

【作者】 田苗苗

【导师】 李远国;

【作者基本信息】 四川省社会科学院 , 中国哲学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 川主即山川之主——大禹,史前传说中的帝王和治水英雄。面对滔滔洪水,大禹从鲧治水的失败中汲取教训,改“堵”为“疏导”;为了治理洪水,“三过家门而不入”,公而忘私;他执着的精神、坚定的信念,集中体现了中华民族的勤劳、智慧、勇敢、奉献、坚毅不屈、万众一心战胜困难的民族精神。因此在中华大地上,人们尊称禹为川主(山川之神),顶礼膜拜。据民国时巴蜀地区县志,遍布全川的川主庙、川主宫,多供奉的是秦蜀守李冰及李冰的儿子李二郎的造像。川主信仰是宋元以来巴蜀道教的一大特色。在都江堰地区的二王庙,李二郎甚至取代了父亲李冰,位居主殿。农历六月二十四日,四川各地都会举行“川主会”等多种民俗形式缅怀巴蜀地区的治水英雄。川主信仰作为一种文化生态,是历史留给我们的一笔文化遗产和财富,它所代表的社会观、价值观,既为统治阶级极力推崇也被普通百姓接受。在李冰身上,凝聚了“爱斯民”①“绍往圣”②的优秀品质,三教九流各取所需虔诚供奉,都寄托了各自的一种思想和愿望。它的形成发展投入了平民太多的幻想和期望,更容易让人们接受,历代统治者就是看到了这一点,才把川主推到了“神”的高度,使他成为了政治思想的代言人。近代,川主信仰已逐渐淡出民俗生活,但丰富的川主造像,遍布各地的川主庙、川主祠,作为历史遗迹,见证了川主信仰曾经的辉煌。《西游记》、《封神演义》等历史名著中鲜活的人物、传说,给川主信仰的流传注入了生生活力,五代时杜光庭在《广成集》中收录了大量祭祀川主的醮词,堪称为道教醮词中的典范。都江堰二王庙在清明时期举行的开水节,是祭祀川主李冰最为隆重的民俗活动。正是这些历史遗迹形式保证了川主信仰的完整性。下面就本文各部分的内容作一下简要说明。第一部分,简要介绍了巴蜀川主信仰形成的历史背景以及现代研究成果,提出本文研究的创新之处以及运用的研究方法。第二部分,巴蜀川主朔源。宋元以来,川主信仰与梓潼信仰是巴蜀道教信仰中的一大特色,川主信仰的流传与都江堰区息息相关,川主信仰来自民间,曾经广泛流行于全国。第三部分,巴蜀川主信仰流变。信仰领域所涉及的内容包括祭祀仪式、神灵事迹,这些材料都散见于方志、文集、笔记、碑记中,通过材料的整理,简要叙述巴蜀历史上的川主李冰、李二郎、赵昱、杨二郎;对川主事迹或神迹、官方对川主的历代封赐情况做一总结。第四部分,巴蜀川主信仰与治水文化紧密联系的。四渎之一江渎神祭祀地点自唐代以后选在成都;唐宋以来中央政府对李冰、李二郎的加封不断,到宋代地方政府对灌口二郎神的打压,甚至推崇道教的川主赵昱,来取代灌口二郎神,从信仰反映出的深层次政治、经济原因入手研究川主信仰在唐宋时期的发展变化。第五部分,川主民俗研究。川主信仰民俗概述、都江堰清明放水节、祭祀川主的斋醮科仪与民俗。

