

【作者】 胡健杰

【导师】 廖果;

【作者基本信息】 四川省社会科学院 , 区域经济学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 “推进形成主体功能区”是我国“十一五”规划提出的重要的新举措,是在对我国非均衡发展战略以及脆弱的生态环境进行再认识的基础上,对区域发展战略的发展和深化。国家推进主体功能区的建设,将国土空间划分为优化开发区、重点开发区、限制开发区和禁止开发区四类主体功能区,并进一步明确了四类主体功能区的定位、发展方向和发展重点。重点开发区是资源环境承载能力较强、经济和人口集聚条件较好、发展潜力较大的地区,既是优化开发区产业转移的承接地区,又是限制开发区域和禁止开发区域人口转移的承接地,将逐步成为支撑全国经济发展和人口集聚的重要空间载体。目前,关于重点开发区功能如何实现的问题,部分学者已有大量成果,积累了丰富的经验。但是,在振兴东北战略下,长吉重点开发区域的功能实现方面的研究尙不深入,需要深入研究。本文以长吉重点开发区(长春、吉林、四平、辽源四市)为研究对象,围绕重点开发区产业集聚与人口集聚两个核心功能,探讨了长吉重点开发区域功能实现的途径。本文梳理了主体功能区与区域发展的相关理论与研究成果,以此作为本文研究的理论依据;在界定了长吉重点开发区空间范围的基础上,分析该地区的区域特点,这是本文研究的基点,为进一步研究长吉重点开发区域的发展奠定了基础;文章从长吉重点开发区的产业和城镇体系两个方面,系统分析该地区的发展现状和存在的问题,最后提出实现长吉重点开发区域主体功能的途径。

【Abstract】 One novel promotion of Chinese the eleventh five-year plan is to enhance the development of development priority zone, which were base on reassess the inequilibrium and vulnerable ecological circumstance of character of Chinese land, and were the developing and extending of the strategy of regional development. To impel the development of major function oriented zoning (MFOZ), China assorted MFOZ as four kinds---the region which should the improve the style of its development, the key region which should place more attention in its development , the region which should be partly restricted in its development and the region which should be fully inhibited to development-----furthermore, authorized the orientation and keystone of these four regions respectively. The key region which should place more attention in its development is those places which have abundant resource, relatively perfect economic condition and suitable condition of centralization of population, as we know , with these resource , these places preserve a huge potential of further development, and have enough capability to uptake those industries which were exiled from the region which should the improve the style of its development, also, the industries from those regions which should be partly restricted in its development or should be fully inhibited to development----if dealing with these in good condition , the key region would , eventually , and gradually ,become the article uphold the development of whole country and foremost region for the centralization of residents. At present, some scholars had researched the key region , unfortunately , most research of them were , somehow , narrow and few . So , the dissertation focus on two cores of key region: the centralization of industries and residents. Mainly doing some researches of the Jilin province , the article investigates and analyzes how to realize the function of key region.The article made a summarize of the former researches of development priority zone to found the base of theory. Defined the range of key region of Jilin province, and , made a further analysis for the qualification for the key region----which was the starting point of the article. To analyze the system of industries and town of key region of Jilin, the article made a across-the-aboard research in current situations and problems of the development of key region of Jilin . In addition, the article formed a firm foundation for the key regions of Jilin to improve their function, and mentioned the approaches for the improvement.

【关键词】 长-吉重点开发区域区域优化
【Key words】 Changjikey regionregional improvement

