

Research on the Legal System of Rural Land Pollution Prevention

【作者】 潘丹

【导师】 黄锡生;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 土地作为一种重要的自然资源,不仅是农业生产的基础,也是人类社会生存和发展的基础。作为一个农业大国,我国的农村土地生态状况不仅直接影响到农产品质量和人体健康,而且关系到国土资源的安全和社会经济的可持续发展。近年来,我国农村地区土地污染严重,农田土壤生态环境日益恶化,已经成为制约农业生产发展和农村经济进步的瓶颈。为了遏制农村土地污染持续恶化的严峻态势,我们必须借助于法律的有效规制。但是目前我国尚没有一部关于土地污染防治的专门立法,从而导致土地污染防治工作无法可循,执法不力。因此必须建立起完善的土地污染防治法律制度,将农村地区的土地污染防治工作纳入到法制化、规范化的轨道,这也是本文研究的主要目的。本文共分为六个部分,第一部分简单介绍了选题的背景及意义,并对国内外研究现状进行了概述;第二部分从农村土地污染防治的基本理论出发,分析了农村土地污染的涵义、特征及危害,并从可持续发展以及生态平衡理论等层面分析了构建农村土地污染防治法律制度的理论基础;第三部分立足于我国目前的农村土地污染状况,分析了导致农村土地污染的根源,除了人们意识层面不够重视、农村地区环保基础设施缺乏之外,最主要的原因还在于法律制度的缺失;第四部分分析和反思了我国有关农村土地污染防治的法制现状及其不足之处。我国现有的涉及农村土地污染防治的立法分散地规定在宪法、法律、行政法规、部门规章等法律法规中。这种分散规定的局面显示出我国在农村土地污染防治法制方面还存在许多缺陷,比如缺乏专门性立法的系统规制、监管体制混乱、缺乏对已污染土地的整治制度、土地污染防治标准滞后等等;第五部分主要通过对在农村土地污染防治立法及实践方面比较具有代表性的国家的法律制度的考察,探索对我国建立和完善农村土地污染防治法律制度有益的经验借鉴及启示;第六部分是本文的重点,首先分析了完善我国农村土地污染防治法律制度的必要性,然后提出了完善农村土地污染防治法律制度的具体构想,包括建立专项性立法、完善土地污染防治立法的执行与监管体制、建立和完善农村土地污染的预防和整治制度、完善农用土地污染防治标准制度以及法律责任制度等。

【Abstract】 As an important natural resource, land is not only the basis of agricultural production, but also the basis of human society’s survival and development. As a large agricultural country, China’s ecological condition of rural land not only affects the quality of agricultural production and human health, but also have to do with the security of land and the sustainable development of social economic. In recent years, our land of rural areas have been polluted seriously. The ecological condition of farmland has also gone worsen gradually. These problems have been the bottleneck which restrict the development of agricultural production and the progress of economic. In order to control the severe situation that the pollution of rural land gradually goes worsen, we must draw support from effective regulation of law. But at present our country doesn’t have one special legislation in prevention and cure of land pollution, what lead to our pollution prevention work on rural land without legal supporting and the enforcement lack of power. Therefore, we must construct a consummate legal system of prevention and cure of land pollution to make pollution prevention work of rural land came into the frack of legalization and standardization. It is also the main purpose of this paper.This paper is divided into six parts. The first part of this paper introduces the background and the meaning of the topic briefly. Besides, it summarizes the current situation of research at home and abroad.The second part analyses the meaning, characteristics and hazards of land pollution. It also analyses theoretical foundations of building the legal system of rural land pollution prevention based on the theory of sustainable development and biological balance.The third part analyses the causes which lead to land pollution according to the present situation of rural land pollution in our country. That is, people pay no attention to it, and the environmental protection facilities are not enough in rural areas. Above all, the most important reason is the lack of legal system.The fourth part analyses current legislation in the legal system of rural land pollution prevention and rethink the deficiencies of that. Now, the existing legislation on land pollution prevention has been scattered in the constitution, laws, administrative rules and regulations. This kind of scattered situation shows that it has exist many defects in the legal system of rural land pollution prevention, such as the lack of special legislation to regulate systematically, supervision and management system confusion, lack of cure system for the land which has been polluted, the standard of land pollution prevention lag, etc.The fifth part is mainly through inspect a representative national legal system which is about pollution prevention and control of rural land in the legislation and practice, to explore the advanced experience and enlightenment which is useful for the establishment and improvement of China’s legal system of pollution prevention and control of rural land.The sixth part is the emphasis of this paper. First of all, this paper analyses the necessity for the improvement of China’s legal system of the pollution prevention and control of rural land, and then put forward the specific ideas about how to improve the legal system of rural land pollution prevention, including the establishment of special legislation, the improvement of implementation and supervision system about pollution prevention and control of land legislation, the establishment and improvement of prevention and remediation system of rural land pollution, the improvement of the standard system and legal liability system about pollution prevention and control of agricultural land and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】D922.6;D922.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】759
  • 攻读期成果