【Abstract】 The Chuanzhu is host of the mountains and rivers - - yu, in prehistoric,the fable king and hero of regulating waterways.Facing the torrential flood, Da Yu derives the lesson from Gun who regulated waterways, and changes“stops up”to“unblocking”;In order to control the flood, He is so selfless that he doesn’t enter home when passing by for three times.His dedication , firm faith, has manifested the Chinese national spirit of diligence, wisdom, brave, dedication, perseverance, one heart and one mind to overcome the difficulties.Therefore in the land of China, people politely call yu the master of chuan (god of the mountains and rivers), and worship him.According to Bashu culture area county annals during Mingguo time , Li Bing and Li Bing’s second son’s statuaries are worshiped in the entire Sichuan’s Chuanzhu temples, the Chuanzhu palaces.Belief of chuan’s master is a big characteristic of Bashu Taoism during Song and Yuan times.In the Dujiangyan area’s two kings’temple, Li Bing’second son has even substituted for his father Li Bing, is situated in the main shrine.On the lunar calendar of June 24th ,all regions of Sichuan will hold“the Sichuan master meeting”and many other kinds of folk custom forms to cherish the memory of the pre-Qin period heroes who regulate waterways . The Sichuan master belief takes one cultural ecology, and is our cultural heritage and wealth history leaves , the social view and values it represents are not only esteemed vigorously by the ruling class but also accepted by the common people.Li Bing, an embodiment of the outstanding quality of "love my people" "searching for great." is worshiped by all kinds of people who have a place of their thinking and aspirations.Common people put into too many fantasies and expectations during its formation and development, easier to let the people accept, all previous dynasties ruler saw this point, only then advanced the Sichuan host to the altitude of“the god”, causing him to become the political thinking spokesman.In modern times, the Sichuan master belief have faded out gradually of the folk custom life, but the rich Chuanzhu statuaries, Chuanzhu temples and the palaces , the ancestral halls all around the areas , took the historical traces, saw Sichuan host belief’s magnificence in old times."Journey to the West", "NABI Kingdoms" and other famous historical lively figures , pours viability to the spread of Sichuan host’s belief.Du Guangting of Five Dynasties, in his“Guangchengji”included massive sacrificial and vegetarian rules when worshiping the chuan host.Dujiangyan two kings’Temple hold boiling water festiva during the Ching Ming Festival, which is the main worship of Chuan Li Bing, the most solemn folk activities.It is the form of these historical sites which ensure the integrity of the chuan master’s belief. Here’s the contents of the various parts of this article for a brief description of you.The first part, introduced briefly the Song and Yuan time Bashu culture Sichuan host’s belief forms ,the historical perspective as well as the modern research results, proposed this article studies imposing and utilization the innovation research technique.The second part, Bashu culture Chuanzhu’s new moon source. Song,Yuan the Sichuan main belief and the tzetung belief is in a Bashu culture Taoism belief big characteristic. Analyzes when Bashu culture area widely current between the Sichuan main belief and Taoism relates.The third part, Bashu culture Sichuan host belief’s development and change. The belief domain involves the content including the sacrificial offering ceremony, the God fact, these materials sees here and there in the local chronicle, the anthology, the note, the stele inscription, through the material reorganization, narrates in Bashu culture history Sichuan to advocate Li Bing, the Li second son, the Zhao sunshine briefly. Also carries on the description to the Sichuan main fact or the miracle, also makes a summary to the official to the Sichuan host all previous dynasties award situation.The fourth part, Bashu culture Sichuan host belief with regulates waterways cultural close contacting. Four will blaspheme Jiang Dushen the sacrificial offering place later to elect from the Tang Dynasty in Chengdu; Since the Song Yuan the Central authorities to Li Bing, the Li’s second son has sealed unceasingly, to fill the mouth Erlang Shen’s suppression to the Song Dynasty Local authority, even esteems Taoism the Sichuan host Zhao sunshine, substitutes fills mouth Erlang Shen, reflected from the belief deep level politics, the economic reason obtain to study the Sichuan host’s belief in the Tang Song time development change.The fifth part, Sichuan host folk custom research. "Chinese Local chronicle Folk custom Material Assembly" southwest the volumn volume one Nakaga host’s belief folk custom outline, Dujiang yan Pure Brightness turn on the water the festival orientation lecture.

【关键词】 川主信仰灌口二郎二郎神道教
【Key words】 Chuanzhu beliefGuankouerlangErlangshenTaoism
  • 【分类号】B932
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】247

