

Study on Method of Well Pattern Adjustment of Taizhao Region and On-the-spot Experiment of Comprehensive Regulation

【作者】 贾宝龙

【导师】 尹洪军; 刘洪涛;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 石油与天然气工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 低渗透砂岩储层广泛发育于我国各含油气盆地之中,其资源量约占全国石油资源量的30%。低渗透砂岩由于比较致密,岩石的强度及脆性程度较大,因而在构造应力场作用下容易产生脆性破裂形成裂缝,据统计我国发育裂缝的低渗透砂岩储层约占低渗透储层的80%。裂缝即是储集空间,又是渗流通道,控制着油藏的渗流系统,因此,裂缝及其渗流网络系统研究是裂缝性油田合理开发的关键。因此,提高对低渗透砂岩储层裂缝的整体研究水平,扩大其动用储量,无疑将对我国石油工业的持续稳定发展和“稳定东部”的方针政策具有长远的战略意义。本文,针对该区注水开发过程中暴露出的主要矛盾,以肇212井区为例,应用油藏数值模拟技术开展了在现有井网基础上的加密调整研究,主要取得了以下成果。1.根据岩心、薄片和测井等资料的观察分析,并通过与其它典型裂缝性油田对比,台肇地区储层裂缝比较发育,裂缝是该区重要的渗流通道,影响着油田流体的渗流系统,对油田开发井网的部署或调整、注水效果分析和压裂改造等有重要的影响。2.裂缝对油田开发的影响包括油田开发井网部署、注水、人工压裂等方面。根据裂缝的分布特征及其在开发中所起作用和油藏数值模拟研究,矩形井网和菱形井网是这类低渗油田开发较为合理的井网。3.针对该区注水开发过程中暴露出的主要矛盾,以肇212井区(断块)为例,开展了现有井网加密调整的油藏数值模拟研究,结果表明:在原有注采井网基础上,在原井排对角线中点加密油井,转注原井网注水井的一对角井,形成与裂缝方向夹角为45o的反九点法井网。待新井网角井水淹后,转注,形成150m排距线性注水井网,效果较好,采收率有较大的提高。

【Abstract】 The low permeability sandstone reservoirs widely develop in petroliferous basins in our country, which account for 30% of the national petroleum resource. The low permeability sandstone is characterized by density, large rock strength and brittleness, so brittle fracture can be developed under tectonic stress field. According to statistics, the low permeability sandstone reservoirs with developed fractures account for 80% of the national low permeability sandstone reservoirs. Fractures are not only reservoir spaces, but also permeable channels, which control flow matrix of reservoir. And, the research on fracture and its seepage network system is the key to reasonable development of fracturing field. Therefore, improving the integral research level of fractures of low permeability sandstone reservoir and expanding producing reserves, absolutely have deep and great significance for sustainable and stable development of national petroleum industry and the policy of“stabilize east”. In this paper, aiming at the main contradiction existed in waterflooding process for this area, and taking Zhao 212 as an example, the study on infilled adjustment for the existing pattern have been carried out by use of reservoir numerical simulation. The following main outcome and conclusions are achieved.1.According to core, flake and logging data, compared with other typical fracturing field, the fractures in Taizhao reservoir develop well, and the fractures are important flow channels in this area, which influence on the flow matrix, the pattern arrangement and adjustment, the injection effectiveness analysis and fracturing operation.2.Fractures have influences on oilfield development, which include well-net array, water injection and hydraulic fracturing, etc. Based on the characteristic and function of fractures distribution, and reservoir numerical simulation, rectangular pattern and diamond shaped pattern are reasonable in the low permeability oilfield development.3.Aiming at the main contradiction existed in waterflooding process, and taking Zhao 212 as an example, the study on infilled adjustment for the existing pattern have been carried out by means of reservoir numerical simulation. The result shows that, based on the existing flooding well network, a production well is infilled at the center point of diagonal of initial well drain, and a diagonal well in initial injection wells is converted. Thus, inverted nine-spot injection pattern is produced, the angle between which and fracture is 45o. After water out of corner well in new well pattern, conversion can produce linear injection pattern with 150m row spacing. The effect is good, and the recovery ratio is greatly improved..

  • 【分类号】TE324
  • 【下载频次】214

