

Research on China EPZs Economic Performance Evaluation System

【作者】 毕占天

【导师】 王万山;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 国际贸易学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着高效、规模、集约经济时代的到来,区域经济的发展越来越受到关注,出口加工区作为区域经济发展的一种形式,也越来越受到重视。自2000年成立第一批出口加工区以来,在中国各地已经有六十个出口加工区投入运作,从整体来看中国出口加工区数量多,经济总量小,区域经济效率普遍不高,迫切需要整体规划以提升其经济绩效。要科学合理规划中国出口加工区的发展路径,必然要对中国出口加工区以往的经济运行状况进行评估,掌握其发展阶段、层次和水平。因此,对中国出口加工区经济绩效的评估方法开展研究,建立可操作的出口加工区经济绩效评价体系,能够为中国出口加工区的转型决策提供有益的辅助工具。鉴于构建出口加工区经济绩效评价体系的现实意义,本论文从运作出口加工区所产生的各种经济效应角度出发建立指标评价体系来评估中国出口加工区的经济绩效,全文共分为七章。第一章是引论,主要阐述中国出口加工区经济绩效评价问题产生的时代背景与意义,并对相关核心概念、世界和中国出口加工区发展概况进行阐述,最后对本文的主要内容、论文的逻辑框架、研究思路、方法以及创新与不足进行简单介绍。第二章是文献综述及评价,首先对出口加工区相关经济理论进行归纳,并对出口加工区绩效评价的相关问题进行研究,最后对经济园区绩效评价体系进行研究,通过文献评价得出口加工区经济绩效评价体系的研究切入点。第三章是出口加工区经济效应及绩效的经济学机理分析,提出核心命题并对出口加工区的各种经济效应对出口加工区经济绩效产生作用的内在传导机制进行剖析,建立支持核心观点的理论支撑。第四章是中国出口加工区经济绩效评价体系的构建,通过对中国出口加工区绩效评价体系构建要求和方法确立、经济绩效评价体系经济学假设的规定、评价指标的选取及测算方法的确定、评价指标评分标准及权重的设置,构建中国出口加工区经济绩效评价体系。第五章是评价体系的样本实证研究,选择三个年度四个出口加工区作为体系实证样本,运用出口加工区经济绩效评级体系对样本进行评分、排名并对评价实证结果进行原因分析,获得四个加工区经济绩效的主要影响因素。第六章是中国出口加工区经济绩效评价体系进一步完善及出口加工区经济绩效提升的政策建议。第七部分章是结论,对全文的主要成果进行概括,提出有待进一步研究的问题。本研究提出的核心观点为出口加工区的贸易自由度效应、外资企业内部化效应、专业化生产效应、外部规模效应、技术溢出效应、区域品牌效应等区域内外部经济效应是影响东道国出口加工区经济绩效的主要因素,是评价东道国出口加工区经济绩效高低的主要指标。以此为基础,结合中国出口加工区的实际情况,运用专家意见法以及层次分析法建立中国出口加工区经济绩效指标评价体系,对三个年度四个中国出口加工区进行经济绩效得分折算及排名。通过对样本实证结果的总体分析和因素分解分析发现以上四个加工区存在发展波动大、指标增速快但经济总量小的问题。实证结果表明中国出口加工区经济绩效评价体系科学、可靠、准确性高。最后,根据经济学机理分析以及评价体系实证中所发现的问题提出中国出口加工区经济绩效评价体系指标系统和评价方法的进一步完善,同时也提供了一些提升出口加工区经济绩效的建议。进一步完善绩效评价体系的主要办法为:根据指标设置完善现有统计体系,建立绩效评价体系权重评估机制,适时调整评价指标以及灵活选取评价方法。出口加工区经济绩效提升的主要建议为:培育主导产业,形成规模经济;促进外资引进,引导正外部溢出;注重形象提升,打造加工区品牌。

【Abstract】 The Regional Economy is widely paid attention to by economists in the arrival of high performance intensive economic era. The Export Processing Zones (EPZs) as a form of economic zones which are built for the development of regional economy are also concerned by theorists. Since the first establishment of the EPZs in 2002, there has been almost 50 EPZs in operation in China. The amount of EPZs in China is large, but most of them are in low efficiency and have poor economic performance. China EPZs need an integrated planning for the enhancement of economic performance, so an economic performance evaluation to the past economic operation of the EPZs is inevitably in demand. It is rational to do research in the ways of evaluating the economic performance of China EPZs and in the establishment of the EPZs economic performance evaluation system to provide a useful assistant tool for the government decision making in EPZs. For the importance of EPZs economic performance evaluation system, this paper will establish an economic performance evaluation system in the way of rating the economic effects EPZs to evaluate China EPZs. This dissertation is organized in 7 chapters.The first chapter is introduction, which discusses the background of the selected topic the economic performance evaluation of China EPZs, followed by the explanation of the core concepts and the description of the overall status quo of world and China EPZs. And then there is an introduction of main thoughts, framework, methodology, innovation and limitation for the dissertation. The second chapter is the literature review and evaluation which summaries and evaluates the economic theories of EPZs, the recent researches of EPZs in performance evaluation and the researches of economic zones performance system to find out the research points. The third chapter is the economic mechanism of EPZs economic effects of performance, which shows up the core proposition of this dissertation and analyzes both the internal and external effects of economic mechanism to EPZs performance to give support to the core proposition. The fourth chapter is the establishment of China EPZs economic performance evaluation system which shows the requirements and methodology of the evaluation system, the assumptions of the evaluation system and then uses the method of AHP to establish the evaluation indexes system and the weight of the indexes to build up China EPZs performance evaluation system. The fifth chapter is the Empirical Study of China EPZs Economic Performance Evaluation System, which uses four EPZs’ three years data as empirical sample to inspect the evaluation system. The sixth chapter is the Suggestions of China EPZs Economic Performance Evaluation System and Economic Performance Enhancement, which gives both suggestions on the betterment of China EPZs economic performance evolution system and China EPZs economic performance enhancement. And the last chapter is the conclusion chapter which summaries the viewpoints of the economic analysis part, the system establishment part and also the empirical part.The core proposition of this dissertation is that the economic effects of the EPZs such as trade freedom effect, specialization effect, FDI internalization effect, external scale effect, technology spillover effect and the regional brand effect are the core effects of influencing the economic performance of one country and are the evaluating indexes to the economic performance of one country. On the basis of the core proposition, a system is built to evaluate China EPZs’ performance. And an empirical work is also done to inspect the system, which finds out the four empirical samples are all in high fluctuation and the economic volumes are quite small. The result of the empirical work shows the evaluating system works well and can reflect the reality of the development of China EPZs. And at last, this dissertation gives the suggestions upon the economic performance evaluation system, which are betterment of evolution indexes, betterment of selection of evolution methodology and the suggestions are also shown up as fostering led-industry and formation of scale economy, promoting more FDI and introducing positive external effects, enhancement of image and creation of regional brand to solve the problems found in the empirical work.


