

The Study on the Basic Characteristics and Recharge of Geopressured Geothermal Waters in Xianyang

【作者】 余娟

【导师】 马致远;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 环境工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 咸阳地热田有其独特的中低温、低压热储流体,咸阳热储流体特征有异于一般常压热储流体。本论文在陕西省自然基金《咸阳地压热储流体的氢氧同位素演化及其对古地质环境的指示意义》(编号SJ08-ZT08),国家地质调查局项目《陕西关中地下热水的调查》(编号1212010535A98)的资助下,运用环境同位素和水文地球方法对咸阳地压型地热流体的补给循环及其赋存环境特征展开专项研究,深入分析和总结了咸阳热储流体的地压特征、同位素特征和水化学特征,并对咸阳热储流体的补给来源进行了探索性的研究,并得出以下结论:环境同位素δD、δ18O、δ13C、δ14C、δ34S的分布特征证明咸阳渭河以北热储环境比咸阳渭河以南更为封闭,咸阳渭河以南热储流体和西安热储流体有一定程度的水力联系。研究区热储流体主要水化学成分空间分布演化证实研究区地下热水水化学成分在平面上具有呈南北向变化的东西向带状分布规律,与研究区主干构造(渭河北岸断裂)一致,咸阳渭河以北为Cl-Na型水,咸阳渭河以南为HCO3-Na型水。研究区同位素、水化学、主控构造的研究成果提示,咸阳热储流体来水方向主要来自西北方向。西北方向三个剖面同位素、水化学分布演化规律的研究,提供了咸阳热储流体补给的环境同位素证据,证明咸阳热储流体主要由渭北全新世前大气降水补给,基本不存在“深部水热循环系统中来自地幔物质补给”的可能。

【Abstract】 The geothermal field of Xianyang has its own unique low-temperature, low-pressured geothermal waters. The paper is subsidized by the Shanxi Province Fund for nature《The meaning for oxyhydrogen isotope evolution about pressured geothermal waters to anciet geological environment in Xianyang》(NO.SJ08-ZT08), and the national geology Investigation Bureau Project《Geothermal water Investigation in Shanxi Guanzhong》(NO. 1212010535A98), it is launched the special research about the geopressured geothermal waters’s characteristic of suppling circulation and environment in Xianyang by using the environmental isotope and hydrogeochemistry method, analyzed and summarized the geostatic pressure characteristic, the isotope characteristic and the hydrochemistry characteristic of geothermal waters in Xianyang thoroughly, and has conducted the exploring research to the Xianyang geothermal waters’s source of recharge, then drew the following conclusion: Environmental isotopeδD,δ18O,δ13C,δ14C,δ34S distributed characteristic proves the geothermal environment in north of the Xianyang Weihe River is much closer compared to the south of Xianyang Weihe River, the geothermal waters has the certain extent water power relation between the south of the XianYang Weihe River and Xi’an. The main hydrochemistry ingredient spatial distribution evolution of geothermal waters in the research area is confirmed that hydrochemistry ingredient of geothermal water assumes the north to south of the belt-shaped distribution rule, agreement in main structure (the north shore of Weihe River break), the geothermal waters about the north of the Xianyang Weihe River is Cl-Na, the south of the Xianyang Weihe River is HCO3 - Na. The research area’s isotope, the hydrochemistry, the research results of the master control structure is prompted that the geothermal waters of Xianyang mainly comes from the northwest direction. The research of the isotopes, hydrochemistry distribution evolution rules about three section plane in the northwest direction, has been provided the evidence about suppling environmental isotope in Xianyang, confirmed that the geothermal waters of Xianyang is supplied by the mospheric water before the brand-new world in the north of the Weihe Basin, it is not possible to exist "the mantle material recharging from the depth and hot circulatory system".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 03期

