

The Research and Application of Asphalt Treated Permeable Base

【作者】 周亮

【导师】 张争奇;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 进入路面结构内部的自由水是造成或加速路面结构损坏的首要原因,在路面结构内部设置排水基层是消除水对路面结构影响的有效措施,可以改善路面的使用性能,延长道路使用寿命,有着较好的经济效益与社会效应。沥青稳定碎石透水基层是路面结构排水的重要组成部分,利用BISAR程序计算,分析路面结构层底拉应力变化,推荐出设置沥青稳定碎石透水基层合理路面结构形式及沥青稳定碎石透水基层最低模量值。参考国内外透水基层级配,推荐出符合我国国情的级配范围,改进排水基层沥青混合料设计方法。本文通过室内试验,测定沥青稳定碎石透水基层材料的抗压回弹模量,为ATPB路面结构设计提供依据。针对沥青稳定碎石透水基层的排水功能性,开发室内渗透系数测试仪,建立渗透系数回归公式。为了保证排水基层不因为水在行车荷载的作用下发生剥落影响其耐久性,采用浸水马歇尔和冻融劈裂试验对沥青混合料水稳定性进行评价。针对透水基层的稳定性要求,进行高温性能检验并探讨试验温度对高温性能的影响。最后通过沥青稳定碎石透水基层试验路的铺筑,对现场施工工艺进行控制与研究,为我国进一步推广沥青稳定碎透水基层积累了经验。

【Abstract】 Many domestic and foreign pavement investigations and experiences show that the water that gets into the internal pavement is the crucial reason for pavement distress or distress acceleration. Therefore, the permeable base as a part of the structure could drain the water stored in the pavement in order to extend the service period and improve the invest benefit and social impact.ATPB plays an important role in pavement drainage system. There are not any domestic researches onstructure analysis of ATPB. Associated with domestic andforeign research results, finishing a great deal of laboratory tests, the relationship between ATPB composition and performance has been studied in this paper, thegradation range in which the ATPB has a qualified performance has been recommended and the ATPB design method has also been established. Furthermore, the pavement performance about drainage ability, moisture susceptibility and high temperature stable performance has been studied. In addition, paving the test section, the construction technique and quality control has been studied and improved which accumulate the experience and promote the application of ATPB in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期
  • 【分类号】U416.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】168

