

A Study of Correlation between Cognitive Style, Metacognitive Strategies and English Reading Ability

【作者】 陈小鸥

【导师】 魏俊轩;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 对于大多数外语学习者,特别是那些将英语作为第二语言或外语来学习的学生来说,阅读能力是听说读写四大语言技巧中极为关键和重要的一环。这不仅仅因为学习英语的一大途径是通过阅读文字材料获得信息,还因为阅读能够为学习者提供最有效的语言输入渠道。因此,提高学习者的阅读能力是非常必要的。然而,阅读是一个认知过程,构建过程,读者与阅读材料相互作用的过程,在此过程中,有许多因素起着作用。认知风格和元认知策略都是影响阅读能力的重要因素,但是鲜有实证研究从个体认知风格差异的角度分析英语阅读过程中学生元认知策略的使用情况。本文通过对认知风格,元认知策略和英语阅读成绩三者之间的相关研究,旨在调查不同的认知风格对学习者英语阅读能力的影响,元认知策略在英语阅读中的使用状况,以及不同认知风格的学习者在英语阅读过程中使用元认知策略的情况,从而促进学生的英语阅读学习。本研究的实验对象是来自西南交通大学生物工程学专业,计算机专业和车辆专业的139名学生。调查工具包括:镶嵌图形测验、元认知策略调查问卷和阅读理解测试。受试者所取得的分数均被输入计算机,用社会科学统计软件(SPSS)对数据进行分析。分析结果表明,①学习者的认知风格与英语阅读的相关关系具有显著性,场独立型学习者的阅读成绩普遍高于场依存型;②学习者的认知风格与元认知策略使用呈显著相关,相较场依存型,场独立型学习者更能有技巧地、有意识地使用元认知策略,且更加善于计划自己的学习过程;③受试者频繁使用的元认知策略大多集中在“选择注意”和“计划”两个策略类型上,总体来说,元认知策略的使用对英语阅读有着积极的影响;④认知风格的差异通过影响元认知策略的使用对学习者的英语阅读成绩施加影响。本研究为英语阅读学习中的个体差异,即认知风格、元认知策略使用的差异对英语阅读成绩的影响提供了实证数据支持,研究结果对英语阅读教学也具有一定的理论和实践意义。首先,肯定了认知风格在阅读理解中的作用,对学习者根据其认知风格采取不同的学习策略提出了建议;其次,有利于帮助教师认识到学生的个体认知和策略使用差异从而针对不同学习者开展元认知策略培训,提高学生的阅读效率和理解能力。

【Abstract】 For most foreign language learners, especially the students who view English as a second language or foreign language to study, reading ability is one of the crucial and important skills to master among the four basic skills of language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Not only is it an easy access for learners to acquire information through reading large amount of word materials, but also the most effective way of language input. Therefore, it is very necessary for learners to improve their reading abilities. However, reading is a cognitive, constructive, interactive process in which many factors would influence the reader’s ability of dealing with information. Although cognitive style and metacognitive strategies are the two important variables affecting reading performance, there are few empirical studies from the individual differences in cognitive style to analyze students’ metacognitive strategy use during English reading process. Based on the related research of the correlation between cognitive style, metacognitive strategies and English reading performance, this paper aims at investigating the impact of different cognitive styles on learners’ English reading ability, learners’ metacognitive strategy use in English reading and how learners with different cognitive styles employ metacognitive strategies in English reading, so as to promote students’ learning of English reading.The subjects of this study were selected from Southwest Jiao Tong University, altogether 139 students respectively coming from three different majors: Bioengineering, Computer Science and Vehicles. Three instruments were involved: the Group Embedded Figure Test (GEFT), Metacognitive Strategy Questionnaire (MSQ) and the Reading Comprehension Test. All the scores achieved by the subjects were typed into a computer and SPSS was used to conduct statistic analysis. The results reveal that:①there is a significant correlation between learners’ cognitive styles and reading performance, and field independent (FI) learners generally got the higher scores than field dependent (FD) learners;②learners’ cognitive styles and the metacognitive strategy use are significantly correlated, and compared with FD, FI learners can employ the metacognitive strategies more skillfully and consciously during the reading process, and prefer to plan their own learning process;③of the five metacognitive strategy categories, selective attention and planning are most frequently used by the subjects, and generally speaking, metacognitive strategies do have some positive influence on English reading;④reading performance can be affected by learners’ different cognitive styles through exerting influence on the use of metacognitive strategy.The findings of the present study have both theoretical and pedagogical implications, which contribute the informative data to support one fact that individual differences, that is, differences on cognitive style and metacognitive strategy use, have the certain impact on English reading. First, the findings confirm the effects of cognitive style in English reading, and give the suggestion that learners should adopt different learning strategies in terms of different cognitive styles; second, the findings would be helpful for the teachers to recognize that students with different cognitive styles would prefer different strategies, and then to carry out metacognitive strategy training for the sake of improving different learners’ reading efficiency and comprehension.


