

A Preliminary Study on Ethics Relating to Earthquake Disaster Relief

【作者】 卢珊珊

【导师】 柳卫东;

【作者基本信息】 重庆师范大学 , 伦理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文认为,地震灾害救援,乃是指在地震发生后所进行的生命救助、物质救助和心理救助活动等各方面的总和;地震灾害救援伦理,就是调节地震救援活动中的各种利益关系的道德要求和道德准则。作为具有强烈的突发性、破坏性和难以预测性的自然灾害,地震本身就是一个特殊的时空场域,而也正是这一点,决定了地震灾害救援伦理作为境遇伦理的基本面。境遇伦理学强调,在每一个道德决断境遇中,具体的伦理行为必须通过计算,从而确定某种优先性。而确定优先的关键又并不是一般意义上的善或正当,而是具体时空场域中的合适。立足于此,本文认为,作为适用于特定时空场域的伦理,地震灾害救援伦理基本原则就是以人为本,效率优先与兼顾公平,以及互助性这三个方面;而且,这几个方面相互交织、相互融通和相互增益,并差异性地表现于救援主体和救援客体的境遇性行动中。据此,本文认为,在地震灾害救援中,救援主体可分为主导性救援主体、主力性救援主体和辅助性救援主体三种。主体不同,在救援这一特殊时空场域中的伦理原则也有不同。与救援主体的内部构成相类似,救援客体也有诸多内部差异,也正是这一差异,决定了不同客体在自助和互助上不同的伦理担当。共守角色与境遇伦理的辩证平衡,主客体之间的伦理互动才能很好地进行。从而灾害救援的主客体之间才可能通过积极而正面的伦理互动从灾害共同体上升为伦理共同体。总之,地震灾害救援伦理,乃是广泛涉及理论层面的伦理原则、特定场域中行为规范层面的道德准则以及行为结果层面的评价尺度等系列日常伦理与境遇伦理要素相互交织的一个体系。构建这一体系,既需要我们有去芜存菁的传统视角,也需要我们有立足当今的现实视角和前瞻高远的国际视角。只有多视角的境遇性碰撞,地震灾害救援伦理乃至整个灾害救援伦理的体系构建才有符合人类多种生存境遇之伦理的异常与恒常辩证统一的可能。

【Abstract】 Earthquake disaster relief, in this paper, refers to the sum of the life rescue, supply of the relief goods and materials as well as the psychological counseling. The ethics of earthquake disaster relief means the moral requirement and moral code which can coordinate different activities conducted by the different interest groups. Considering the fact that the natural disaster---earthquake--- often breaks out suddenly, causes huge damage, and is hard to be predicted, earthquake can be defined as a special space-time region. Therefore, the ethics of earthquake disaster relief is the basic of situation ethics. The situation ethics emphasizes that in all of the cases where morality divides the situations, the priority of one particular ethic behavior cannot be determined until it is measured. The main criteria, however, to select the priority is the appropriateness of one specific space-time region, instead of the goodness or justice in the broad sense. Based on this start point, this paper attempts to examine that the three fundamental principles of the ethics of the earthquake disaster relief, which can apply to the ethics of specific space-time region, are the people-oriented practice, giving priority to efficiency with due consideration to fairness, and interdependence. Moreover, the three aspects intertwine, interconnect and are mutual beneficial. It manifests differently in the behaviors of rescue subjects and objects in the situations. Accordingly, the author of this paper believes the rescue subjects can be sub-classified leading rescue subjects, main force rescue subjects and assistant rescue subject. The different subjects abide by the different ethical principle in the special space-time region. Similarly, there are some differences in the rescue objects. And it is the difference that determines the different moral responsibility took by the rescue objects when they rescue themselves and rescue each other. The balance of the common role and situation ethics can guarantee the moral interaction of the subjects and objects, which can change disaster community into the ethical community.In a word, the ethics of the earthquake disaster relief is the system in which the moral theories, the moral code which governs behavior pattern in particular space-time region and the assessment standard are closely involved. To construct this system is not an easy task. It requires the traditional point of view which can tell good from evil, the matter-of-fact realistic point of view and the far-sighted international point of view. Only if we can see the situation from multiple point of view, can the system construction of the ethics of the earthquake disaster relief and ethics of all the disaster relief possibly accords with the normal and constant dialectical unification.


