

Study on the Interior Decoration and Displaying Pattern of Yuan Dynasty

【作者】 王铮音

【导师】 赵琳;

【作者基本信息】 青岛理工大学 , 建筑历史与理论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 室内空间是建筑营造的目的所在,室内艺术作为建筑的审美符号深入到建筑艺术的每个角落,成为与之相互依赖、不可分离的一个整体。在中国古代室内艺术的历史发展中,元代占有着不可或缺的地位。虽然元代时期比较短暂,但是不乏灿烂。本文在对元代建筑现有实例调研,文献及图片资料分析的基础上,主要分建筑部分、隔断部分、家具部分三方面对元代建筑室内环境的陈设格局及装饰艺术进行了论述。元代建筑室内构架由于采用减柱和移柱、大内额、草栿等,室内主要使用空间有所增大,整个室内呈现出豪放、素朴的风格特征。元代建筑用材的等级小于宋代,整个建筑立面的比例关系向纤细方向发展。在建筑构件的装饰上,青绿彩画、旋子彩画开始流行。小木作构件端头的雕刻以肚蝉纹、鸟翼纹、云纹等为主。天花藻井也出现了向明清样式过渡的形态。元代室内中间层次分隔装饰手段比较丰富,木板隔断、屏风和软装饰帐幔在不同的部位进一步分隔室内空间,其样式多承宋制,在装饰手段和装饰色彩上具有自己的风格。家具层面上,元代有许多如元代家具喜用曲线装饰,呈现出少数民族独特的审美特征,并出现了霸王枨、罗锅枨等样式的创新和发展,被明式家具所继承。元代室内装饰与陈设承前启后,在继承了宋代建筑室内的特点的基础上,又有许多的创新和尝试,孕育着明清以后室内空间装饰的雏形。

【Abstract】 The purpose of architecture is to create a space. As the aesthetic symbols of architecture interior decorative arts has penetrated into every corner of the architecture art, and become an interdependent whole which can not be separated. In the interior decorative arts history development of the ancient architecture in China, Yuan Dynasty occupies an indispensable place. Although the period of the Yuan Dynasty is relatively short, it is brilliant.In this paper we mainly describe the interior environment in Yuan Dynasty in three parts: the architecture level, the middle partition、the furniture level, basic with making on-the-spot and analyzing many document and picyure.The application of column decreasing and removment、large beam、rough wood etc in the interior architecture framework of Yuan Dynasty makes the principle living space increased,and the whole interior shows a rough、simple style features; as the material level used in construction is less than that in Song Dynasty, the ratio of the whole building towards the thin direction. On the decoration of architecture elements, the green color painting, Xuan Son is in popular. Small wood carving mainly components with the belly pattern cicadas, birds wing pattern and cloud pattern etc. Caisson ceilings also present the transition style forms to the Ming and Qing Dynasty. Intermediate-level division decoration means of Yuan Dynasty are rich, wood middle partition, screens and soft decorative curtains seperates the interior space in different parts, and its multi-style follows Song Dynasty, and its decorative colors and decoration means possess its own style. The furniture of Yuan Dynasty prefers to decorate with curves, which shows the unique aesthetic characteristics of minority nationality. And Ba Wang Cheng, Luo Guo Cheng styles turn up and inherited by the furniture of Ming Dynasty. In furniture level, there are many innovation and development the interior decoration and displaying pattern of Yuan Dynasty forms a connecting link between the preceding and the following, it not only managed to maintain the interior architecture construction characteristics of Song Dynasty but also made many innovative and attempt. And it nurtures the embryonic form of interior decoration after Ming and Qing Dynasties.

  • 【分类号】TU238;TU-86
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】361
  • 攻读期成果

