

The Study on Hydrological Geolgogy Condition and Ground-Water Inrush Discipline of Gaoyang Iron Mine

【作者】 周印章

【导师】 贺可强;

【作者基本信息】 青岛理工大学 , 地质工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 金属矿产资源的短缺已经成为了国家经济发展的瓶颈,矿山的地下水问题是制约金属矿产能否安全开采的关键。本文以“十一五”国家科技支撑计划课题“复杂富水矿床开采关键技术开发与研究”为依托,以典型复杂富水矿床高阳铁矿为研究对象,对矿区水文地质条件、矿床突水风险及地下水对围岩稳定性的影响进行了从整体到局部的系统性分析和从定性化到定量化逐步深入的研究,为解放铁矿-285m水平矿体和地下水防治工作提供了理论性和实际性的指导作用。具体研究成果如下:1、矿区水文地质条件定性研究:运用系统论的观点分析了高阳铁矿所在淄博盆地的水文地质条件。在充分了解和分析矿区地质和水文地质的基础上,把淄博盆地按三个级别分为:淄博盆地一级水文地质单元、金岭矿区二级水文地质单元和高阳矿区三级水文地质单元。首先探讨各单元的边界条件、地下水的补给、径流、排泄等运移规律;然后从整体性、结构性、层级性和开放性四个系统观点分析了各单元和单元之间的联系和相互之间的关系;最后在系统论的指导下对高阳铁矿的地下水防治问题提出了几点建意,基本确定了矿坑涌水水源和地下水运移规律。2、矿床突水风险性半定量研究:以模糊数学为评判工具,对高阳铁矿矿体范围内地下水突水风险性进行模糊综合评价。首先选取了16个评价指标,通过专家打分法确定各指标的权重,并结合矿坑的实际情况确定分级标准;然后在分析矿坑巷道的打通情况和穿脉分布的基础上,把矿坑分为7个评价单元,并对各单元评价指标进行实际付值,获得各单元的评价矩阵;最后通过模糊综合评判的方法计算出各评价单元的隶属度,最终确定评价单元的突水风险性强弱,获得两个突水风险强区、两个突水风险较强区、两个突水风险弱区和一个突水风险中等区,并对评价结果进行分析,为高阳铁矿下一步地下水防治和采矿掘进提供指导性建议。3、巷道围岩稳定性定量研究:以有限元软件ANSYS为研究平台,对突水风险强区7号穿脉巷道围岩在地下水作用下对应力应变和稳定性的影响和变化规律,进行水-岩耦合三维数值模拟。首先深入分析7号穿脉的地质条件,建立地质模型;再通过抽象概化,建立计算模型;然后确定围岩参数和水-岩耦合下的软化区物理力学参数,通过ANSYS计算,得到模型结果;最后分析了考虑水-岩耦合和不考虑两种情况下,及在0m、12.5m、30.5m、75.5m、106.5m五种水压情况下的围岩位移、应力、应变、弹性应变和塑性应变的分布情况与变化规律,并评价了围岩稳定性,为高阳铁矿下一步注浆封堵和确定防水矿柱厚度提供数量化支持。除以上研究成果外,还取得了如下认识:1、通过对高阳铁矿半年多放水数据的处理,获得时间、涌水量和水压间的关系曲线,运用地下水动力学的基本理论对曲线的变化规律进行解析;选用合适的岩溶灰岩水的涌水量计算公式,通过最小二乘法求取相关参数,确定涌水量与地下水位之间的函数关系,并初步预测了不同地下水位时的单位涌水量。2、以前期抽水试验数据和放水试验数据为基础,通过比较矿区最大静水量和排水量之间的关系,探讨了高阳矿区三级水文地质单元内玉皇山断层的导通性,证明该断层在矿区范围内是导水的。3、以矿床充突水条件基本理论为指导,深入分析了高阳铁矿的突水条件,并确定了该铁矿的水文地质类型为矿体直接顶底板之一为层状岩溶含水层,另一为层状“隔”水层的岩溶水突水为主的水文地质复杂矿床。

