

Research on the Petrologic Characteristics of Ore-bearing Rock Series in Wajingou-Boxianglin Ore Section, Liwu Cu-Zn Mining Area, Jiulong, Sichuan

【作者】 廖海

【导师】 孙传敏;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 挖金沟—柏香林在区域构造上处于康滇地轴西侧,松潘—甘孜造山带东南缘,北东向(木里—锦屏)弧形推覆构造带北西侧后缘。本文研究的含矿岩系是指挖金沟—柏香林的里伍群。通过本次研究分析,研究区含矿岩系包括片岩、石英片岩、石英岩和斜长角闪岩。矿石矿物包括黄铜矿、黄铁矿、闪锌矿、磁黄铁矿等;脉石矿物包括石英、云母、长石等;特征矿物有十字石、石榴子石、电气石等。含矿岩系中片岩以黑云片岩和二云片岩为主,绢云片岩、黑云绢云片岩次之,透闪片岩、绿泥片岩少,为副变质岩,其主要原岩为泥岩、粉砂岩以及粘土岩等;石英片岩以二云石英片岩为主,次为黑云石英片岩,少量白云母石英片岩,为副变质岩,其原岩为富铝系列的粘土岩或页岩等,而还有部分逐渐向长英质系列过渡;石英岩中以黑云石英岩及二云石英岩为主,为副变质岩,原岩为可能为粉砂岩;斜长角闪岩为正变质岩,而其原岩可能为玄武岩。从含矿岩系微量元素特征来看,片岩、石英片岩以及石英岩元素的富集、亏损反应了幔源和壳源的特点,同时都印证了这些岩类均为副变质岩;斜长角闪岩原岩为基性岩,其它特征也显示出为玄武岩。含矿岩系片岩、石英片岩和石英岩各类稀土元素的配分曲线均较一致,都为轻稀土元素富集并且具负铕异常,其特征显示其物质来源的相似性;而斜长角闪岩也为轻稀土元素富集,其特征显示其为拉斑玄武岩。综合看来,挖金沟—柏香林的含矿岩系为海相沉积建造,并且属于滨海—浅海相的沉积环境。同时含矿岩系形成的过程,也是矿质初步富集的过程。

【Abstract】 Wajingou-Boxianglin located in the west of Kangdian Earth’s axis, the south edge of Songpan-Granze orogen and the northwest of Muli-Jinping arc thrust tectonic zone.Ore-bearing rock series which refer to Liwu group in Wajingou-Boxianglin in this paper, contained schist, quartz schist, quartzite and amphibolites in this research. Ore minerals including chalcopyrite,pyrite,sphalerite,pyrite,etc.;Gangue minerals including quartz,mica,feldspar,etc..Diagnostic including staurolite, garnet, tourmaline, etc..Biotite schist and two-mica schist are the most in Schist of the ore-bearing rock series,sericite-schist ,biotite and sericite-schist are the second.Tremolite schist and chlorite schist are the least.Schist belong to parablastesis.The main protolith are mud rock,siltite and claystone,ect..The main rock of quartz schist is two-mica quartz shist,biotite quartz schist is the second,muscovite quartz schist is a small amount. Quartz schist belong to parablastesis. The main protolith is claystone ,schist that belong to allitic series.Some of them transite to felsic series.The main rock of quartz rock is biotite quartz rock and two-mica quartz rock, and belong to parablastesis. The main protolith siltstone. Amphibolites belong to orthometamorphite.The possible protolith is basalt.Beneficiation and decrement of elment respond the characteristic of mantle source and shell source in Schist, quartz schist and quartz rock from characteristic of trace element of ore-bearing rock series.That prove those rocks are parablastesis.The protolith of amphibolites is basic rock.Some other characteristic also indicate it is basalt. Distribution pattern of rare-earth element of schist, quartz schist and quartz rock are matched comparatively.All of them are beneficiation of LREE and obvious negative Eu abnormality.The characteristic indicate the similar source. Amphibolites also are beneficiation of LREE. The characteristic indicate it is tholeiite.Integrated view,the ore-bearing rock series of Wajingou-Boxianglin is marine deposit construct and belong to littoral-sallow sea depositional environment.The process of formation of ore-bearing rock series is the same process as preliminary beneficiation of mineral


