

The Application of Micro Surfacing Technology on the Structure and Material of Tunnel Pavement

【作者】 李涵

【导师】 徐江萍;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 材料学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 由于各方面的原因,我国对隧道路面结构和材料的研究比较薄弱,隧道路面大多采用水泥混凝土路面,设计时通常套用隧道外公路或城市道路设计规范。已建的隧道水泥混凝土路面出现了诸如:剥落、断板、接缝破坏、抗滑性能差、平整度低、噪声大等问题,再者,路面积聚着一层类似油性的物质,隧道出入口处存在工况摩阻系数差异,严重影响了隧道通行能力和使用性能。本文在隧道路面工作环境和损害状况调查的基础上,总结了公路隧道路面特殊的工作性能要求;提出了隧道路面新的结构组合形式,即是贫混凝土基层水泥混凝土路面上加铺一层微表处;分析了此新型路面结构组合的优点和所需解决的问题;给出了隧道贫混凝土基层水泥混凝土路面的设计方法,包括设计参数确定、荷载应力计算以及设计依据三个方面,并验证加长水泥混凝土板横缝间距的合理性;研究了公路隧道内噪声特性,并针对微表处“车内噪声”较大,从沥青用量、集料、施工工艺以及改性乳化沥青的可拌和时间等方面考虑解决措施;借鉴SMA理论思想,改良普通微表处混合料用于隧道路面,提出高油石比微表处混合料的概念;通过室内试验,提出掺加纤维和废旧橡胶粉组成的复合稳定剂方法,增加微表处混合料用油量,同时提高其耐磨性能、耐久性能以及降低噪声等路用性能;尝试了间断级配微表处混合料的试验;强调隧道防排水设计的重要性,尤其是路槽以下的防排水设计。充分挖掘这种新型结构组合形式在隧道路面上的发展潜能,更可以促进我国微表处技术的进步,弥补我国由于各种原因造成对隧道内路面材料和结构研究不足的问题,一定程度上为国内的相关标准规范的完善提供技术支持。

【Abstract】 As various aspects reason, the study of the tunnel pavement structure and the material is weak in China. Mostly, there are cement concrete pavement in tunnel, and the design mechanically applies outside tunnel pavement or the urban road design standard. The constructed cement concrete pavement in tunnel appeared damages, such as, flaking, the joint destroys, the smoothness lowly, the big noise and so on. Moreover, the surface is agglomerating greasy matter, and the access appears different frictional coefficient which affected the tunnel pavement performance.Based on the investigation of tunnel pavement working conditions, the paper summarized the special pavement request in tunnel, proposed a new pavement structure, which is micro-surfacing paved on cement concrete pavement. And the new pavement structure has much superiority, but some problems. The paper produced lean concrete base and cement concrete surface design method in tunnel, including the design parameter, computation of stress as well as the design basis, and suggested long the cement concrete slab transverse joint spacing. Profiting from the SMA theory thought, through the massive experiments, it proposed the method, which is fiber and rubber powder improve micro-surfacing mixture performance. Moreover, it emphasized the draining design in tunnel.Finally, the kind of new pavement structure may promote our country micro-surfacing technology progress, and make up the research on the pavement of structure and material in tunnel. In the certain degree, it provides the technical support for the standard improvement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 03期
  • 【分类号】U416.2;U414
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】297
  • 攻读期成果

