

The Study on the Introduction and Soil Improvement of Prosopis Chilensis and Pithecellobium Dulce

【作者】 郭尚磊

【导师】 彭培好;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 第四纪地质学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪50年代以来,我国在干热河谷引种造林方面已取得很大成绩,但在树种选择上,仍存在不少问题。为此本文进行智利牧豆(Prosopis chilensis L.)和牛蹄豆(Pithecellobium dulce Lam.)的引种试验及其对土壤的改良作用的研究。本文实验区位于攀枝花干热河谷区,气候为南亚热带半干燥气候,具有日照充足、热量丰富、干雨季分明、河谷地带焚风作用显著的气候特点,是四川省热量最高的区域。论文根据20世纪初德国迈尔(H.Mayr)提出的“气侯相似论”原理,选择与攀西地区气候相似的中美洲作为引种种源地,筛选智利牧豆、牛蹄豆在攀西地区引种研究,旨在为该区生态恢复提供优良的材料。引自于中美洲的智利牧豆、牛蹄豆属于豆科植物,极耐干旱,可作为干旱河谷地区生态恢复优良先锋树种。其根瘤菌固氮能力强,对改良干旱地区的土壤环境和土壤质量也具有很大的积极作用,是荒山造林的先锋树种。具有很高的经济价值、生态价值和社会价值。所以,对智利牧豆、牛蹄豆育苗技术的研究意义重大。本文从两个物种的育苗技术、生长节律观测、物种物候观测等方面着手,主要对两个物种在攀西干热河谷地区的适应性进行研究。在两个物种大田生长两年后,对当地土壤的改良作用和两个物种的光合作用进行了表层次的分析。得出以下主要结论:1)通过育苗实验,牛蹄豆的种子发芽率普遍偏低,最低达到10.67%,最高也仅为13.33%,其原因除了与浸种时间长短和浸种温度有关外,与苗期管理也有一定的关系;智利牧豆的种子发芽率保持在20%左右,这与苗期管理有一定的关系。智利牧豆在7~8月份,牛蹄豆在8~9月份是生长旺盛期;智利牧豆的出苗持续时间相对牛蹄豆较长,出土较快;苗期智利牧豆的径高比大于牛蹄豆;智利牧豆平均径高比为1.35%,牛蹄豆平均径高比为1.1%。2)智利牧豆抗虫性较好,但抗病性差,多发生叶斑病和立枯病,属豆科植物的病毒病类型;牛蹄豆抗病性和抗虫性均较差,易受地蛆、根节线虫、甲壳虫等害虫危害,主要在出苗期虫害严重,地蛆主要危害播种下的发芽种子,致使种子失去活力。通过对幼苗生病期、虫害期的及时处理,智利牧豆后期生长良好。但牛蹄都由于没有良好的控制虫害,导致最后总体出苗率很低。因此,在幼苗生病期、虫害期应及时加强管理。3)通过研究区地表土壤元素含量与全国表层土进行对照,该区重金属污染严重,尤其是Cr、Cu、Ni三种元素的含量基本上达到了全国表层土含量的1.5倍。牛蹄豆和智利牧豆具有丰富的根瘤菌,可迅速增加土壤肥力,改善土壤结构。结果表明智利牧豆和牛蹄豆都可以增加土壤的肥力,但智利牧豆的固氮能力要强于牛蹄豆的固氮能力。4)影响光合作用的因素有很多,诸如光强度、CO2浓度、温度、叶绿素和叶子水分含量、矿物质含量等都会影响光合作用。光合作用是一个复杂的综合过程,因而参与光合作用过程的各个因素和条件,就不是单独起作用的,而是彼此间存在相互联系。因此,在实践中要进行全面的分析考虑。智利牧豆和牛蹄豆的引种在国内尚属首例,在研究中难免出现一定的误差或偏差,将在以后的研究中应不断的深入研究。

