

Research of Reliability Centered Maintenance and Its Application in Railway Signal Equipment

【作者】 贾佳

【导师】 郭进;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着铁路运输的发展,铁路信号设备的维修体制逐渐由以计划维修模式为主转变为以状态维修模式为主。以可靠性为中心的维修(RCM)不仅可根据设备的故障模式确定针对性的维修策略,而且充分考虑了设备的性能、维修策略和维修经济性之间的关系。但是在传统RCM分析中缺少定量化的工具,因而降低了维修分析的效率和精确性。本文着重研究了RCM分析过程中的设备重要度分析、维修方式决策和模型优化等关键技术,实现了铁路信号设备维修决策过程的定量化。本文首先分析影响铁路信号设备重要度的关键因素,采取基于蒙特卡罗模拟的设备重要度分析方法,解决了现有设备重要度分析受主观因素影响过多的问题。针对复杂设备采用故障模式及影响分析(FMEA)与灰色理论相结合的定量故障风险分析模型,提高了分析的精度。然后结合铁路信号设备特点,改良的维修方式逻辑决断图将以设备为研究对象和以故障模式为研究对象相结合,对维修方式的分类及逻辑判断进行了简化。并提出将层次分析法应用到维修方式决策中,将定性问题转向定量分析,实现了实用有效的多准则决策。接着按照维修工作的类型及决策的目的,划分并总结了维修优化模型,并且给出了部分模型的求解方法。最后本文进行了总结,提出了基于RCM的维修决策系统应该进一步完善的工作内容,并对其在铁路信号设备中的应用做了展望。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of railway transportation, the schedule maintenance mode of railway signal equipment is turning into advanced condition based maintenance mode. In reliability centered maintenance, maintenance strategies are made by analyzing the failure mode and considering the relationship among performance, maintenance strategy and economy.In traditional RCM, the accuracy and efficiency of maintenance analysis are reduced for being short of quantificational tools. So in this paper, the quantification of the maintenance decision is realized by studying some key technologies of equipment importance analysis, maintenance manner decision-making and maintenance cycle model.Firstly, the pivotal factors which affect the importance of railway signal equipment are analyzed, and an importance analyzing method based on Monte Carlo simulation is provided to solve the problem that the traditional method influenced by too many subjective factors. For complex equipment, based on failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) and grey theory, a quantificational failure criticality analysis model is applied. The precision of criticality analysis is improved.Secondly, modified logic decision diagram of maintenance mode based on equipment and failure mode simplifies the classification of maintenance mode and logic decision. Then this paper uses analytical hierarchy process as the quantificational method of the selection of maintenance mode. Then according to classification of maintenance mode and the purpose of maintenance decision, maintenance cycle models are summarized. Solution algorithm for some models is given.At last, a summary is given. The future work which should be done with the idea of the maintenance decision system based on RCM is proposed, and the prospect of applying the technology of maintenance decision in the field of railway signal system is described.


