

Study on Convention and Exhibition Economy Development of Urumqi

【作者】 段晓云

【导师】 王哲;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 乌鲁木齐市作为西部商贸物流中心、亚洲中心和我国向西开放的桥头堡,所具备的基础设施、市场基础、地理区位和经济规模等相对优势,使乌鲁木齐成为区域性中心城市,也为乌鲁木齐发展会展经济提供了坚实的基础。在西部大开发的热潮下,诸多业界人士都认为乌鲁木齐是最具潜力与最适合发展会展经济的城市。文章运用层次分析法对乌鲁木齐市会展经济发展条件进行了分析,确定了影响乌鲁木齐市发展会展经济各因素的相对重要性,并确定了影响乌鲁木齐市会展经济发展的内部环境关键影响因素为:企业发展需求、大众心理需求、经济区位、人力资源状况、会展管理机构、交通区位、综合性资源水平,包括物流能力、土地等资源状况。外部环境关键影响因素为:西部主导产业选择趋同、西部会展中心之争、国内会展中心由沿海向内地转移、加强同周边国家边贸合作政策实施、国家地方产业政策倾斜。结合乌鲁木齐市会展经济发展条件分析的结果,运用SWOT战略分析法确定了乌鲁木齐市发展会展经济应采取争取型战略区的进取型战略,应积极利用区域外部机会,规避弥补区域内部不足。乌鲁木齐市应该充分利用国家西部大开发政策的实施,国内会展中心由沿海向内地转移,新疆加强同周边国家边贸合作等外部机遇条件,通过采取加强乌鲁木齐市会展管理,会展人力资源的培养,适时适度的新建、扩建会展场馆,引进新型会展企业管理机制,不断努力改善城市环境等措施,加强乌鲁木齐市发展会展经济的内部环境建设,积极主动促进会展经济在乌鲁木齐市健康发展。同时乌鲁木齐市发展会展经济所采取的争取型战略区的进取型战略的战略强度应该偏大,在战略措施的实施过程中应该具有较积极的态度,抓住时机,适度建设。就完善乌鲁木齐市会展经济发展的联动关系模式、空间发展模式、具体运作模式提出具体的对策建议。首先,就完善联动关系模式,提出加强会展业与旅游业、酒店业的联动发展;争取会展经济的发展与交通、通讯行业的协调配合;会展业与零售业完美衔接的具体对策。就完善空间发展模式,提出了会展场馆适度建设、合理利用;对会展场馆进行合理分类管理;会展活动与单个场馆灵活结合等具体对策。就具体运作模式而言,提出了加强行业专门管理;实现展会组织机构的转变;实施多方位、联动营销策略;加强会展配套服务建设等具体对策。

【Abstract】 Urumqi is the center of western commercial and physical distribution, and it’s also the center of Asia. The comparative advantages (such as, infrastructure, market foundation, geographic area, economies of scale and so on ) of the bridgehead where our country carries out large-scale development of the western region, which make Urumqi become regionally central city,and provide solid foundation for the development of MICE industry. Urumqi is an up-rising star in the field of MICE industry. Under the upsurge of large-scale development of the western region,many industry delegates think that Urumqi is the most potential and suited city for developing MICE industry.This paper analyses the developing conditions of MICE industry in Urumqi by AHP, makes sure the importance of the factors which influence the developing of MICE industry in Urumqi, and makes sure the key factors which influence the internal environment of the development of MICE industry. These key factors are needs of enterprise development, mass psychological need, economic zone bit, situation of human resources, administrative organizations of MICE industry, traffic zone bit, comprehensive resources level(includes resources status, such as the capability of physical distribution and land).The key factors which affect the outer environment are the choice convergence of western leading industries, the struggles among western MICE centers, civil MICE centers diverting from alongshore to inland, reinforcing trade cooperation with surrounding countries, and policy support of local industries.Combining the result of analyzing exhibition economy development conditions in Urumqi, this paper makes sure that Urumqi should adopt the enterprising type for higher-level by using SWOT, meanwhile it should actively use external opportunities and avoid compensating internal region. Urumqi should take full advantage of the policy of large-scale development of the western region. As civil MICE centers divert from alongshore to inland, Xinjiang should reinforce the outer conditions of cooperating with surrounding countries,reinforce MICE management and the human resources training of MICE, build MICE venues timely, bring in new-patterned management mechanism of MICE industry, constantly improve the urban environment, strengthen the development of MICE economy’s internal environment in Urumqi, and actively compete for a good development for exhibition economy in Urumqi. Meanwhile, While developing MICE economy in Urumqi to compete for should too large, the strategic measures in the implementation of process, it should have a positive attitude, grasp the opportunity and moderate construction. At the same time,the strategic strength should be large.This paper raises concrete countermeasures to linkage mode, space development mode, concrete operating mode of the development of MICE economy. First, it puts forward reinforcing MICE industry, tourism industry and hotel industry, competing for the coordination of MICE industry, communication industry and communication industry and combing MICE industry and retail trade perfectly. Second, on perfecting place development pattern, it puts forward reasonable construction of exhibition venues and rational utilization, carrying out reasonable sort management to exhibition venues, and combining exhibition activities and separate venue flexibly. Third, on concrete operating mode,it puts forward reinforcing trade specialized management, realizing the transformation of exhibition organization, carrying out multi-aspect combing market strategy, and reinforcing the construction of adequate and systematic service.

【关键词】 会展经济条件战略对策乌鲁木齐
【Key words】 MICE economyConditionStrategyCountermeasureUrumqi

