

Research on Structure Stress and Controlling on Structure in Western Gaoyou Depression of Subei Basin

【作者】 陈强

【导师】 张卫海;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 高邮凹陷西部地区地质特征复杂,通过数值模拟技术对主要成藏期和现今构造应力场进行了模拟,明确构造应力场对构造样式及构造演化的控制作用,分析构造应力场对油气藏形成的控制规律,指导该区油气勘探部署。在古构造恢复及现今构造基础上,以水力压裂资料及声发射试验数据为基础,利用Ansys 10.0有限元软件对阜宁期、三垛期和现今构造应力场进行了二维模拟。模拟结果表明,阜宁期最大主应力以拉张力为主,近EW向,兼有较低值压应力;最小主应力近NS向,表现为高值压应力;剪切应力以右旋应力为主,局部兼有左旋应力;三垛运动期,构造应力场最大主应力为拉张性质,高值,近NS向;最小主应力为低值挤压性质,低值,近EW向;现今最大主应力为近NS向,为压应力,分布较为平均,应力性质稳定;最小主应力亦是如此。利用斯伦贝谢公司的工作站版地震解释软件Geoframe4.3对典型剖面进行了构造解释,研究了构造样式及断层组合特征,识别出正断层、背斜、断块和断鼻等构造及其组合样式。系统分析了构造样式的应力成因,认为构造应力场的地区、特征差异性是导致构造样式差异形成的最终原因。应用平衡剖面法和古厚度恢复法结合应力场模拟分析了构造演化史。真①在泰州组沉积期即已形成,真②、汉留断裂带形成于阜宁期;四级及以下断层主要是在戴南期及三垛期形成。区内断层经历了产生—活动—停止的阶段,该演化过程的模拟结果与应力场数值模拟结果相吻合。构造应力场控制着三垛期的古构造背景,西高东低的构造起伏使油气总体而言呈现相西部运移的趋势。应力场控制着构造圈闭的形成,在韦庄地区发育断鼻、断块圈闭;在马家嘴地区发育断层遮挡、断层-岩性圈闭;黄珏地区与马家嘴地区相同。应力场控制着油气成藏。三垛期,最大主应力表现为高值拉张应力,此时各级别断层均处于活动期,各级别、各层位的断层封闭型均较差,断层输导体系有效性好,断层输导体系为本区最重要的输导体系类型。现今构造应力场,最大主应力为压应力,性质稳定,分布平均,断层活动性降低趋于静止状态,油气藏保存条件较好。

【Abstract】 Geology chrematistic of western Gaoyou Sag is complex. We emulated the tectonic stress field which is in main migration and accumulation period and nowadays by numerical simulation technology. We made definite that the structural styles were controlled by tectonic stress, so was the structural evolution. We analyzed the law which the tectonic stress field controlled the hydrocarbon migration and accumulation. The aim is to guide hydrocarbon exploration.Based on the paleostructure recovering and hydraulic fracturing data and acoustic emission data, we emulated the tectonic stress field of Funing, Sanduo and present stages with Ansys 10.0. The result showed that maximum principal stress was main of tensile stress in Funing stage. The direction is near NE. At the same time there was low compressing stress, too. Minimum principal stress was NS direction. It showed high numeric value. Shear principal stress was main of dextrorotation. There was laevorotation at the same time in some area, too. Maximum principal stress was tensional in Sanduo stage, high numeric value, near NE direction. Minimum principal stress was low numeric value and compressive, near EW direction. Maximum principal stress was NS direction and compressive at present stage. It distributed average and stable. So was the minimum principal stress.Some classic sections were elucidated by Schlumberger Geoframe 4.3 Version. We made known the structural styles and faults group characteristic. We recognized that there were normal fault, anticline, block and faulted nose, etc group structural styles . We analyzed systematically the reason that structural styles were formed by tectonic stress. Tectonic stress chrematistic is different between different area, and that is the reason why the structural styles is different in different area.We analyzed the structure evolution history by structure restoration of balancing cross section and back-stripping in inversion of original stratum thickness with tectonic stress emulation. Zhen①fault was formed in Taizhou stage . Zhen②and Hanliu fault were formed in Funing stage. Faults of grade four and below is mainly formed in Dainan and Sanduo stage. Faults’evolution in this area suffered three stages”forming-active-stable”. The process was good coincide with tectonic stress emulation results.Tectonic stress controlled the palaeostructure in Sanduo stage. Structural tendency of west high and east low caused the hydrocarbon migrating to the west almost. Tectonic stress controlled the traps. In Weizhuang area, there developped faulted-nose, block traps. In Huangjue and Majiazui area, there developped fault, fault-lithology traps. Tectonic stress controlled hydrocarbon accumulation. In Sanduo stage, maximum principal stress was main of tensile stress and high numeric value. Then any levels of faults were of activity. Sealing of them was bad almost. Validity of fault pathway system was good. Fault pathway system was the most important kind in the area. Tectonic stress in present stage was that the maximum principal stress was compressive and stable. It distributed average. Fault activity came down and trended to still. It was good for hydrocarbon storage.


