

Portable Geophone Testing Detector

【作者】 段小霞

【导师】 任家富;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 应用地球物理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是一个人口大国,能源需求量很大,能源安全是我国国民经济及社会发展的一个重要前提,而目前我国能源安全问题中亟待解决的就是石油供应问题。我国的油气供不应求,当务之急就是找到更多的产油区。由于石油、天然气一般埋藏于地表深层,开采这些资源就必须获取油气藏的位置、平面分布、储油层厚度广度、油气储量等资料,所以我们必须提高勘探技术以应对能源问题。地球物理勘探的主要任务之一就是获取这些资料。地球物理勘探方法有地震勘探、重力勘探、磁力勘探、电法勘探等。其中,地震勘探方法是一种极为重要的勘探方法。地震波检波器是地震勘探的关键设备,是执行地震勘探的第一道工序的仪器,是保证野外采集数据质量的重要因素。它的发展是以地震勘探的发展与需求为前提条件和动力源泉;反过来又直接制约和促进着地震勘探的发展。它是否正常工作将直接影响到地震数据采集质量的好坏。地震波检波器是石油、煤炭、金属等矿产及工程地震勘探等数据采集中最为重要的传感器,它的性能好坏将直接影响到地震资料及技术成果的准确性,所以在每次使用地震波检波器之前都必须进行检测。但每次地震勘探中所需要的地震波检波器的数目庞大,由人工检查的话不仅耗时且不具可行性,必须由专门的测试仪器做批量测试;另一方面石油勘探的严酷性又对它的测试系统提出其它要求,如体积更小、功耗更低、可靠性更高等。本研究为四川石油管理局资助项目“地震波检波器测试仪”的主课题。本研究在借鉴了国内外产品优点和克服缺点的基础上,通过研究地震波检波器测试仪所基于的测量原理,引入了STM32F10X和带触摸屏的液晶显示器,设计出了功耗小、便于携带、存储容量大、工作稳定,能够及时准确测量地震波检波器是否处于正常工作状态的地震波检波器测试仪。该仪器在理论分析、设计、计算和工艺试验的基础上,研制出了手持式地震波检波器测试仪,对检波器进行了实测,并在西安石油仪器测试中心对本测试仪进行了检测。检测结果表明,所设计的样机性能较好,各项性能指标达到设计要求。在本文的最后对整个测试仪的研究进行了总结,总结了该设计的优点和不足,以待今后的改进,同时对本仪器的未来发展进行了展望。

【Abstract】 China is a country with large population, the demand of energy is huge, energy security is an important premise of our national economy and social development. However, at present the emergency problem of our nation energy security is oil supplement. Oil and gas are in short supply in China, it is imperative to find more oil-producing areas. As a result of oil and natural gas generally buried deeply in the ground, to exploit these resources, we must obtain the location of oil and gas reservoirs, flat distribution, the thickness and the breadth of the reservoir, oil and gas reserves information. Therefore, we need to improve exploration techniques to deal with energy problems.One of the main tasks of Geophysical exploration is to obtain such information. Geophysical prospecting methods including seismic prospecting, gravity prospecting, magnetic prospecting, electrical prospecting, etc. Among them, the seismic exploration method is an very important method of exploration. Geophone is the key equipment to seismic exploration, which is the implementation equipment of the first seismic exploration process to ensure the quality of field data collection .The power source and premise of Geophone′s development is according to the demand and development of seismic exploration; on the contrary,it restricts and promotes the development of seismic exploration. Does it work will directly affect the quality of seismic data acquisition.Geophone is the most important sensors of the oil, coal, metals and other minerals, such as seismic exploration and engineering data collection. Its performance will directly affect the quality of seismic data and technical accuracy of the results, so Geophone must be checked before using them at each time. But Geophone in seismic exploration needs for a large number of manual checks, not only unfeasibility and time-consuming,but aslo have to be tested by special equipment to do volume testing; on the other hand, the test system must adapt to harsh nature of oil exploration, so it shoud be smaller and lower power consumption, higher reliability.The design is the main topic of oil-funded projects for the Nanchong " Geophone Testing Detector " which draws on the strengths and weaknesse of domestic and foreign products. It based on the studies of Geophone testing detector which through the measurement principle of test detector, with the introduction of STM32F10X and the liquid crystal display touch screen, we design the geophone which is low effect, easy to be carried, big storage capacity, work stability, timely and accurate measurement to test whether the geophone is in normal working condition.With the help of the theoretical analysis, design, computing and technology test, we develop a hand-held detector seismic testing. The result of experiment shows that the prototype design is in good quality, the performance indexes meet the design requirements.The thesis summaries the research .the strengths and weaknesses of the design, which can be improved in the future in the last part of the project .At the same time, we outlooking the future development of this instrument.