【Abstract】 With the shortage of Metallic mineral resources having become the bottleneck of nation’s economic development, the ground-water problem of mine has turned into the crucial point of restricting the exploration of metal mineral resources security. Relying on the "the development and study on the crucial technology of exploring the complicated mine with large amount of water", one of the country’s "eleventh five years" supporting scientific and technological items, the thesis has researched on the typical complicated iron mine of Gaoyang with affluent ground water. The content of the paper has involved the hydrological geology condition of mine area, the water inrush risk of iron mine and the groundwater’s influence on the stability of wall rock. All these jobs have been analyzed from the whole to the part with systemic point and studied from the qualitative aspect to quantitative aspect gradually. The above research can provide the theoretical and practical help for liberating the iron mine of -285m water level and prevention and control ground water of Gaoyang iron mine. The detail as follows:1、The qualitative research on the hydrological geology condition of mine area: The hydrological geology condition of Zibo basin, where the Gaoyang iron mine lies in, has been analyzed by the systemic theory. Based on the geology and hydrology of mine area having been sufficiently understood and analyzed, the Zibo basin is divided into three grades: the first grade of hydrological geology unit of Zibo basin, the second grade of hydrological geology unit of Jinling iron mine and the third grade of hydrological geology unit of Gaoyang iron mine. At the beginning, the boundary condition and the movement laws of groundwater’s supply, run-off and discharge of every unit have been probed. Additionally, the relationship of every unit and the connection among them, have been analyzed with the systemic theory, such as unity, structural character, hierarchy nature and openness character. At last, some suggestions about the problem of groundwater prevention and control have been proposed, also led by the systemic theory, and the groundwater’ resource and movement laws of Gaoyang iron mine have been mainly found out. 2、The half quantitative research on inrush risk of iron mine ground water:The ground water inrush risk of Gaoyang iron mine in the ore body area has been comprehensively evaluated by the mathematic tool of fuzzy. First, sixteen evaluation indexes have been chosen and given the weight by the experts on ground water aspect. Combined by the actual situation of iron mine, the clarified norm has been defined. Second, the region of iron mine has been divided into seven units, based on having been analyzed the practical condition of laneway and the distribution of them. The evaluation matrix has been obtained through all the units given the actual value. Last, the membership of every unit has been calculated by the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, determining the risk degree of groundwater in the evaluation unit. Through all the above work, two units with high risk of ground water inrush, two units with moderate high risk of groundwater inrush, one unit with medium risk of groundwater inrush and two units with weak risk of groundwater inrush have been confirmed and these results have also been analyzed, providing instructive advice for the following prevention and control of ground water, iron ore mining and tunneling in Gaoyang iron mine.3、The quantitative research on the stability of laneway wall rock: The finite element software ANSYS has been applied to simulate three dimension modal of affection between groundwater and rock numerically. The simulation lies in the influence and changeable discipline of the stress, strain and stability, which the groundwater has acted on the wall rock in the number seven laneway, one of high inrush risk regions. In the first place, the geological modal has been built through having thoroughly analyzed the geological situation of number seven laneway, and the numerical modal has been constructed by means of abstraction and generalization of former one. Afterwards, the results of the modal have been calculated by the software of ANSYS, on the base of the defined parameters of wall rock and soften areas affected by the groundwater on the rock. At last, the distribution and changeable discipline of wall rock’s displacement, stress, strain, elastic strain and plastic strain have been analyzed on the situation of consideration and un-consideration of coupling between groundwater and rock, and on the circumstance of influence by the groundwater in five hydraulic pressures, including 0 meter, 12.5 meters, 30.5e meters, 75.5 meters and 106.5 meters. In the end, the stability of wall rock has been evaluated. All these study can provide numerical support for the grunting mortar and formulating thickness of jamb for preventing ground water breakthrough in the Gaoyang iron mine’s next project.Besides the above research and study, some cognitions have been gained, as follows:1、The relation curves among time, water inflow and pressure have been gotten through dealing with the water drainage experiment data of Gaoyang iron mine in nearly one half year. The changeable discipline of relation curve has been analyzed by the basic theory of groundwater dynamics. The calculation formula of water inflow has been chosen appropriately, aiming at tangling the problem of karst limestone water. The function relationship between water inflow and water level has been confirmed, in the premise that the parameters of the formula had been counted by the method of Minimum Square. The value of water inflow, along with different water levels has been forecasted preliminarily.2、In the basis of understanding the data of former water pump test and water drainage experiment, the relationship between maximum value of slack water and the displacement of groundwater, has been compared to analyze the continuity of Yuhangshan fault in the third grade hydrological geology unit of Gaoyang iron mine area. The fault has been proved to be a continuity one in the iron mine region.3、Led by the basic theory of inrush condition of mine area, the inrush situation of Gaoyang iron mine has been deeply analyzed. The type of Gaoyang iron mine has been defined to be a hydrological geology complicated one, with the one of wall rock being bedded karst water carrier, the other karst confining bed.


