

The Research of Glass Fiber Grid Interlayer between the Asphalt Overlay and Old Portland Cement Concrete Pavement

【作者】 李善强

【导师】 王选仓;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 旧水泥混凝土路面加铺沥青薄层可以延长道路的使用寿命、改善路面平整度、行车舒适且维修方便,使得这种结构在道路功能性维修中运用越来越广泛。而且根据预测,我国水泥混凝土路面维修与改造的高峰期即将到来。防治反射裂缝是世界关注的一大路面课题。本文从力学原理出发,结合室内试验,研究了玻纤格栅作为抗裂材料的路用性能及其施工方法。本文以北京-福州国道G104徐州机场路实体工程为背景,主要进行了以下四个方面的研究工作:(1)层间力学特性。根据G104加铺沥青薄层的典型结构,运用ANSYS分析在荷载作用下层间荷载应力及弯沉差;在温度作用下层间温度应力及弯沉差;温度和荷载的耦合作用下,层间的工作特性。运用BISAR程序分析层间最大剪切应力,分别考虑连续接触和分离接触情况下剪切应力分布的不同状态。(2)设玻纤格栅沥青加铺层层间稳定性试验研究。通过剪切试验、拉拔试验研究玻纤格栅防裂层的抗剪强度和年节强度随原有路面表面状况,试验温度以及试验速率的变化关系,研究了夹层的水稳定性(3)通过疲劳试验,进一步验证了玻纤格栅的抗裂效果。(4)研究玻纤格栅防裂层的施工工艺,提出较优的施工流程。

【Abstract】 The Asphalt concrete overlay(ACO) are used widely in the reconstruction engineering of Old Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (OPCCP) for its good evenness, comfortable to drive, easy and quick to construct, at the same time , It can prolong the life of the road . Because the old concrete pavement can’t bear shearing stress and tensile stress at joint or crack, On which asphalt overlay is liable to damage and induce reflection crack by cyclic temperature stress and wheel loads. With the time going the reflective cracking keep on expanding for cyclic traffic and environment loads. So roughness and pavement performance are reduced.The paper studies mainly on four aspects: (1) The anti-cracking mechanism of several new overlay types is analyzed, and the 3-D Finite Element Modeling (FEM) and BISAR are used to analyze the ACO stress in response to different ACO modulus and thickness, and foundation modulus under traffic loading and thermal loading. The loading stress, thermal stress, and coupled stress in ACO structures are emphatically analyzed, considering the ACO with glass fiber grid layer. (2) By pavement performance’s tests of the asphalt mixtures, the shearing strength and the bond strength of glass fiber grid interlayer between ACO and OPCCP is studied, as well as water stability. (3) Validate the resistibility of the glass fiber grid interlayer through fatigue experiments.(4) Research the construction procedures of the interlayer.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】U414
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】187

