

Research and Implement on the Design Software of Collecting Processor in ZPW-2000A Microcomputer-Based Monitoring Subsystem

【作者】 高昕

【导师】 杨扬;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 ZPW-2000A无绝缘轨道电路作为铁路运输基础安全设备,已经被确立为今后铁路发展的统一制式。该设备的工作状况是否正常直接影响到铁路运输安全,而原有的TJWX-2000型信号微机监测系统又没有包含对轨道电路的监控,为铁路运输安全留下了隐患。针对这个问题,铁道部要求各ZPW-2000A器材生产厂商研制能够与本厂设备配套工作的ZPW-2000A微机监测子系统,将ZPW-2000A无绝缘轨道电路中重要设备的数据纳入监测范围。本课题围绕铁道部制定的ZPW-2000A微机监测子系统设计方案,配合固安信通铁路器材有限责任公司生产的ZPW-2000A设备研制开发ZPW-2000A微机监测子系统的采集处理机软件。本文首先对该子系统的研究意义及系统构成的整体情况进行介绍,然后在分析子系统与监测站机之间通信协议的基础上,建立子系统与监测站机之间通信流程的时间自动机模型,并使用UPPAAL软件对建立的模型进行分析、仿真,并对一些特性进行验证。最后根据通信协议及建立的仿真模型,对子系统中采集处理机软件部分进行设计,并使用Visual C++软件编程实现方案中规定的数据通信功能。同时为了便于设备的故障检测及维修,程序中增加了一些实用的辅助维修功能,为查找故障设备及分析故障原因提供一定的帮助。课题中设计的子系统采集处理机软件为ZPW-2000A监测子系统软件的发展构建了基本框架,该软件在上海铁路局某下属站段实际上道应用,并且工作正常。

【Abstract】 ZPW-2000A type jointless track circuit was treated as a uniform standard in the development of railway as it is the basic and safety equipments on railway transportation. Whether the equipments can operate normally will affect the safety of railway transportation directly. While the original TJWX-2000 microcomputer-based signal monitoring system does not have the monitoring of track circuit, which left the hidden trouble in railway transportation. To solve this problem, the Ministry of Railways requires every manufacturer that produces ZPW-2000A to design a ZPW-2000A microcomputer-based monitoring subsystem, which can fit their equipments. Then can bring the important data of ZPW-2000A type jointless track circuit into the control system.The main topic of this thesis is to design software which could be used in the acquisition processor of ZPW-2000A microcomputer-based monitoring subsystem according to the requisition of Ministry of Railways. The software can coordinate with the ZPW-2000A equipments produced by Gu’an XinTong Railway Equipment Co., LTD.At first, this thesis will introduce the significance and the integral structure of the subsystem designed in this task. Second, it established the timed automata model of the communication process between subsystem and station system according to the communication protocol of them. And then the UPPAAL software is used to analyze, emulate and verify some properties of the model. Finally, design the software which will be used on the acquisition processor in subsystem according to the protocol and the timed automata model, and programmed by Visual C++ to implement the communication functions in the proposal. At the same time, in order to facilitate the fault detection and maintenance of equipments, some commonly used auxiliary functions will be added into the program, which are very useful in finding the fault equipment and failure analysis.The software of collecting processor of subsystem designed in this thesis build a basic framework on the development for the ZPW-2000A microcomputer-based monitoring subsystem. This software has been used in a subordinate station in Shanghai and operating normally.


