

Study on the Campus Diet Service Centre (CDSC) Design by Humanism Theory

【作者】 皮印帅

【导师】 郝赤彪;

【作者基本信息】 青岛理工大学 , 建筑设计及理论, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 大学生是人性化语境中最值得关注的“人”之精华所在。高校建设的重要性是不言而喻的。高校校园建筑中最根本也是最基本的构成体是学生食堂——现在已经普遍存在的高校综合餐饮服务中心。随着近几年全世界校园中发生的危及学生生命的灾难、危机增多,世人对人性化语境下高校建设的认识又达到了一个新的高度。高校建设的人性化设计不但要全面细致考虑师生员工的微观层次的个体需求,还要特别关注宏观层次的生存需求,即面对突发灾害或生态危机时的生存需求。现在的高校综合餐饮服务中心是餐厅、厨房、商业、娱乐等多种功能的复合体,并且由于当前高校本身发展、教育理念的转化、管理形式的社会化等多方面因素影响,其有着鲜明的特点。高校综合餐饮服务中心的人性化设计,是在人性化设计的基本理论——人体工效学和行为心理学的指导下,对其所有使用人群的不同需求的调研、分析基础上的。由于现时代高校综合餐饮服务中心功能复合化程度很高,相关人性化设计的主体——人,也很复杂多样。为了有较清晰明了的逻辑主线,本文对高校综合餐饮服务中心的人性化设计的研究围绕着设计工作的程序展开,即由规划——到建筑室内空间设计——室外空间设计到建筑构造一步步展开分析研究。其中穿插着对宏观层次人性化设计理念,即安全避难理念和生态环保理念的特别关注。整个论文结合实际项目——青岛理工大学新校区食堂设计,对人性化语境下的高校综合餐饮服务中心设计的方方面面进行了深入浅出、全面细致的分析、讨论、总结,最后在青岛理工大学新校区第一食堂和第二食堂的设计成果中全面体现。

【Abstract】 Students of humanism nature is a cause of concern in the context of the "human" of the essence. The significance of college construction is self-evident. The student mess hall which turn to Colleges Comprehensive diet Service Center nowadays is hit by the most fundamental building in the colleges .With the fact that disasters and crisises which threaten the campus security were increase in the past few years. The public has had a new cognition to the personalization design of colleges construction. The personalization design should not only consider the full staff of teachers and students in individual micro-level needs, but also of particular concern to the survival of macro-level demand, in the face of sudden disasters or eco-crisis needs for survival.Comprehensive diet service center is the synthesis of restaurants, kitchens,commercial and entertainment facilities., and as a result of the current development of colleges and universities themselves, the transformation of educational philosophy, management of forms of social impact and other factors, which have distinct characteristics. The basis of University dining services center design is human nature’s basic design theory - Ergonomics of human psychology and behavior, under the guidance of all its needs of the age groups of the research. Comprehensive colleges as a result of the current era of functional food and beverage service center of the high level of complex, related to the design of the main body of humanity - who is also very complex and diverse. Interspersed with one of the macro-level design philosophy of human nature, that is, the concept of safe and eco-environmental protection concept of special attention.Throughout the paper, a new combination of Qingdao University of Science and Technology campus canteen of the design of human nature in the Context of University Center for Integrated Design of catering services carried out in simple terms all aspects of a comprehensive and detailed analysis, discussion, sum up, the last in the new campus of Qingdao University of Science and Technology and the first canteen Second, the design canteen fully reflect the results.


