

Study of Fracturing Technology in the Shallow Gas Reservoir of Xiao Helong Gas Field

【作者】 竭继忠

【导师】 刘振宇; 张应安;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 石油与天然气工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 气藏改造技术是低渗透气藏有效开发的手段,低渗透气田的低产特性决定了其难以直接达到经济开发的要求,只有通过水力压裂提高单井产能后才能显现工业开发价值。本论文研究针对吉林油田小合隆气田中浅层气藏,因油气层埋深浅自然产能低,对气藏进行压裂改造是必要的增产手段。从气藏精细研究入手,结合探井、评价井试油动静态资料和压裂试验及测试评价结果,结合开发井井网特点及个井上下隔层特点,地应力拟合技术指导了压裂设计中缝高优化,优化了压裂设计参数和规模。对中浅层砂岩气藏储层温度低(泉三段地温梯度4.75℃/100m,气层中部温度为32℃;泉一段地温梯度4.21℃/100m,气层中部温度52℃),研究低温破胶压裂液体系和清洁压裂液体系,降低了储层伤害。对投产作业工艺进行研究,形成的射孔、压裂及投产联作工艺技术。压裂后快速返排强制闭合的研究,减少支撑剂在井筒附近地带的沉积量,从而改善裂缝支撑剖面,获得较好效果。改进了针对气井压裂后生产地层返砂的预防措施--树脂陶粒防砂技术,满足了不同温度、不同固化时间的需求。经过课题的研究,形成了针对小合隆中浅气藏的压裂改造配套工艺技术,对吉林油田浅层天然气藏的开发提供了指导意义。

【Abstract】 Gas reservoir technology is an effective development mean of low permeability gas reservoir. The low-yielding low-permeability gas field properties directly determine its difficult to achieve the requirements of economic development,only through a single well hydraulic fracturing to enhance production capacity in order to show the value of industrial development.In this paper, a study of Xiao helong gasfield in the shallow gas reservoir, due to the depth of buried layer of natural oil and gas production capacity is low, gas reservoir fracturing is necessary to the production means. With the fine study of gas reservoir begin, combined with the exploration wells, the evaluation of oil well test data and static and dynamic fracture tests and test results, combined with the development of well pattern characteristics and the characteristics of a compartment under Inoue, fitting technical guidance to stress the design of the fracturing raphe high optimization, to optimize the design parameters and scale of fracturing. Of sandstone gas reservoir in the shallow reservoir of low temperature (25-45℃), breaking study of low-temperature plastic fracturing fluid system and clean fracturing fluid system and reduces formation damage. Operation of the production process to study the formation of the perforation, fracturing and production technology in conjunction to make. Fast-back after fracturing a mandatory closure of the study, to reduce the proppant in the wellbore near the deposition zone, thus improving the support section of the cracks. To obtain good results.Improved for the production of gas formation after fracturing sand back to the preventive measures -ceramsite sand resin technology to meet the needs of the different temperature and curing time requirements.After research the topic, forming a fracturing matching technology of Xiao helong shallow gas reservoir, Jilin Oilfield on the development of shallow natural gas to provide a guide.

  • 【分类号】TE377
  • 【下载频次】260

