

Research on the Target-detection Algorithm of Track-association in Infrared Image Sequences and Its Hardware Realization

【作者】 阳芬

【导师】 常青;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 信息与通信工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着精确制导技术的发展和红外技术的进步,红外成像制导技术越来越受到研究人员的重视,红外序列图像中弱小目标检测技术是红外成像系统中的核心技术之一,研究运算量小、性能高、利于硬件实时实现的检测算法是当今和今后的一个热门问题。本文分析研究了一种适合硬件实现的序列图像目标轨迹关联检测算法。该算法在传统的轨迹关联算法基础上进行了改进,采用两步处理的方式实现目标检测。首先根据目标在序列图像中的运动特性,采用直线判别准则对目标与噪声点进行分离,然后利用最小二乘预测器对剩下的候选目标点进行轨迹预测,并对预测的轨迹进行匹配及置信度判断,最终检测出目标。本文在详细论述算法的基础上,提出了算法的整体结构,并根据实时性要求,对整个算法进行了FPGA硬件设计。文中详细论述了候选目标点筛选模块、轨迹预测模块、轨迹匹配模块等模块的设计思想及其实现方法,重点讲述了移位相加单元实现除法运算的方法,并围绕精确度问题进行了详细讨论且给出了解决方案。本文采用面向可综合的寄存器传输级设计方法完成电路设计,利用ModelSim仿真工具验证了设计的正确性。从综合结果看出,本文所提出的序列图像目标轨迹关联检测算法满足实时性要求,且消耗的硬件资源少,为红外弱小目标检测系统在单片FPGA上实现打下了良好的基础,对红外成像制导系统整体性能的提高有着重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 With the development of precision guidance technique and infrared technique, researchers are paying more and more attention to infrared imaging guidance technique.The technique of small infrared target detection is one of the key technologies in the system of infrared image information.So researching the detection algorithm of small calculation,high performance and less logic resource has been the subject of intense investigaion now and in the future.In this paper, a track-assosiation detection algorithm in IR image sequeences was studied which could be realized by hardware conveniently. Based on the traditional track-associated algorithm, this algorithm was made from two steps: Firstly, According to continuity and relativity of movement,targets were easily separated from noise by line-rule; secondly, the detection of target was performed by predicting target position by least-square algorithm and gliding confidence test.Based on the theoretically analyzed, in this paper the algorithm’s archtecture was presented. And in order to satisfy real-time requirement, an FPGA hardware realization solution to the detection algorithm was proposed. The main idea and realization of several modules such as target-filtration module, track-prediction module and track- macthing module, had been described in detail. Especially, the shift-add cell was analyzed which was used to realize multiplication and division in hardware. At the same time, the precision problem of the shift-add cell was discussed and also a solution was given .The hardware realization had been done with register. The validity of the design was verified by the ModelSim simulator. Theoretical analysis and simulations indicate that the design meets the real-time requirement and has simple structrue and less logic resource.This method make a solid foundation for the realization of infrared detection system on one piece of FPGA, and also make a sense of the improvement of infrared imaging system’s performance.


