

Damage Evolution Analysis of RC Frames Structure Induced by Mining and Earthquakes

【作者】 张春礼

【导师】 于广明;

【作者基本信息】 青岛理工大学 , 结构工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国煤炭资源丰富,煤田众多,特别是华东、华北、东北及西南各省区,大小煤矿十分密集,且与城镇、道路、水系紧密相连。中国又是一个多地震的国家,几乎所有大城市都位于地震设防区域。随着我国现代化进程的不断发展,正确进行建筑物的抗震-抗采动设计是一个十分重要且紧迫的课题,而掌握建筑物在采动及地震双重作用下的损伤演化规律则是解决问题的关键所在。为此,本文依托国家自然科学基金项目(名称:地震区煤矿采动建筑物双重保护的基础理论研究,编号:50804026),从采动及地震对地表建筑物的危害性出发,在已有研究的基础上建立了杆系高层钢筋混凝土框架结构模型,通过大型通用有限元软件ANSYS予以实现,并进行了采动作用分析、地震作用分析及采动-地震耦合作用分析。主要内容如下:(1)介绍了本课题的研究背景及意义;综述了当前采动、地震对地表建筑物影响的研究现状;提出了运用损伤观点研究钢筋混凝土结构在地震及采动作用下破坏过程的思想方法;(2)探讨了钢筋混凝土结构弹塑性分析中所用的各种结构分析模型、单元分析模型、恢复力模型、损伤模型及各种结构地震反应分析方法,并对比分析了不同模型及分析方法的优劣;(3)详细讨论了采动对地表建筑物的影响机理,重点介绍了采动引起的地表变形对上部建筑物结构的损伤影响特点;(4)采用简化的三折线等向强化滞回模型及三维空间杆系模型建立钢筋混凝土框架结构整体计算模型,并采用动力时程分析法作为地震反应分析方法;(5)通过ANSYS分析了采动对钢筋混凝土框架结构的影响,获得了采动过程中随着地表变形结构中构件内力的分布及变化规律;(6)通过ANSYS对处于采动不同影响阶段的建筑物进行了地震作用下的动力时程分析,得到了钢筋混凝土结构在采动及地震双重作用下各种位移值、时程曲线及塑性铰的发展变化规律;(7)采用钢筋混凝土结构整体损伤分析模型,通过ANSYS分析得到了结构在采动及地震作用下各个阶段的损伤指标,得出了钢筋混凝土框架结构的损伤演化规律。

【Abstract】 In our country, the resources of coal are rich and extensive, especially east china, north china and all provinces of southwest china have a lot of coal mines, which are close together with cities and towns. Earthquakes in China are also frequent, and almost all large cities are located at seismic areas. With the continuous development of our country’s modernization, it is a very important and urgent topic to study how to do the anti-mining and anti-seismic design of RC frame structures. It is a key to resolve the problem that mastering the rules of damage evolution of RC frames induced by both mining and earthquakes. Therefore, relying on the natural science foundation (The Foundation theory research on the double protects to the structures from the earthquakes and the mining), proceeding from constructions’ harmfulness from mining and earthquakes, based on the existed theory, the beam column element model of RC frame structure is set up in the paper by ANSYS. Then through ANSYS mining influence, earthquake influence and coupling effect of both all are analyzed. The main contents as following:(1) Research background and meaning of the paper are firstly introduced; The effect to construction from mining and earthquake are summarized; It is put forward to study the destroy process in the mining and earthquake by the viewpoint of damage theory.(2) All kinds of structural analysis model, element model, restoring force model, damage model and structure seismic response analysis method are discussed, and comparative analysis is done to decide the better or worse.(3) The mechanism of mining effect to construction is discussed in detail. It is emphasised on damage characters.(4) Based on the second chapter theory, simplified trilinear kinematic hardening hysteretic model and the three-dimensional beam element are adopt to set up the entire mathematical model of the structure. Moreover, Time-History dynamic method is chosen as structure seismic response analysis method. (5) The effect from mining to construction is analyzed by the software of ANSYS, then change and distribution rule of internal force is get in the process of earth deformation caused by mining.(6) Through the Time-History dynamic analysis to the damaged RC frames at each stage of mining process, the change and development rules for all kinds of displacements, time-history curves and plastic hinges are obtained.(7) Adopted the simplified integral damage models, it is obtained that damage indexes of every stage in the processing of earthquake and mining, then the rules of damage under different degree of mining effect and earthquake are concluded.


