

Study on Quantitative Relation between Load-Unload Response Ratio and Stability Factor & Its Optimized Draining Control of Huanglashi Landslide

【作者】 冯利坡

【导师】 贺可强;

【作者基本信息】 青岛理工大学 , 岩土工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 堆积层滑坡是指发生在第四系及近代松散堆积层的一类滑坡,它包括一切土层滑坡、山区各类堆积物滑坡以及由构造、卸荷、风化等次生作用形成的各类松散破碎岩土体的滑坡,它分布广、规模大、突发性强、且危害性严重。为此,如何对该类滑坡进行科学预测与有效防治具有深远的理论意义和巨大的经济效益。本文以国家自然科学基金资助项目“水诱发堆积层滑坡的加卸载响应比参数与位移动力学预测研究(40672182)”和“堆积层滑坡位移矢量角动力学参数与位移多源信息综合预测(项目编号:40872184)”为依托,在对长江三峡库区黄腊石滑坡调查研究,并对其基本特征和滑坡变形的位移动力学特征系统分析与研究的基础上,运用国际知名岩土工程专业分析计算软件Geo-studio的SEEP/W,SIGMA/W,SLOPE/W三个模块对黄腊石滑坡进行了数值模拟,并探求了其加卸载响应比与稳定系数之间的定量关系。最后,对黄腊石滑坡的地下和地表排水进行了研究。其主要研究内容如下:(1)通过对三峡库区典型堆积层滑坡-黄腊石滑坡的地质调查和滑坡基础地质资料的整理,对其基本概况和位移演化规律进行了分析。(2)运用数值模拟的方法和饱和.非饱和渗流理论,对不同降雨量条件下的边坡渗流作用情况进行了数值模拟,并将渗流场结果引入边坡自重应力场中进行了耦合计算分析,得出了相应的位移场变化规律,以此建立以降雨量作为加卸载手段、位移加速度变化作为响应的加卸载响应比模型,研究加卸载响应比参数变化规律。同时运用数值模拟方法计算该模型在考虑渗流力时不同阶段的稳定性系数,最后探求了黄腊石滑坡加卸载响应比参数与稳定系数定量关系,研究结果表明:两者呈反比例关系。最后,采用黄腊石滑坡B4、C3两个监测点对所得定量关系进行验证,并将其应用于该滑坡的防治工程评价中。(3)对滑坡排水治理方法进行分析与总结,并选择黄腊石滑坡群大石板滑坡作为滑坡排水优化治理的实例进行研究,模拟了滑坡的八个地下排水治理方案,从排水效果和经济性两方面综合分析,得出了大石板滑坡地下排水井和纵向平硐位置布置在滑坡的中前缘为最优方案。同时,对大石板滑坡地表排水进行了研究,对在不同稳定性状态下的降雨条件进行了反分析,从而求出其对应的降雨值,进而求出其地表排水沟设计排水量。

【Abstract】 Debris landslide, which includes all of the soil layer landslides, the accumulation landslides in mountainous district, and the loose accumulation landslides caused by constructing, unloading and weathering takes place in the Quaternary System and recent loose accumulation distributed. It has the characteristics of the broad distribution, the big scale, the strong burst and the serious destructiveness. Therefore, it will have a profound theoretical significance and vast economic profit to carry out the scientific prediction and control of this kind of landslides.Supported by the projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China-"Responding Ratio Parameter to loading & unloading and Displacement Dynamic Prediction of the Debris Landslides"(Code No: 40672182) and "Dynamic Parameter to Displacement vector angle and Displacement Integrated forecast in polyphyletic information of the Debris Landslides"(Code No: 40872184), and based on the fieldwork for the Three Gorges region and the system analysis on the basic feature and the displacement dynamic features of Huanglashi landslide, the numerical simulation is carried on the Huanglashi landslide by SEEP/W, SIGMAAV, SLOPE/W of the famous geotechnical engineering analysis software Geo-studio, and also the quantitative relation between the load-unload response ratio and stability factor is researched. Finally, the draining water plan of the Huanglashi landslide is carried on optimized control. The mainly research contents as follows:(1) On the basis of systematical analysis geological investigation and basic geology data on the typical debris landslide-Huanglashi landslide in the Three Gorges reservoir, this paper analyzes its general situation and evolutionary laws.(2) In terms of the numerical simulation and unsaturated seepage theories, the seepage in debris landslide under the conditions of diverse rainfall has been simulated, and the simulated seepage results had been drawn into stress field of slope deadweight, so the variation rules of displacement field can be obtained. Then the variation value of the rainfall can be chosen as the loading/unloading dynamic parameter, and the corresponding acceleration can be used as the loading/unloading response parameter, thus the loading/unloading response ratio model of rainfall can be determined. At the same time, the different stages stabilities including the seepage force have been determined through the numerical simulation, hereby the quantitative relation between the load-unload response ratio and stability factor of the Huanglashi landslide is researched. The result shows that there are the inverse proportion relations between them. Finally, two test points B4 and C3 of the Huanglashi landslide are carried on the confirmation to the obtained quantitative relation, then this relation is applied in the appraisal of this landslide prevention project.(3) This paper also analyzes and summarizes the draining water dredging methods of the landslide. And taking the Dashiban landslide of the Huanglashi landslide group as the optimized control example, this paper simulated eight plans of the landslide underground draining water, thus the preferred plan is that the position of the underground dry well and drainage gallery is arranged in the Front-middle part of the Dashiban landslide for draining water effect and efficient. At the same time, the surface draining water of the Dashiban landslide is researched, and the rainfall condition is carried on the counter-analysis under the different steady states, thus its corresponding rainfall value and the designed volume of the surface drain are gotten.


