

Digestibility of Several Protein Sources and Utilization of Alternative Fish Meal Proteins in Diets of Japanese Sea Bass, Lateolabrax Japonicus

【作者】 贠彪

【导师】 张胜利; 薛敏;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江八一农垦大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 试验一以花鲈(初始体重26.0±0.3 g)为试验对象,采用间接法(用70%的基础料和30%的测试原料混合作为测试料)测定花鲈对几种蛋白原料(牛肉骨粉、猪肉粉、水解羽毛粉、鸡肉粉、鱼粉、豆粕和喷雾干燥血球粉)中干物质、粗蛋白、总能、总磷和17种氨基酸的表观消化率,饲料中三氧化二钇(Y2O3)的添加量为0.1%。利用循环水养殖系统从集粪网上收集包膜完整的鱼粪。试验结果表明,在所有被测试的原料中,猪肉粉蛋白和能量的表观消化率最高;被测原料干物质的表观消化率范围是65.69–91.18%;猪肉粉(96.53%)、豆粕(94.91%)、鸡肉粉(92.44%)、喷雾干燥血球粉(91.82%)、牛肉骨粉(90.61%)、鱼粉(90.26%)和水解羽毛粉(89.11%)都呈现出较高的蛋白消化率(ADCp),相应的,这些原料总氨基酸的利用率分别是92.41%, 88.72%, 85.59%, 90.48%, 89.76%和87.04%。总的来说,氨基酸的利用率反应了蛋白的利用率,就鱼粉而言,虽然它的ADCp与其它原料相比较低(90.26%),但其总氨基酸消化率相对较高(89.76%)。试验二在满足总氨基酸需求的基础上,用8周养殖实验评价发酵豆粕(FSBM)替代25%和50%鱼粉对花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)生长性能及饲料利用的影响。实验设计3种等氮(41 % CP)和等能(19MJ Kg -1)的饲料,其中发酵豆粕替代组饲料分别用喷雾干燥血球粉和晶体蛋氨酸以总氨基酸为依据平衡到对照组水平,每组设计4个重复,鱼体初始体重平均每尾为15.9±0.5 g。试验结果表明,在花鲈饲料中用发酵豆粕替代25%和50%的鱼粉蛋白,随着替代水平的增加,其相对增重率、特定生长率、蛋白质效率和蛋白储积率逐渐降低,饲料系数逐渐升高,且各组间差异显著(P<0.05)。试验三在可消化氨基酸(Digestible amino acid, DAA)理想蛋白的模式下,研究以猪肉粉(pork meal, PM)替代50%鱼粉后对花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)生长性能及生理功能的影响。实验设计4种饲料,其中3种饲料为等粗蛋白(CP=38.5%)和等粗脂肪(CL=10.2%),另设一组与对照组相同DAA模式下次蛋白水平组,CP=36.5%, CL=8.65%。对照组饲料鱼粉用量为32%,其它3组替代其中的50%,分别设计为直接替代组(PM),氨基酸平衡组(PMA)和次蛋白水平下的氨基酸平衡组(LPMA),每组设计4个重复,每个重复25尾鱼。鱼体初始体重为60.0±0.3g,在循环水系统中进行8周养殖实验,每天分别在09:00和16:00投喂至表观饱。试验结果表明以猪肉粉替代50%鱼粉,PMA组花鲈,在增重率,特定生长率,饲料系数和蛋白质效率上与对照组无显著差异(P>0.05)。但是可消化氨基酸不平衡或降低饲料蛋白质含量都会显著降低花鲈生长性能(P<0.05)。

【Abstract】 Experiment1: apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter (ADCd), crude protein (ADCp), gross energy (ADCe), total phosphorus(ADCTP), and 17 amino acids(ADCA) in beef meat and bone meal(BMBM), pork meal(PM), hydrolysed feather meal(HFeM), poultry by-products meal(PBM), fish meal(FM), soybean meal(SBM), and spray dried blood meal(SDBM) were determined for Japanese sea bass (initial body weight, IBW = 26.0±0.3 g ). A reference diet (RD) and test diets (consisting of 70% RD diet and 30% of the test ingredient) were used with 0.1% Yttrium oxide as an external indicator. Feces were collected from triplicate groups of fish using a fecal collection column attached to the fish rearing tank. Statistics indicated that ADCp, and ADCe were highest for pork meal. ADCd of Japanese sea bass ranged 65.69–91.18% for ingredients tested. Japanese sea bass were capable of digesting protein very effectively in all ingredients tested. Among the ingredients PM (96.53%), SBM(94.91%), PBM(92.44%), SDBM (91.82%), BMBM (90.61%), FM(90.26%), and HFeM(89.11%) presented high ADCp values. Accordingly, gross apparent amino acid availability of feed ingredients was similar to protein digestibility with 92.41%, 88.72%, 85.59%, 90.48%, 89.76% and 87.04% values for the ingredients respectively. In summary, amino acid availability reflected protein digestibility. ADCp of FM (90.26%) was relatively lower compared with other ingredients. However, gross apparent amino acid availability of FM (89.76%) was relatively higher for it.Experiment 2: a eight-week growth trial were conducted to determine the effects of replacement of fish meal by fermented soybean meal (FSBM) in diets of Japanese sea bass, Lateolabrax japonicus. Triplicate groups of fish (initial body weight 15.9±0.5 g fish-1) were fed three isonitrogenous and isocaloric feeds formulated to contain 41% crude protein and 19 MJ kg-1gross energy. 25% and 50% of fish meal protein were replaced by FSBM, in which 2 diets with balanced Spray dried blood meal and Methionine based on total essential amino acids, respectively.The results showed that Weight gain rate (WGR), specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and protein efficiency ratio (PER) of fish fed the FSBM diet did show significant difference among fish fed the formulated feeds (P<.0.05).Experiment 3: an eight-week conducted to examine the efficacy of replacing fish meal with pork meal (PM) on an ideal protein basis in diets for Japanese sea bass in tank culture. A control diet (32% fish meal used, CP: 38.5%, CL=10.2%) were formulated under ideal protein profile based on digestible essential amino acids (diet FM). In other 3 diets, 50% of fish meal were replaced by pork meal, in which 2 diets with(diet PMA) or without balanced amino acid(diet PM), respectively formulated as isonitrogenius and isolipidic as control diet, the other diet at suboptimal nutrient level (diet LPMA,CP: 36.5%, CL: 8.65%), but same amino acid profile were designed. The experimental diets were fed close to apparent satiation, twice a day (09:00 and 16:00) to quadruplicate groups of Japanese sea bass (initial average weight 60.0±0.3 g).The results showed that Weight gain rate (WGR), specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and protein efficiency ratio (PER) of fish fed the PMA diet did not show significant difference with those of control group (P>0.05). However, the PM and LPMA diet, growth performance, and feed utilization efficiency for fish fed were significantly lower compared to fish fed the FM (P<0.05).


