

Reconstruction of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Prototype Basin of Erlian Basin

【作者】 吴刚

【导师】 张卫海;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 综合钻井、取心、地震、区域地质调查报告及野外踏勘等资料,对二连盆地侏罗纪—白垩纪残留地层岩性特征与对比、残留厚度进行了系统研究。认为中—下侏罗统分为南北两个残留盆地区,上侏罗统火山岩地层主要沿大兴安岭隆起及盆地南缘分布,下白垩统在盆地内部53个断陷均有分布、各断陷均有1~4个残留厚度中心,上白垩统主要分布于盆地西部临近巴音宝力格隆起一带。系统总结了早白垩世盆地伸展正断层的平面、剖面组合样式和反转构造样式类型及形成机制;以板块活动论为指导,分析了二连盆地中、新生代盆地演化特征及动力学机制,欧亚板块和太平洋板块等板块之间的相互作用,以及蒙古—鄂霍次克碰撞缝合带的碰撞效应均为影响盆地演化的重要因素。提出了叠合构造样式的概念,建立了构造样式叠合模式,即K1简单伸展构造模式、K1拉张—K1末期挤压反转构造叠合模式、J1+2—K1继承性伸展构造叠合模式、K1走滑拉张—K1末期走滑挤压的走滑反转构造叠合模式、J1+2拉张—J3挤压—K1拉张—K1末期挤压的多期复杂构造叠合模式,明确了构造运动与构造样式之间的耦合关系。在沉积相类型及构造特征研究基础上,探讨了早白垩世断陷湖盆不同类型断层及构造带对沉积充填的控制。其中铲式陡坡带沉降、沉积中心一致,发育冲积扇、近岸水下扇、扇三角洲及湖底扇。分析了单断箕状断陷湖盆幕式演化对沉积充填的影响,总结了陡坡带、缓坡带沉积相类型及演化模式,陡坡带较缓坡带沉积类型丰富、演化模式复杂。通过沉积地层、构造及物源等方面综合研究,认为早—中侏罗世发育南、北两个次级盆地区,为发育含煤碎屑岩的陆相断—拗型盆地。晚侏罗世,受区域性挤压反转,在大兴安岭隆起及盆地南缘凹陷发育火山岩地层。早白垩世,在破碎基底构造格局、窄长条形盆地形态等静态要素,以及前期多旋回演化、右旋剪切应力场等动态要素联合作用下,具有独特的强分割性成盆特征,为拉张断陷型盆地群。晚白垩世,仅在少数地区发育河流—湖泊沉积体系,属热沉降坳陷盆地。

【Abstract】 Based on drilling data,seismic interpretation, the area geological survey report and the field recording data, I studied the formation’s lithologic characteristic, stratigraphic correlation and thicknesses of remnant formations of the Jurassic-Cretaceous residual basin,drew the distribution maps. The early-middle jurassic basin is separated into two residual basins, which were the north basin and the south basin. The late Jurassic volcanic stratigraphy distributed along the Daxinganling and basin margin.The lower cretaceous distribute all fifty-three depressions,and each depression has 1~4 residual thickess center. The upper cretaceous distributed along the region near the Bayinbaolige uplift.Structure types and dynamic mechanism about the assemble pattern of extensional normal faults in the plane and profile, and inversion structures,was comprehensively summarized; based on the plate structure theory, tectonic evolution and dynamic mechanism of the Meso-Cenozoic basin was studied together. The conclusion was that basin evolution effect from many ways,such as the interaction of the Eurasian plate and Pacific plate, also the collision effect the Mongolia-Okhotsk suture belt.In this paper, the superimposed structural style was put forward for the first time, and the superimposed models about the structural stytle wers constructed,such as K1 single extension-structure modle, inversion-structure model corresponding to K1 extension-K1 terminal com-pression, J1+2-K1 inherited extension-structure model, strike-slip structure model correspondding to K1strike-slip extension-K1 terminal strike-slip compression, multi-phase of structure model corresponding to J1+2 extension-J3 compression-K1 extension-K1 ter-minal secondary compression,what’s more,the coupling relationship between the structural evolution and structural stytle is confirmed. Based on the intergrated research of sedimentary and structural feature, the crucial connection between sedimentary filling and different kinds of fault or the secondary structural belts had been discussed. One law was that depoccenter was in accordance with subsidence center, alluvial fansnearshore subaqueous fan, fan delata and sublacustrine-fan were developed in the aera of listric stytle faults. Also, those types of sedimentary facies and evolution model in the aera of steep slope belt or gentle slope belt were discussed, then, the control action of sedimentary filling from the episodic evolution of the half graben rift was confirmed, generally speaking, the character of the steep slope was more complex than the gentle slope.Those last conclusions were as follows. There were two separate basin during the early-middle Jurassic, they were continental rift-subsiding basin with coal-bearing clastic rocks. Because of the regional compression and inversion,the late Jurassic volcanic stratigraphy distributed along the deep faults in the aera of Daxinganling uplift and the basin margin. The early cretaceous basin was an extensional faulted basin due to static factors including crushing basement framework and long strip basin shape,dynamic factors including the prebious multicycle evolution and dectral shear stress field at the same time, so the basin formation model was special and strong senmentation.The thermodynamic subsidence was the genetic mechanism of the late cretaceous basin with river-lake deposition system in some aera.


