

Synthesis and Application of New Photocatalyst for Wastewater Treatment

【作者】 刘晔

【导师】 戴长虹;

【作者基本信息】 青岛理工大学 , 市政工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,水体污染已成为人类社会面临和亟需解决的重大课题。在众多水处理技术中,光催化氧化法以其环保、高效、节能而越来越受到人们的重视。纳米尺度的TiO2被认为是一种极具前途的光催化剂,但由于其带隙较宽、光生载流子的复合率高等缺点而限制了它的实际应用。因此,制备和研究新型的高活性光催化剂是很有必要的。钒酸盐是一类极具潜力的光催化剂,已报导的如BiVO4、InVO4、Ag3VO4等都具有很窄的带隙宽度,从而能够更充分地利用太阳能光催化降解污染物。本文首先以硝酸铋(Bi(NO33·5H2O)和偏钒酸铵(NH4VO3)为原料,通过氨水沉淀获得BiVO4先驱体;然后采用低温熔盐法,在先驱体与熔盐(复合熔盐46wt%NaNO3+54wt%LiNO3或LiNO3熔盐)比例为1:8的条件下,分别于不同温度下煅烧8h合成出了形貌各异、大小不同、结晶度良好的BiVO4粉体;以硝酸钇(Y(NO33·6H2O)和偏钒酸铵(NHO4VO3)为原料,通过氨水沉淀获得YVO4先驱体:再采用低温熔盐法,在先驱体与熔盐比例为1:8的条件下,分别于不同温度下煅烧8h合成出了具有良好结晶度的球状YVO4纳米粉体。然后,通过X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)和紫外-可见分光光谱(UV-Vis)等测试仪器对样品进行表征;最后,以YVO4纳米粉体为光催化剂,以罗丹明B为对象模拟染料废水进行光催化降解实验,采用正交实验和单因素实验的方法,考察了水溶液的pH值、光催化剂的粒径、光催化剂的浓度对水溶液中罗丹明B降解率的影响,并初步探讨了YVO4的光催化机理,研究结果如下:(1)煅烧温度对BiVO4形貌尺寸、相结构和光吸收均具有明显的影响。XRD图谱显示:200℃下合成的BiVO4为四方相,270℃及以上温度合成的BiVO4皆为单斜相;SEM照片表明:四方相BiVO4粒径大于单斜相的BiVO4粒径;UV-Vis光谱分析表明:单斜相的BiVO4比四方相BiVO4和TiO2具有更广的可见光谱响应。(2)熔盐的加入和煅烧温度对YVO4结晶度、粒径和光吸收均具有显著的影响。XRD图谱显示:熔盐的加入明显改善了产物YVO4的结晶度;TEM照片表明YVO4的粒径则随煅烧温度的提高而增大;UV-Vis光谱分析表明:粒径10nm的YVO4粉体吸光强度最强。(3)采用正交实验法,研究了YVO4光催化剂的粒径、光催化剂的浓度和水溶液的pH值对YVO4光催化降解罗丹明B的影响,得到了实验因素对罗丹明B降解率影响的主次顺序为:水溶液的pH值>光催化剂的浓度>光催化剂的粒径。(4)在正交实验的基础上,采用单因素实验的方法,进一步研究水溶液的pH值和光催化剂的浓度对YVO4光催化降解罗丹明B的影响,结果表明,最佳条件为:pH值为4、光催化剂浓度为1g/L、10nm的YVO4纳米粉体。通过一元线性回归,研究了不同条件下光催化降解速率的关系。(5)分析推测YVO4光催化过程是光敏化和光催化联合作用的结果,其中光敏化起着主导作用;当两者达到平衡后,光催化效果达到最佳值。

【Abstract】 In recent years,water pollution has become an urgent and serious problem for human society.Among the water treatment technologies,the photocatalytic oxidation has drawn widely attention for its environment-friendly,high efficient and energy saving.TiO2 is considered as a promising photocatalyst.However,its large band gap and fast recombination rate of photogenerated charge hinder its application.Therefore, it is necessary to develop new photocatalyst with high activity.The vanadate is a kind of photocatalyst with great potential,it has been reported that BiVO4,InVO4,Ag3VO4 have a very narrow band gap,enabling the lull utilization of solar to degrade pollutants.In this thesis,Bi(NO33·5H2O and NH4VO3 were used as raw materials to obtain BiVO4 precursor by adding ammonia solution.And then,well-crystallized BiVO4 powders with different morphologies and particle sizes were synthesized via a low temperature molten salt method at different temperatures for 8h in a weight ratio of 1:8 of the precursor to the molten salt;Starting from Y(NO33·6H2O and NH4VO3,YVO4 precursor was formed by adding ammonia solution as a co-precipitant.Then, well-crystallized YVO4 nanoparticles were synthesized via a low temperature molten salt method at different temperatures for 8h in a weight ratio of 1:8 of the precursor to the molten salt.The samples were characterized with X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),transmission electron microscopy(TEM),UV-visible absorption spectra(UV-Vis) respectively.Finally,the photocatalytic degradation was carried out by using YVO4 nanoparticles as photocatalyst and Rhodamine B as dye wastewater.The effects of the particle size,the pH value and the dosage of the YVO4 photocatalyst on photodegradation were studied.In addition,the YVO4 photocatalytic mechanism was also proposed,Results were as following:(1) The calcining temperature had a significant impact on morphology,particle size,crystalline phases and optical absorption of BiVO4 particles.XRD patterns showed that:At 200℃,a pure tetragonal-phase BiVO4 could be obtained,with the increasing of the calcining temperature from 270℃to 410℃,the tetragonal phase BiVO4 gradually transformed to the monoclinic phase.SEM images revealed that: tetragonal-phase BiVO4 particles were bigger than monoclinic-phase BiVO4;The UV-Vis absorption spectra presented that:compared with tetragonal-phase BiVO4 and TiO2,monoclinic-phase BiVO4 had a broader visible-light spectral response.(2) The molten salt and calcining temperature had great effects on the crystallinity, particle size and optical absorption of YVO4 nanoparticles.XRD patterns showed that: the addition of the molten salt obviously improved the crystallization of YVO4;TEM images indicated that YVO4 particles remarkably growed up with the increase of the calcining temperature;Their UV-Vis absorption spectra revealed that YVO4 nanoparticles with 10nm possess the strongest UV absorption.(3) By adopting the orthogonal experimental method,the effects of the particle size, the pH value and the dosage of the YVO4 photocatalyst on rhodamine B’s photodegradation were studied.The order of the factors which influence the degradation was as follows:the pH value>the dosage of photocatalyst>the particle size.(4) For more detail,on the basis of the orthogonal experiment,the experiment of single-factor was carried out to fine the best conditions for the photodegradation of rhodamine B were:pH value for 4,the dosage of photocatalyst for 1g/L,YVO4 nanoparticle size for 10nm.By using the unitary linear regression method,we could find out the relation of the degradation rates under different conditions.(5) It was predicted that the process of YVO4 photodegradation was under the photocatalysis and photosensitization’s association action.Moreover,the photosensitization played a major role.When the two factors reached a balance,the maximum rate was presented.