【Abstract】 Since the 1950’s, many forestry workers in the dry-hot valley of afforestation have been made great achievements. However; there are still many problems of the choice of tree species. So in this paper, we did the study on the introduction and soil improvement of Prosopis chilensis and Pithecellobium dulce. The pilot area is located in Panzhihua dry-hot valley area. The climates belong to the semi-arid subtropical climate with abundant sunshine and rich in calories, which is the role of valley foehn significant climate characterized by the highest energy region of Sichuan Province. The paper is based on the thesisof " climate is similar to theory" according to the early Meyer (H. Mayr), Germany, in 20th century. Therefore, we have chosen Panxi area as the original place where has similar climate with Central America.Prosopis chilensis and Pithecellobium dulce which are introduced in the Central-America are belong to Legumes and are very resistant to drought. They can be good pioneer species ecological restoration in Dry-Valley Region. Of its nitrogen-fixing ability of Rhizobium, they also can play a positive role in improving the soil environment in arid regions and soil quality. They are the pioneer trees in reforestation of barren hills. They have high values in economic, ecological and social. Therefore, there is a great significance of study of the breeding technology of Prosopis chilensis and Pithecellobium dulce.In the paper, we have done a feasibility study for the analysis of the two species adaptability. The study was concluding the nursery technology and the growth rhythm of observation and species phenological observations aspects of two species, in order to improve the adaptability in Panxi. Two years later, we have a study on their improvements of the local soil and the two species of photosynthetic effects analysis of the table level. We come to the following major conclusions: 1) Through breeding experiments, the seeds germination rate of Pithecellobium dulce is generally low, the minimum to reach 10.67 percent, the maximum to reach 13.33 percent, the reasons maybe concerned with the length of soaking time and soaking temperature, and also concerned with the seedling management. The seeds germination rate of Prosopis chilensis remained at 20 percent, which is concerned with the seedling management. The vigorous growing phase of Prosopis chilensis and Pithecellobium dulce is from July to August and from August to September, respectively. Duration of Prosopis chilensis is longer and unearthed is faster accorded to Pithecellobium dulce. In seeding period, the ratio of dia-height of Prosopis chilensis is bigger than Pithecellobium dulce. The average ratio of dia-height of Prosopis chilensis is 1.35 percent, the average ratio of dia-height of Pithecellobium dulce is 1.1 percent.2) Prosopis chilensis is good in resistant pests, but poor in resistance diseases and often happening at leaf spot and damping-off which are the types of the virus disease of leguminous plants. The resistances of disease and insect of Pithecellobium dulce are weak in seeding period. The insets conclude soil maggots and eelworms etc. The soil maggots often made hazards to the sowing seed, resulting in the loss of vitality of seeds. By dealing with the diseases and insects of seedling in time, Prosopis chilensis have a good growth in late time. However, the absence of a good pest control, the germination rate of Pithecellobium dulce is very low. Therefore, we must do a good job in the period of seedling diseases and pests.3) Through the contrast study of the average content of surface soil elements between the study area and the country, the heavy metal pollution of the study area is serious. In particular, Cr, Cu and Ni have been achieved to 1.5 times of the national content of the topsoil. Prosopis chilensis and Pithecellobium dulce have a wealth of rhizobium which can improve soil fertility and soil structure quickly. The study results show that Prosopis chilensis and Pithecellobium dulce need a lot of effective P and K elements which are available, and both of the two species can improve soil fertility. Prosopis chilensis have a better Nitrogen-fixing capacity than Pithecellobium dulce.4) There are many affected factors of photosynthesis such as Light intensity, CO2 concentration, temperature, chlorophyll and leaf water content, mineral content. Photosynthesis is a complex integrated process. Therefore, all the factors and conditions which are participations in the process of photosynthesis will not work alone, but work interactively. As a result, we must consider all of the factors and conditions in practice. Prosopis chilensis and Pithecellobium dulce are the first introduction to China and we just do a primary study. In the study, there must be having many errors or deviations. We will continue to do much more in-depth study and research in the future.


