

The Study of Locomotive Maintenance Optimization Based on Network Planning Technology

【作者】 杨瑞

【导师】 郭世明;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在跨越式发展的思想指导下,我国铁路正在进行着深刻的变革,同时,对机务部门检修系统提出了更新、更高的要求,因此,机务部门检修系统的建设是实现机务技术装备和管理水平跨越式发展的关键,它对保障铁路运输安全、提高铁路整体效益、向铁路用户提供优质服务起到了重要的作用。但是,由于我国大多数机务段机车的检修手段落后,现有的检测试验设备智能化和自动化水平不高,生产过程中的许多机车检修作业管理方式和手段不科学,对机车检修质量做不到全面控制,而且大量的机车信息需要人工收集汇总,这些原因使得与国际水平相比,我国机车检修系统的运行和管理都要有一定的差异。另外,由于我国铁路特殊的运输模式和运量,使得我国大多数机务段机车检修的生产管理水平仍处于相对比较低的水平。将网络计划技术应用到机务段机车检修系统中,是带动企业升级和铁路发展各项工作创新的突破口,对铁路行业提高企业管理水平、转换经营机制、加快技术进步、有效降低成本、增强市场竞争力等方面都有重要意义。本论文运用网络计划技术,通过对机车检修发展的需求进行分析,对机车检修管理及工艺优化过程进行了详细的描述,并以NC机务段检修扩能改造工程为研究算例,运用网络计划技术对机务检修系统进行优化设计。实现了理论和工程的结合,既增强了理论研究,又达到了实践的效果。研究结果表明,优化后的系统可以很大程度地缩短检修工期,提高了检修效率,节省了资源投资,给我们的设计工作起到指导性的作用。

【Abstract】 Under the guidance of the leaping development theory, China’s Railway Manufacturing Industry is going through a profound transformation. Thus, it raised newer & higher requirements of the maintenance system of locomotive departments, the construction of which is so critical for the leaping development of the locomotive technical equipment & management. And it will play an important part in guaranteeing the railway transportation safety, improving the overall railway economic benefits, and providing high quality service to the customer. However, most of the locomotive maintenance methods were relatively backward, such as low level of current intelligent & automation of the inspection & test equipments, unscientific management during the maintenance process, little control of the locomotive maintenance quality, and collect plenty of locomotive information manually and so on. Based on the above reason, the operation and management of China’s locomotive maintenance system is behind world standard. In addition, due to special transportation mode & traffic volume in China, there is relatively lower level on management of China’s locomotive maintenance system.Application of network planning in locomotive maintenance system will be the breakthrough to upgrade the enterprise & develop the railway. And it will have important effects in improving corporation management, transforming the managements system, reducing cost & enhancing market competitiveness etc.The paper discussed the optimization design of the maintenance system by the network planning, especially in analyzing the requirement of the locomotive maintenance system development, giving a detail description on the management system & process optimization, and doing the research on the NC locomotive capacity expansion revamping engineering. The study showed the application of the network planning technology will shorten the maintenance period in a large extend, improve the maintenance effectiveness, saving the resource investment, and being more instructive to design.


