

The Application of Several De-noising Method in the Deep Copper Exploration at L-L Region

【作者】 邵昌盛

【导师】 李才明;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 固体地球物理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 铜矿作为国家建设必不可少的一种战略资源,在国民经济建设中有着非常重要的作用,经历了几十年的勘探开发,浅部和地质条件好的铜矿资源逐渐枯竭,因此,今后勘探的方向应该转向深部和地质条件差的边远地区。音频大地电磁法由于其装备轻便、受地形影响较小,探测深度大,在高原、山区的找矿工作中能够体现出其优越性,因此,音频大地电磁测深探测深部铜矿的研究和应用的意义十分明显。然而,对音频大地电磁测深法勘探而言,如何压制噪音,提取到真实可靠的地下场源体所产生的信息,客观的反映地下地质结构或铜矿产生的异常,就是值得研究的一个课题。大地电磁测深张量阻抗计算表达式出发,分析了噪声对张量阻抗估计产生的影响。即当电磁分量中囔声不相关时,其阻抗张量的估计值精度将大有改观。远参考MT方法应用了同一时刻的磁场信号在一定范围内变化不太大、而一定距离范围之外测点与参考点问噪声一般满足不相关的特点,使该方法具有一定的压制干扰的作用。并应用该方法对某地区的实测远参考MT资料进行了远参考处理和Robust处理。本文在借鉴国内外已有的研究成果的基础上,综合利用音频大地电磁测深勘探、压制噪音技术、数值计算等学科的知识,对去噪技术做比较研究,优选适于在L-L深部铜矿勘探中去噪较好的Robust方法,对实测资料进行处理,之后对其进行解释推断,获得了与地质推断、其它物化探方法推断所获结论相近的结果:在浅部正采铜的L-L铜矿以南,存在一个总体上类似于椭圆形的盆状低阻矿化层,其长轴走向近于南北,长约8.5 km,中部宽约3.5 km,此“盆”的周边埋深较小,底部埋深大(深部达1.4 km左右),此低阻矿化层含铜的可能性较大。

【Abstract】 As a essential strategic resource , copper resources is a very importance in the national economic construction , after decades of exploration and development , copper resources is diminishing gradually at shallow and geological conditions well region. Therefore, the direction of exploration should be turn to the deep and geological conditions poor region from now on.Because the equipment is lighter, less affected by terrain, detecting the larger depth, the Audio Magnetotelluric method (AMT) can reflect its superiority at prospecting work in the plateau and the mountains. Therefore, the significance is obvious to study and apply the AMT .Yet, it’s a topic worthy of study to suppress noise and to extract the real and reliable informations which come from the underground geological body, to reflect the underground geological structure or the anomaly generated by the copper, for research of the AMT.Based on the results of researched at home and abroad, de-noising techniques are compared in this paper. To select the better de-noise method, the related technology and knowledge are used, such as the AMT exploration, suppress noise and numerical calculation etc. After processing and inferring, the conclusions are obtained which are Similar to the other geophysical and geochemical methods. The conclusions are that the low mineralized layer is similar to the oval-shaped basin with length about 8.5 km and width about 3.5 km. It lies in the south of L-L region, the direction of long axis is the north-south, the depth is shallow around the basin and the depth is deep at the ??om(the deep reach about 1.4km).It is greatly possible containing copper in the low resistivity layer.


