

Study on Key Technology for Neighborhood Highway Tunnel by Similar Model Test

【作者】 杨龙伟

【导师】 杨其新;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国地形、地质条件复杂,山岭区所占比重极大,高等级公路建设中大量地遇到隧道工程,由于特殊地质及地形条件的限制,隧道间距一般都难以满足普通技术规范要求,因此需要采用小净距隧道及连拱隧道等特殊结构型式。但连拱隧道施工工艺相当复杂,工期长,也存在防水困难、投资较大等不足,而小净距隧道在这些方面较连供隧道有较大的优势,因而被大量地采用,而且其设计和施工中的关键技术也逐渐成为研究的热点项目。本文以黄衢南高速公路小净距隧道工程为依托,以室内模型试验为主要研究手段,以数值模拟计算为辅助,两者相互比较、印证,主要对以下几个方面进行了研究。(1)通过模拟开挖不同围岩、不同净距、不同支护状态下的小净距隧道,确定了Ⅲ~Ⅴ级围岩下的小净距隧道最小合理净距。(2)对小净距隧道中夹岩柱及其上下附近的围岩进行了区域划分,并进行了定义。在此基础上,通过模型试验研究了Ⅴ级围岩下,中夹岩柱不同加固方式的效果,以此确定了中夹岩柱的合理加固方式。(3)对试验结果中,中夹岩柱表现出的特点进行了整理分析,总结了中夹岩柱的特性,(4)利用二维数值模拟计算,对试验成果进行比较、印证,并加以补充。

【Abstract】 Due to complicated topographical and geological conditions as well as large numbers of mountainous areas in China, construction of high-grade highway unavoidably meet with lots of tunnel works. As a result of special geological and topographical limitations, spacing of tunnels can not satisfy with general technical code. Therefore, special structure shapes such as neighborhood tunnel, double-arch tunnel have to be applied. However, the double-arch tunnel has a really complex and long lasting construction process. It is weak in waterproof, but strong in investment need. From this point of view, the neighborhood tunnel, whose key technology on design and construction is becoming a hot researching item., advantages the double-arch tunnel. So this small spacing tunnel is widely used.Based on the neighborhood tunnel of Huang Qu Nan Expressway, this paper takes the indoor model test as the main means of research, associating with numerical simulation. By comparing and confirming of the two , it draws the conclusion. The main research work are as follows:(1) set net minimum reasonable distance of neighborhood tunnel in the rock class III~V, by the means of simulating tunnel excavation in different ground conditions ,distances, state support systems.(2)differentiate and define the middle rock pillar and its neighboring areas in tunnel. On this basis, through the model test of the V-class rock, study the effect of different reinforcing manner to set the reasonable reinforcement approaches in middle rock pillar.(3)Analyze the characteristics shown by experimental results of middle rock pillar,sum up its behaviors.(4)Compare,confirm and supplement the experimental results via two-dimensional numerical simulation.


