

A Study on the Ralationship between Government and Non-Profit Organizations under the Governance Mode in Chian

【作者】 陈木花

【导师】 蒲云;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代兴起的公共治理理论,为我们思考和研究政府与非营利组织的关系提供了新的理论视角。公共治理理论的形成是公共管理理论与实践的一个重大变革,预示着政府管理方式从统治向治理转变。中国正面临着公共管理模式的转变和治理结构的转型。政府和一系列公共行为主体以多元的方式共同承担对公共事务管理的责任。其中,非营利组织作为治理的主体之一,正扮演着越来越重要的角色,非营利组织与政府之间的互动合作对于形成一个良好的治理结构具有重要意义。然而转型期的中国由于主客观条件的限制,国家与社会关系模糊,“政府选择模式”控制着非营利组织,非营利组织自身能力不足,导致政府与非营利组织之间呈现出“强者”和“弱者”间不对等的依附性合作关系。这种不对等合作关系不仅不利于非营利组织自身的发展,也不利于政府改革的推进,公民社会的建立。因此本文从我国的现实情况出发,运用公共管理学、行政学、政治学等学科相关原理,采用文献分析法、规范分析法、系统分析法和理论与现实相结合的分析法对政府与非营利组织的关系进行了研究,指出在现代公共治理模式下政府与非营利组织之间应该建立一个基于互信、协商、竞争原则基础上的伙伴式的合作关系。通过对中西方政府与非营利组织关系的比较,审视了我国政府与非营利组织的关系状况。在对非营利组织分类的基础上,具体分析了我国政府与非营利组织的关系模式。并在系统分析了阻碍我国政府与非营利组织合作伙伴关系障碍的基础上,提出建立制度导向的互补合作是实现我国政府与非营利组织关系由依附性合作关系向伙伴式合作关系发展的途径并提出了相关的政策建议。这一研究对于推动政府改革,促进非营利组织发展,提高社会公共事务的管理水平,满足社会公众利益的需要,具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。

【Abstract】 The public governance theory, emerged in the 1990s, has provided a new theoretical perspective to the research on the relation between government and non-profit organization. The emergence of the public governance theory is an important reform for the public administration theory and the practice of the government reform. It indicates that the government supervisor mode will be changed from government to governance. Nowadays, China is facing the transition of the public administration mode and the governance structure. The government and a series of public behavior subjects take the responsibility for its public affairs management together by way of pluralism. Among them, the non-profit organization, regarded as one of the main governance subjects, is playing a more and more important role. The interactive cooperation between the government and the non-profit organization has important signification for forming a good governance structure. However China is currently undergoing a transition period. For some subjective and objective limitation, the classification of the relation between the society and the government is illegible, and "the government choice mode" controls non-profit organization; addition to, non-profit organizations’ own ability is insufficient. These cause unequal dependent-relation between the strong government and the weak society. This kind of unequal dependent- relation not only does not favor non-profit organizations’ own development, also does not favor the advancement of government reform and the establishment of civil society. Therefore based on our country’s realistic situation, using the related disciplines of public management science, science of administration and politics, with adoption of literature analysis, normative analysis, systematic analysis and the method of theory combining with practice, this article has studied the relation between the government and the non-profit organization. The research pointed out that the government should establish a partner-like cooperation with the non-profit organization, which is based on the mutual confidence, consultative, and the competitive foundation. Through the comparison of the relationship between the government and the non-profit organization at home and abroad, this article has analyzed this relationship in China. Based on the classification of the non-profit organization, this paper has given a concrete analysis of the Chinese government and the non-profit organization relation models. After having analyzed the barriers which block the establishment of a partner-like cooperation between the government and the non-profit organization, this article proposed that establishing institution-oriented complementary cooperation is a way to promote unequal dependent- relation changing into partner-like cooperation and put forward some related policy suggestion. This study has certain theory value and the practical significance for propelling government reform, promoting the non-profit organization development, raising the level of public affairs management, and satisfying the interests of the general public.

  • 【分类号】D632.9
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1064

