不稳定性理论来描述消防炮射流破碎过程。由于破碎存在的原因,消防炮射流与诸如炮弹等固体的飞行有本质的区别,不能用质点运动轨迹方法对其进行研究。(2)消防炮射流的影响因素可分为三类:输入能量,内部结构参数,和外界因素。先讨论理想状态下消防炮射流轨迹(即只受输入能量的影响在静止的大气中运动的射流)问题。对射流进行受力分析,得到消防炮射流运动的微分方程,进而研究射流初始条件和空气阻力问题。由于建立完毕的射流运动微分方程很难直接求解,因此借助Matlab软件中的Simulink仿真环境对理想状态下消防炮射流轨迹进行仿真建模。(3)把消防炮内部结构参数加入到考察对象中,即研究实体消防炮射流轨迹问题。先分析实体消防炮射流的影响因素定义和产生原因,然后对于消防炮结构进行分析和优化试验,确定最优化的消防炮结构,并利用Fluent流体计算软件对优化后的消防炮进行内部流场分析,求得轴向速度矢量效率。接着把轴向速度矢量效率带入理想状态下射流轨迹仿真模型的运动模块中,并运用多元线性回归模型分析确定射流截面积公式,建立射流截面积仿真模块,完成实体消防炮射流轨迹仿真模型。最后借助射流试验数据对模型进行校核,确定其正确性。(4)利用建立完毕的实体消防炮射流轨迹仿真模型研究与消防炮射流性能有关的问题。首先把三个主要工况参数(压力、流量和仰角)中一个参数为变量,另两个参数为定值,考察此工况参数变化时,消防炮水平射程的变化情况,从而确定其对于消防炮射流轨迹的影响。然后研究外界因素(风力)对消防炮射流的影响,通过理论分析和修订实体消防炮射流轨迹仿真模型,考察其对于射流轨迹的影响。最后引入“有效灭火半径”这一概念。从定义和现实意义的角度,分析提出“有效灭火半径”的合理性和必要性,并提出它的研究方法的初步设想。这些提出为以后的进一步研究提出了方向和依据。

【Abstract】 Following the economy increase and social development, more and more large space building, large scale oil jetties and oil storage tank farms are built, which raise new requirements for fire-fighting monitor’s research. At present, in China the study of fire-fighting monitor’s trajectory is in the stage of test research, lack of systemic theoretic research. This thesis focuses on the fire-fighting monitor’s trajectory. Theoretical analysis the trajectory of ideal condition and actual fire-fighting monitor’s jet, establish the simulated model with the software of Simulink, and then inspect the model’s result with test date to check its veracity, at last analysis and solve some problems about jet’s performance with using the model.1. Use the breakup theory to research the problems of fire-fighting monitor’s jet’s structure and stability,. At first, anaylisis the jet’s breakup type and related conception and breakup theory, and then descript the fire-fighting monitor’s breakup procedure with K-H theory and R-T theory.2. There are three types of factors for fire-fighting monitor’s jet, input energy, internal structure parameters and environment factors. Discuss the problems about idea contion firefighting monitor jet’s trajectory firstly, the ideal condition means that the jet is in still gas and only effected by input energy. Give the differential equation of the jet’s trajectory through force analysis, and then research the problems of initial condition and air force.Because the differential equation of the jet’s trajectory is hard to be solved directly, we build the simulated model of ideal condition fire-fighting monitor’s jet’s trajectory with the software of Siumlink.3. Study the factor of internal structure parameters, namely the problem of the actual fire-fighting monitor’s jet’s trajectory. Analysis the concepts and reasons of the factors, analysis the structure of monitor and do optimization test to get the most optimized structure, and then analysis the fluid field using the software of Fluent to get the efficiency of axis velocity vector. Take the efficiency the velocity model of the simulate model of ideal condition jet’s trajectory, and analysis and establish the jet’s cross-sectional area model using the multivariate linear regression model, the new model is actual fire-fighting monitor’s jet’s trajectory simulated model. At last validate the model’s veracity through comparing the results of the model with that of test.4. Research some problems about fire-fighting monitor’s jet with using the simulated model. At first, research the influence of the three main parameters (pressure, flow and angle), the method is setting one parameter as constant and the other two parameters as variables to review the change of horizontal range of fire-fighting monitor’s jet’s trajectory. The second, research the influence of environment factors (wind) through theory analysis and changing the jet’s trajectory simulated model. At last, introduce the concept of effective diameter of putting out of fire. Analysis the rationality and necessity, and advance the research method.


