

Study on Chongqing History Course Reform by Comparison between Reformed Senior High Schools and Locals

【作者】 游春艳

【导师】 沈双一;

【作者基本信息】 重庆师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 该选题立足于高中历史新课改的背景之下,通过宏观上对国内外选拔考试试题的比较以及微观上对已高中课改地区和重庆地区近年高考试题的比较,透视反思当前重庆历史高考命题的一些问题,对全面推行高中课改以后的重庆历史高考命题研究提出一些思考和建议。为了使本研究更加具有现实针对性和实践指导价值,笔者深入一线教学区实地考察,发放并回收调查问卷400余份,实地听课30多节次,举行师生座谈会近十场次,并且收集查阅我国中学历史课程改革和历届高考历史卷的相关文献资料100余卷次。本课题的主要研究内容包括:高考沿革简述;我国高考历史考试和美国选拔性历史考试的宏观比较;我国课改基本情况;近年高中课改地区与重庆地区历史高考试卷的比较分析以及最后对于重庆地区高考自主命题的几点思考与建议。本文的主要观点包括:在深刻总结与反思课程改革经验教训的基础上,通过宏观上对国内外选拔考试试题的比较以及微观上对高中课改地区和重庆地区近年高考试题的比较,透视反思当前重庆历史高考命题的一些问题,认为在当前课程改革的大背景下,选拔性评价体系中的重要环节——高考,也应当有所改革,必须坚持国际化与本土化相结合,稳定性与渐进性相结合,服务性与学术性相结合,继承性与创新性相结合,充分体现重庆历史学科课程评价体系的地区特色和学科特色,以顺应国家级课程改革的历史潮流,最终推动现阶段的历史课程改革沿着科学的轨道健康发展。

【Abstract】 The present paper sets foot on reform of senior high school’s history course. Through comparison between Chinese and American selective exams macroscopically and comparison between entrance exam for college in reform-done area and in Chongqing microscopically, the paper looks deeply in to problems existent in current Chongqing History exam for college entrance. In reflecting on those issues, the paper brings forward suggestions on Chongqing’s History exam for college entrance after upcoming nation-wide reform of senior high school courses.To make the present study more practical and relevant, the author has investigated the educational area, distributing and receiving over 400 pieces of Questionnaire, attending at least 30 courses, holding 10 meetings for teacher-student communications and collecting more than 100 documents about previous tracks of China’s middle school history courses and history entrance exams for colleges in successive years. The present paper focuses on brief description of China’s evolution in college entrance exams, comparison between Chinese History exams for college and American AP History exams, Chinese basic reform status of courses, analysis of History exams between reformed area and Chongqing, as well as comments and suggestions on Chongqing self-proposed entrance exam for colleges.The present paper views and concludes that the most important link for selective exam and evaluation system in education, college entrance exam shall be implemented with due reforms, specifically, combination of internationalized and localized examining, proceeding stably and progressively, teaching and academically, inheriting and renovating. It shall highlight Chongqing’s regional characteristics and course requirements. In so doing, it would keep in line with national course reform trend and usher in a healthy development of scientific reform of History course in present phase.


