

Legal Research on Relationship between the Medical Institution and Patient

【作者】 谭江

【导师】 王磊;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 马克主义理论与思想政治教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 人最宝贵的是自身的生命和健康,医患关系的和谐与否关系到每一个人的切身利益。如今,医疗机构、医生和患者的关系呈现出空前紧张的态势,患者缺乏对医疗机构的信任,医疗机构疲于应付医疗纠纷,双方都苦不堪言。医患双方,尤其是患者权益保护问题已经成为当前亟需解决的社会问题,依法保护患者权益应是依法治国的具体体现。本文从法律角度对医患关系展开研究,首先,对医患关系的概念、特征以及类型进行了界定,认为医患关系是由医师、护理、医技人员等构成的、以医疗机构为主的群体即医疗者一方,与以患者为中心的群体即就医者一方,在诊疗疾病和预防保健康复中所建立的一种相互关系。其具有双方共同目的性、不对称性、强制缔约性、内容不确定性等特征,分为医患合同关系、事实上的医疗关系和强制医疗关系等类型。其次,通过对国内外理论的比较研究,分析了各学说的缺陷不足与合理之处,认为医患关系应为横向民事法律关系的观点。然后,对医患关系的主体、内容、客体分别进行了分析,明确了医患双方的权利与义务的分配,并对作为医患关系客体的医疗行为的概念、特征、范畴进行了界定。最后,具体阐述了当前我国医患关系的现状,并针对医患关系法律规制存在的立法定位方面的偏颇、纠纷解决机制的不完善和医疗责任保险制度的缺失等问题,提出了颁布《医患关系及医疗行为法》,完善医疗事故鉴定制度,推行医疗责任保险制度等解决措施,根据现实情况,侧重保护患者方的合法权益,从而为构建和谐的医患关系提供法律方面的保障。

【Abstract】 Life and health are the most valuable to human being. Physician-patient harmonious relationship is related to the vital interests of individual. Now, the relationship between doctors, medical institutions, and patients showing a trend of unprecedented tension, with the lack of trust to medical institutions, medical institutions are struggling with health care disputes, both sides are suffering. Doctors and patients, in particular, the protection of rights and interests of patients has become an urgent social problem needs to be resolved, the protection of patients’rights and interests should be a concrete manifestation of the rule of law.The paper studied the Physician -patient relationship from a legal point of view. First of all, defined the concept, characteristics and types of physician-patient relationship, stated that the relationships is established in the disease and preventive health care of the rehabilitation between the medical group which consists of physician, nursing, medical technicians, medical institutions and patient-centered medical group. With the characteristic of Common purpose, the asymmetry of forced contracting, and the contents of uncertainty, with the types of Physician-patient contract, medical relations and mandatory medical relations. Secondly, through a comparative study of the theory at home and abroad, with the analysis of shortcomings reasonable views of the theory, physician-patient relationship should be relationship of civil law. Then, the main body of the physician-patient relationship, content, object were analyzed respectively, specified the rights and obligations distribution of both sides, and defined the concept, characteristics, category of the medical treatment as the object of the relationship. Finally, the paper stated the current status of China’s physician-patient relationship in detail, put forward the promulgation of "physician-patient relationship and medical Practices Act", with the focus of the existing legislation biased position in the relations, dispute settlement mechanism of the defects and medical liability insurance system deficiencies and other issues. Improve the medical identification system and the promotion of medical liability insurance system solutions. According to the actual situation, focusing on the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of patients, so as to provide legal protection for constructing a harmonious relationship.


